On a quiet and peaceful afternoon, everyone lay on the grass under the shade of the trees, smelling the fresh air and lying lazily, while the cold lake water on the side dispelled a trace of midsummer heat.

"It's so comfortable!"

"The view is beautiful and the air is fresh!"

"It's really the right thing to come here for training!"

At this moment, everyone finally stopped dwelling on the hard work of going up the mountain, and just wanted to enjoy this moment of tranquility.

"Okay, rest over! Now run all the way back to the dormitory! Ryuzaki

Jin held a loudspeaker and urged everyone to get up, they were not here for an outing.


Although very reluctant, the group quickly got up from the ground, loosened their muscles and returned along the way up the mountain.

"Everyone, come on, let's go to the stadium and wait for you first!"

Ryuzaki Jin and Tanda Gan also dropped a sentence and drove past everyone in a sightseeing car.

"Great! It's finally time to play!

"Yay! GO GO GO! "

Everyone was shocked, can they finally play? The originally heavy footsteps suddenly became brisker, and the difficult journey up the mountain suddenly became simpler.

Of course, when everyone came to the court next to the dormitory, the two coaches were lying comfortably on a lounge chair.

"Ah, that's too much!"

The first-grade Kikumaru was still childish, and naturally issued a severe "condemnation" for this behavior.

Subsequently, Kikumaru, who brilliantly condemned the two old men, was treated as a guinea pig.

"What, I still can't play..."

Kikumaru stretched his hands as he stood on the bottom line, now he was going to have a freehand catch training, and he would demonstrate.


Suddenly, Ryuzaki Jin's voice came. Kikumaru looked up and saw a small mustard ball flying towards him.


Kikumaru's figure fell in response.

"It hurts..."

Kikumaru covered his forehead, the ball just now was not strong but still a little painful.

"This is the end of distraction, give me focus!"

Ryuzaki Jin swung her racket fiercely, and although she was old, her serve still maintained a good level.

Kikumaru quickly ran towards the landing point of the tennis ball on the left, and he turned back and ran extremely fast from side to side, which was Kikumaru's advantage.


Kikumaru swooped in, and his body deftly reached out like a dance to firmly grasp the tennis ball.

"Well done Eiji!"

Dashi on the side saw that Kikumaru had successfully grabbed the tennis ball and quickly sent love encouragement.

"Okay, next!"

Ryuzaki nodded and signaled that Kikumaru could go to the side to rest and replace the next person.

Yamabuki's side, Kanya Companion Field's first pick is Yakutsu.

"Old man, hurry up and serve!"

Yakuzu glanced at Qingxue on the next field with disdain, this kind of simple training will also fail?

"Oh, good, good. Kimura, what are you doing? Kan

Fuda also suddenly spoke up, drawing everyone's attention to Kimura on the side.


Kimuraji had a black question mark on his face, he didn't do anything.

Taking advantage of Yakuzu's attention to be attracted by Kimuraji, Kan Fuda also did not hesitate to swing the ball out, and his first goal was the farthest corner kick regardless of Taketoku.

"You wicked old man!"

Yakuzu glared angrily, and the muscles of his calves suddenly erupted and drove him to rush out like a cheetah.

The harshness of Kanya Tanja made everyone in Yamabuki speechless, just now that is the legendary plan to tune the tiger away from the mountain, right?

Seeing that Yakuzu successfully caught the tennis ball, Kimuraji nodded and said, "So it is, this is a training to make the interception range larger." "

Huh? Interception range? "

Kentaro Minami doesn't understand something, isn't this just bare-handed ball training?

"By grasping the ball with your bare hands, you can improve your reflexes, and when you get the racket later, you can get the ball at a longer distance."

Kimuraji explained.

"So it is!"

The people of Yamabuki nodded, and they were immediately concerned about the next training, so that they would not lose to the Qingxue next door.

Competition is motivated, and this is one of the reasons why Ryuzaki agreed to Tezuka's invitation to Yamabuki to train together. Tezuka had already started more than a month later than the others, and it would be difficult not to add some firewood to them.

The sun is slowly setting, and the sunset in the mountains is particularly bright red.

Training in groups of rotations with bare hands, everyone was covered in mud and sweat, and although their bodies were very tired, their eyes were full of excitement.

"Okay, today's training will come here first, everyone go to take a bath, and I will go with my companion to prepare dinner for you."

Long Qi Jin signaled that everyone could go take a shower and change clothes and prepare for dinner.

Although there is only one bathroom in this old villa, the bathroom is surprisingly large enough to accommodate two groups of people to bathe together.

"Tezuka, your muscles are strong."

Kimuraji smiled and squeezed Tezuka's shoulders, the thick muscles fully showed that Tezuka was also very strict with himself on weekdays.

"You're not bad either, Kimura."

Tezuka pushed Kimura's hand away a little unnaturally, as he said, Kimura's muscles, who have been practicing martial arts for many years, are not very large, but the texture is a very healthy scale.

"It's so comfortable!"

Kikumaru lay on his back in the pool and paddled left and right, and this was the only time he could feel a little comfortable after a busy day.

After taking a shower and changing their clothes, everyone finally waited for dinner for the two coaches when they were about to faint from hunger.

After dinner, the group slept peacefully in this strange place, and the high-intensity training during the day made everyone very tired, so it didn't take long for them to fall asleep.

The next day, when the sky was dark, everyone was called up by the two coaches.

The morning obstacle course is about to begin.

Little by little, they quickly spent five days of hard training in this scenic mountain forest.

"Good! All meet at the tennis court! After

the morning trail run, everyone slowly descended the mountain. Ryuzaki Jin and Tankan also passed by everyone again, leaving a stop.

"Tennis court!"

"Can you finally play?"

In the past five days, except for the first day when they entered the tennis court when they were doing freehand catch training, they have never entered the tennis court again.

As soon as they thought that they could play, everyone immediately came to their senses and strode towards the dormitory.

Finally, after five days, everyone touched their beloved racket again.

"Strange! How does it feel like the racket is getting lighter? Minami

Kentaro waved the racket in his hand, and the weight of the ball at hand made him wonder if it was his racket or not.

"As it is, the coaches confiscated our rackets to let us feel the effect of this training camp."

Kimuraji immediately understood.

"I really didn't expect such amazing results in such a short period of time."

Qianshi's eyes were scorching, and his control over his body was at the forefront of everyone. He didn't expect that this short few days of training had helped him even more amazingly than the boxing training in the previous month.

Kanya Fuda and Ryuzaki Jin really deserve to be experienced veteran coaches, and sure enough, they have two brushes.

"Okay, everyone, gather!"

The two teams quickly divided into two phalanxes and gathered.

"The training is coming to an end, and in order to test the success of the training camp, we will have a school-to-school competition."

Before Long Qi Jin finished speaking, everyone's eyes had already lit up.

"Can you finally compete?! That's great! "

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