"I still don't think we're going to lose."

Tezuka's heavy lenses flashed with a hint of essence.

The momentum of him and the traces began to collide in this small space.

The rest of the people present also felt the qi and machine confrontation between these two people, and many of them looked grim.

They got a glimpse of the strength of Jibu and Tezuka, both of whom are so strong!

"Why is it so lively here?"

Suddenly, a slightly feminine voice broke the deadlock between Tezuka and Jibe.

Kimuraji glanced back, and it was actually Guan Yue, this guy who had no eyes.

Didn't he see that this was a tripartite talk?

Guan Yue actually dared to bring a group of people from St. Rudolph to them.

"Hmph! Tezuka, tomorrow I'm waiting for you in singles! If you can last until singles! Trace

snorted coldly, and then left with the Ice Emperor's people.

The Ice Emperor's team was vast, and a long dragon could not see its head at a glance.

"Nagimura, let's leave first."

Tezuka signaled to Kimuraji and left with everyone from the young school.

Tomorrow they will face off against the Ice Emperor, and that is a hard bone.

So they had to go back for a temporary combat meeting first.

Soon, the people of Qingxue and the Ice Emperor were gone, and the scene was a lot empty at once.

Kimuraji glanced at the beginning of the month and then turned and left, not even the slightest hint of wanting to greet.

"Moon watching... You seem to have been ignored!

Yanagisawa looked at the four weeks that were all gone in an instant and blurted out.


However, Guan Yue's "murderous" gaze made him realize at once that he seemed to have said the wrong thing.

Didn't he add fuel to the fire in Guan Yue's heart?

After all, he couldn't know what kind of person Guan Yue was.

That's a very proud man.

Now that he was blown by the mountain one after another, Qingxue and the people of the Ice Emperor ignored it, and Yanagisawa didn't even need to think much to know that Guan Yue's heart must be full of anger now.

"Kimuraji! We'll see! Guan

Yue hatefully dropped a sentence.

Although he was ignored by Jibu, Tezuka and Kimuraji one after another, it was clear that he had a preconceived idea of superimposing all his hatred on Kimuraji.

Who called the two of them in conflict.


"Who was that guy just now?"

On the way back, Kentaro Minami suddenly remembered the guy who had just dared to interrupt Tezuka's confrontation with Jibe.

Could it be that what kind of hidden boss is it?

"He's the one who got us in trouble before."

Kimuraji looked out the car window at the scenery that kept receding.

"What do you mean?"

Kentaro Minami didn't understand what Kimuraji meant.


Are they in any trouble?

"Didn't we meet some schools that targeted us? Their information was given by Guan Yue, just that person.

Kimuraji turned around and said lightly.

"Does this guy have a feud with us?"

Dongfang Yamei is a little strange, there is nothing to blow against them.

It's understandable to collect their information and target it, but sending it to other schools is blatantly disgusting.

"Sort of."

Kimuraji shrugged indifferently.

"Looks like tomorrow's game will be a bit interesting?"

Chiseki said with a smile.

"Eh... Maybe, but don't be too nervous. They are unlikely to be our opponents. "

Although Guan Yue does have some ability, his data tennis is only a half-hanger.

To win over them with those people of St. Rudolph is still a bit whimsical.



Tokyo Central Tennis Garden.

The semifinals of this year's Tokyo Metropolitan Government Competition officially began.

Yamabuki Middle School VS St. Rudolph Gakuen, Seishun Gakuen VS Ice Emperor Gakuen.

These two matches were played almost at the same time, but most people preferred this match between Youth Academy and Ice Emperor Academy.

Without him, the audience just wanted to see a great showdown.

The popularity of St. Rudolph's Academy is so low that such a little-known school against last year's national championship has made many people lose interest in this competition.

This game is no longer in suspense for many people.

As a result, Minami Kentaro and others were surprised to find that the number of people around them seemed to be much smaller today.

The noise coming from the stadium next door was much livelier than theirs.

"We meet again, Kimura-san!"

Today's Guan Yue was particularly excited, and he could finally take the enemy with his hands.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"I hope you can laugh later."

Kimuraji said a little casually.

St. Rudolph?

That simply cannot be the enemy of the current Yamabuki.

"It seems that Kimura-san is very confident!"

A sharp look flashed in Kangetsu's eyes, and he could clearly feel Kimuraji's contempt for him.

"Your pride and arrogance will be your grave! Kimuraji! Guan

Yue said sarcastically in his heart.

"The semifinals of this Tokyo Metropolitan Competition will begin, Yamabuki Middle School vs. St. Rudolf Gakuen Doubles No. 2."

"From Yamabuki Junior High School Ibu Shinji, Kamio Akira against St. Rudolf Gakuen Kigenzu Ryo, Kisara Tsujun."


"Just play normally, neither of them will be your opponent."

Kimuraji patted Fukaji and Kamio on the shoulders.


Fukaji and Kamio nodded heavily.

They feel great expectations from Kimuraji, and they will spare no effort for this.

Repay Kimuraji for the importance he regards them.

On the other hand, Guanlu also has some headaches.

Fukaji and Kamio were a blind spot for him, a blind spot through and through.

Kangetsu had too little information about Fukaji and Kamio, and he didn't know where Kimuraji found these two first years.

Although the people of Akiyama Sanjung had caused Yamabuki some trouble before, it had almost no effect on Fukaji and Kamio.

Because Kangetsu can't give Akiyama Sanchu information about Fukaji and Kamio.

"You try to drag them down first, let me find out their weaknesses first."

Kanjue Yue can only let the Kisarazu brothers act first.

He is still quite confident in these two twin brothers who he poached from the Hexagonal High School.

The strength of Ryo Kisarazu and Jun Kisarazu is not weak, plus the advantage of the twin brothers in doubles.

Guan Yue guessed that the two of them would not be able to even take down the two first grades.

"Don't worry, wrap it around us."

Kisarazu nodded.

In his opinion, it is not a matter of his brothers to deal with the two first-grade brothers.

Under the referee's signal, both sides stepped onto the court in unison.

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