Yuta's excellent foot strength is also put to good use in doubles.

The speed at which he could fill the position would not be much slower than that of Hiyoshiru and Himawari.

The rapid running made the hem of the Yamabuki uniform on his body hunt.

Yuta's footsteps paused instantly, and then the racket quickly pressed forward.


The speed of this ball was not fast, but the sharp sound of breaking the air made Himawada and Hiyoshiruo frown again.

This kind of sudden braking step was learned from Yakuzu, and Yuta was like a sponge constantly absorbing the strengths of the seniors around him.

Such a special talent Kimuraji was also discovered later in Yuta's body.

Although the people of Himawada were already very careful, how could he, who was not good at handling spinning balls, be able to parry the double spinning attack of Fukaji and Yuta.

The racket in the hands of the Himawari man flew out upside down again, and the frame made of composite material collided with the ground with a crisp sound.

"This game was scored by Yuta Yamabuki Junior High School, and Fukaji Itake scored 5:4."

"The two sides change the field!"


"This is bad, it was actually broken by the other party at this time..."

said the Shinobu Yushi lightly.

The next game is the opponent's serve, match point plus serve.

This double pressure endured and did not know if Himawari and Hiyoshi could carry it.

The traces were calm.

For him, this doubles game can win the best, and if he can't win, it won't get in the way.

The real key is the doubles one and singles three matches that follow.

On the other hand, Sanada and Liu Lianji did not care much about the victory or defeat of the Ice Emperor.

They are concerned about the temporary paralysis that Ibu Shinji and Yuta have reached together.

"I didn't expect these two first-year students from Yamabuki to have such talents."

After a moment of silence, Liu Lianer said slowly.

Techniques such as temporary paralysis were no strangers to him and Sanada, and Yukimura did far better than the two first-year arrivals.

But Liu Lianer saw an infinitely bright future in these two first-grade bodies.

Arismura Ji would never let these two first years sink into ruins.

This is undoubtedly a great threat to the future of Lihai University.

Thinking of this, Liu Lianer looked at Kirihara beside him, and Kirihara's eyes were full of solemnity at this time.

The pride and arrogance of the past have long been receded.

Liu Lianji nodded secretly, hoping that Kirihara could become stronger after feeling the pressure.

The future of Lihai Da depends on Kirihara's, but this year, these seniors will naturally support a piece of the sky for Kirihara.


"Yamabuki! Yamabuki!

"One more round! One more round! The

surrounding people supporting Yamabuki shouted enthusiastically, as if they had seen the scene of Fukaji and Yuta's victory.

Such a shout of the mountain tsunami made the already nervous Himawada and Hiyoshiruo even more irritable.

Usually, this kind of home field advantage is in their hands by the Ice Emperor Academy.

But without him, it is the mountain that now has the advantage.

On the field.

Fukaji gently patted the tennis ball in his hand, his face almost as if he was wearing a ceramic mask.

There was no change in expression at all.

For him, this game is going to be a complete win.


The whistling tennis ball carried a side-spin spin, and after landing, the arc of light bounced down Hiyoshiruo's backhand area.

The more this point comes, the more powerful Fukaji and Yuta's sidespin serve becomes.

Hiyoshiruo quickly adjusted his position, but his reaction was already a beat slower, and although he successfully hit back this side-spin serve from Fukaji, this ball was not of any quality.

A flash of essence flashed in Yuta's eyes, this is a good opportunity!

After two simple runs, he jumped directly sideways, holding the racket in his arm and leaning out and clasping it heavily.


A rapid roar exploded from mid-air, and this ball instantly shot down from mid-air.


A beam of golden light exploded in the bottom corner of Hiyoshiruo's farthest end.


Hiyoshiruo stopped the steps he had just taken, and if it weren't for the intense consumption of physical strength, he would definitely be able to catch up with this goal.

"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Itake Shinji, Fuji Yuta-gumi, 15:0."


"It's over..."

Although it is a bit ruthless to say this, Liu Lianer's judgment based on data cannot be wrong.

The downspin balls that Fukaji and Yuta hit from time to time forced Hidatake and Hiyoshi to have to crouch on their knees in order to fight back, and the constant knee bending made their physical strength more than usual.

And the burden on the knees is heavier.

The game entered the final set, and Yamabuki's two first-year grades not only led in terms of score, but also in terms of morale and physical strength.

Liu Lianer did not think that the Ice Emperor Academy still had the possibility of turning over.

Yuta sprinted out on tiptoe again, and after experiencing the training in Chiba Prefecture, he not only improved his explosive power, but even his physical strength had been refined very abundantly.

He could play another ten rounds.

"Lightning Half-Volley!"

This electric flint ball directly passed through the defense of the Himawari and Hiyoshiruo.

The wave of qi that was set off was belated, and Xiangyue and Hiyoshiruo lowered their arms weakly.

They lost....

"At the end of the match, by Yamabuki Junior High School Itake Shinji, Fuji Yuta Group won, the score is 6:4."



"Yamabuki! Yamabuki! The

scene left in a heat wave frenzy, and everyone applauded and cheered for the two first-year students of Yamabuki.

Their performance deserves this honor.

"Yuta, you're doing a great job."

Fuji also applauded his younger brother, and in his heart, as a first-year student, Yuta's performance in this scene was impeccable.

"Well done! Fukaji, Yuta! Kimura

also gave his own applause when Fukaji and Yuta left the court.

Being able to defeat the combination of Himawari and Hiyoshiru will undoubtedly boost the confidence in the hearts of Fukaji and Yuta.

This is a great thing for their progress in the future.

The end of the scene, Himawada and Hiyoshiru, after experiencing some criticism from Sakaki Taro, ended with a look of remorse and bitterness.

They sensed that it was too late for Fukaji and Yuta to be temporarily paralyzed.

By then they could not avoid the temporary paralysis taking effect.

And that's the biggest problem Sakaki points out about them, not being calm enough and not focused enough when playing.

"South, East, it's time for you to play."

Kimuraji looked at Kentaro Minami and Masamido Dongfang who had returned from warm-up.

"Wrap it around us."

Second-year Kentaro Minami and Masami Oriental are quite confident.

Having experienced the baptism of last year's national competition, they took over the title of Yamabuki's strongest ace doubles combination this year.

They will definitely become the strongest tag team in the country.

Their opponents are, Takahiro Kawaji and Chotaro Hoho.

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