"Senior Mukaihi!"

Hiyoshiruo shouted, and the people of Hiyoshi immediately understood.

I saw the people of Hiyoshi quickly leaning towards Hiyoshiruo, and then jumped up and stepped on Hiyoshiruo's spread hands.

Seeing this, Hiyoshiruo raised his hands vigorously and sent Hiyoshiruo into the air.

The ball that Fukaji increased the upper-spin arc was still intercepted by the Himawari who flew like a harrier swallow with a stunt shot.


"This game was scored by the Ice Emperor Gakuen Mukaiyuki people, Hiyoshiruo group, the score was 4:3."


The fierce match has once again temporarily ended, and in the past few games, the two sides have shown their due standards.

The previously defeated school teams were all impressed by the superb level displayed by both sides.

They don't lose unjustly.

However, compared with these losers in the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition, Sanada and Yanagi see something a little more profound.

Especially the data master Liu Lianer, he even saw the loopholes on both sides of the field at once.

Putting aside the strength of the Ice Emperor's Xiangriyue and Hiyoshiruo, there is almost no tacit understanding between these two, and the cooperation on the spot depends on oral language or eyes, gestures to communicate.

Such a doubles combination is almost substandard in their Lihai University.

And these two first-grade newcomers from Yamabuki, although they cooperate better than these two individuals of the Ice Emperor.

But the experience of the game is still lacking, and some options in handling the ball are still somewhat lacking.

Liu Lianer, who put down the information book in her hand, was relieved in her heart.

Although these two first-year students in Yamabuki Middle School are the best choice in terms of strength and talent, their current combat power is obviously not comparable to last year's third-grade ace doubles combination.

This year, they have a lot to offer.

Kimuraji looked at Fukaji and Yuta on the field with a smile on his face.

He had found out, spotted the full cooperation of these two little guys.

Although the two sides seem to be evenly matched on the field now, the seeds that killed the game have long been buried.

In the eighth game, it was Yuta's turn to serve.


His side-spin serve is more rapid than Fukaji's, and although the angle of the chasing ball is well controlled, it is also sharp.

The people of Himawari had already figured out a way to deal with these two first-grade side-spin serves, that is, relying on their own stunts to adjust the angle of the return shot.

The jumping low-altitude volley on the flat ground was also inspired by the Hinatsuki people from Eiji Kikumaru.

However, his counterattack was also expected by Yuta and Fukashi, and he saw that Fukaji in front of the net had already flashed on the trajectory of the tennis ball flying upside down in two steps.


The racket pressed quickly, and Fukaji's drop in front of the net was quite a real pass from Kentaro Minami.

Fast, accurate, and ruthless at the same time the landing point and the angle of the bounce are also very perfect.

Hiyoshiruo did not dare to slack off in the slightest, and this ball would not have been easy to cope with if it had not been countered earlier.

With his legs bent, Hiyoshiru lowered his center of gravity a bit.

Then he swung his arm and aimed his racket at the bouncing tennis ball, which is not a strong topspin high ball at this angle.

If you are not careful, you risk hanging the net or being intercepted twice by the other party.

Yuta in the backcourt facing Hiyoshiruo's strong topspin high ball did not mean to smash, and a golden arc of light went straight into the sky like a rainbow bridge.

Yuta chose to salute the opponent with a bottom-line high hanging ball that also has a strong topspin.







"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Itake Shinji, Fuji Yuta group, the ratio was 4:4."


Soon, this game also came to an end.

So far, neither side has been able to break the other's serve.

However, as the game draws closer and closer, the game will inevitably become more intense.


Hiyoshiru's jump-and-kill serve based on martial arts is amazingly powerful, and it is also a gift he carefully prepared for Ibu Shenji.

This ball slammed into the racket in Ibu's hand, and the tennis ball kept hitting the racket in Ibu's hand.

As if you want to drill it through.

A moment later, with the power of Fukaji's wrist, this ball was strongly blasted out by it.

Hiyoshiru once again took the pose of his manipulating soldiers, and for him this is the essence of his martial arts posture.

But this time, the racket in his hand was directly knocked out the moment it collided with the tennis ball.

After circling in the air a few times, it smashed heavily on the ground on the sidelines.

"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Itake Shinji, Fuji Yuta, 15:0."


"The Japanese guitar missed?"

Shinobu's brows furrowed slightly.

Hiyoshi hadn't seen Hiyoshi make such a mistake since Hiyoshiro started playing in his own best position at Sakaki Taro's suggestion.

If you can't even hold the racket steadily, then what else to play.


Trace also sensed that something was wrong, and he lifted his left hand and pressed it against the wing of his nose.

The deep gaze in his eyes looked straight at Hiyoshiru's hand.

It was really seen by the traces, but he was a little unsure.

We'll have to look at it again.

Hiyoshiru, who was relieved, rubbed his wrists and palms, and if he remembered correctly, this happened with the last ball in the last time he played his opponent.



The two sides met again, and a moment later with a high-speed cut from Fukaji.

While trying to return the ball, Himawari suddenly found that his right hand was unconscious.

Although it was only for a brief moment, this ball also hit the racket in the hands of the Himawari people.

"So that's the case..."

This time Trace could already confirm the guess in his heart.

He didn't expect that Yamabuki's two first-year students could actually do such a thing, and such a skill suddenly reminded him of the son of the god of Kanagawa Prefecture.

"Traces, do you see something?"

Seeing this, Shinobu quickly asked.

He also wants to know what happened to Hiyoshiru and Himawari.

I wonder what these two people from Yamabuki did to make Hiyoshiru and Himawatake make mistakes one after another.

"The opponent constantly alternates the use of the topspin ball and the downspin ball, and Himawari and Hiyoshi's wrists unconsciously accumulate a lot of burden in the process of receiving the ball. When this burden is detonated by the other party, there will be a temporary loss of touch. Trace's

insight had almost become more or less about the situation on the field, and he was keenly aware of Fukaji's temporary paralysis technique.

This extremely deep hidden means can be said to kill people invisibly.

"Sense of touch disappears?!"

Shinobu Yuji and Chotaro and the others were shocked.

Maybe Shotaro didn't know, but Shinobu knew that there were indeed people who could do this.

That is Seiichi Yukimura, the son of the god of Tachikai.

In other words, Yamabuki's first grade did the same thing as Seiichi Yukimura?!

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