"I know you're having a headache right now, so I'm going to take you out for a period of training."

Kan Tian also looked at everyone with a smile and said.


"Really, Elder Companion!"

"Yay! Spring outing! Spring outing! "

The little social office suddenly fell into a sea of celebration, everyone had long been tortured by this group of elusive spies, and now the companion actually said that he would take them out for training, which is simply wonderful.

The next morning, a bus loaded with everyone from the tennis club of Yamabuki Middle School slowly pulled out of the gate of Yamabuki Middle School, this time to Karuizawa.

In the car.

"There is really a way for the companion to find a place where we can train in such a short time."

Kentaro Minami was a little excited, this was the first time he had hiked with so many people.

"That said! And it's still in a high-class area like Karuizawa! Oriental

Yami sat by the window, looking at the receding scenery with excitement on her face.


Kan Tian also smiled and said nothing, this time the venue was not chosen by him.

The bus could not go up the mountain, so they had to be sent to the bottom of the mountain, and luckily the destination was not far from the bottom of the mountain.

"Let's go! GO GO GO! Minami

Kentaro dragged Masami Dongfang up the mountain, and Kanya Fuda coughed and drank him.

"Wait a minute, there are still no people who have arrived."

"Anyone else hasn't arrived?"

Everyone looked at it, didn't everyone in the tennis department of their Yamabuki Middle School already arrive? What kind of special guest is it?

Not long after, another bus approached, and a group of people got out of the car and walked towards them.

"Sorry, we're late."

Ryuzaki Jin led Tezuka and the others to Yamabuki and the others.

"It's okay, thank you for the invitation, Coach Ryuzaki."

Kan Tian also said with a smile.

"Your... Invite? "

The people of Yamabuki Middle School suddenly fell, feeling that this time they came to rub others?

"Kimura, please give me more advice this time."

Tezuka said as he came to Kimura.


Kimuraji said while glancing at Ryuzaki Jin and Kanya Tanda, how could he remember that the relationship between these two people did not seem to be very good, this time Ryuzaki Jin would actually invite them to train together.

The group walked up the mountain under the leadership of Ryuzaki Jin, and soon came to a "villa" in the lush mountains and forests.

"This... And here it is! "

Located in Karuizawa... Target! "


Everyone's jaws were shocked, this shabby, quaint building in front of them was the villa lent to her by a friend in Ryuzaki Jin's mouth?!

"How can this look be called a villa! That's!

Kikumaru swallowed, how could this "villa" in front of him look so gloomy.

"Is it too late for me to regret it now?"

Minami Kentaro silently took half a step back, he really regretted it.

"Stop picking and choosing!"

Long Qi Jin said disapprovingly.

What is already a free thing, how good can you expect it?

"That said, we didn't come to Karuizawa to play anyway!"

Dashi looked at everyone.

"It looks like there are ghosts here!"

Buji said with a slight smile.

"Ghost !!"

Minami Kentaro immediately ran behind Kimuraji and shivered, he was most afraid of ghosts.

"Okay, don't make any trouble. Hurry up and drop off your bags, change into your tracksuits, and we'll start practicing right away! Ryuzaki

Jin clapped his hands, and then pushed open the door of the villa with Tana Gan.

Walking into the villa, it was surprisingly clean. Long Qi Jin had already asked her friend to hire someone to clean up the place.

"Drink! Drink! Qianshi

Qingchun pulled the room of their mountain blowing everyone, but he didn't expect that the door didn't move.

"I said Senseki, you are too inferior, right?"

Minami Kentaro chuckled and motioned for Chiseki to get out of the way and let him come.

Chiseki shrugged his shoulders and gave way indifferently.

"Drink! Drink!

However, Minami Kentaro tried his best to eat and could not open the door.


Dongfang Yamei immediately laughed when she saw this scene.

"Huh... Scold... This door, it seems to have a problem..."

Minami Kentaro smiled a little awkwardly, taking a deep breath and pushing hard.


Minami Kentaro fell directly into the room, and the door was pressed under him.

Everyone looked at each other, and they were all a little silent.

After placing their luggage, everyone was gathered on the tennis court in the courtyard of the villa.

"Wow, I didn't expect that such a dilapidated villa actually has two pretty good tennis courts!"

Minami Kentaro looked left and right, and there was nothing wrong with these two courts except for some old ones.

"Good! Let's start training now, everyone should be careful not to get hurt! Ryuzaki

Jin and Kan Tana also stood in front of the two teams, and then Kimuraji brought a large cardboard box and placed it in front of everyone.

"Okay, first of all, please put your racket into this cardboard box, whether it is customary or spare, put it all."

Kan Tian also said with a smile.



Seeing that the two coaches were so resolute, everyone could only do so.

"How do you play without a racket?"

Kikumaru said with some displeasure.

I was finally able to play the game, but now the racket has been confiscated.

"Okay, the first thing to do next is the mountain obstacle course! Target mountain top, all of them!

Ryuzaki Jin didn't know where to take out a big speaker and shouted at everyone.

"Yes... Be! Yamabuki

and Seigaku's team formed a team, led by Kimura and Tezuka in a long dragon and ran towards the top of the mountain.

Although the road up the mountain is not steep, it is far more laborious to run than ordinary roads, but for a short distance, Kikumaru and Minami, two people with poor personal strength, are already hanging at the end of the line.

"Well... I'm so tired!"

Kikumaru's breath began to be disordered, and his physical strength was his most fatal weakness.

"No whining!"

Ryuzaki Jin's voice sounded in his ears, and Kikumaru was immediately frightened, and turned his head to see Ryuzaki Jin and Kan Futian driving a sightseeing scooter behind them.

"Run fast for me!"

Ryuzaki Jin saw that Kikumaru had fallen behind, and hurriedly urged.


Kikumaru had to grit his teeth and keep up with the people in front of him.

The closer you get to the top of the mountain, the more difficult it is to walk, and in addition to the mountain path, there are creeks and cliffs. When everyone arrived at their destination, Kikumaru's whole body was already soaked in sweat, and he directly lay on the ground and gasped.

"It's beautiful, Tezuka!"


Kimuraji and Tezuka stood by the lake on the mountain, the surface of the lake shimmering in the sun.

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