Soon the two coaches arranged the players for the showdown, the third-year players did not come to participate in this training due to academic problems, and the two teams came to participate in the training this time all first-year, and the number of people was the same, so it was well arranged.

The match was played simultaneously on two courts, the first of which was a one-on-one singles match between Kentaro Minami and Oishi and Masami Touhou against Kikumaru.

Kentaro Minami glanced at Dashi, and the egg head didn't look very strong.


Nan vigorously slammed down, and his strength was greatly enhanced through this training, so his serve became stronger.

The wide field of view on Dashi's side took a clear view of the flight trajectory of this ball, and after a few steps, the racket was raised, and the powerful diagonal kick easily knocked Minami's serve back.

Seeing this, Nan also put away the contempt in his heart, and just this moment he already understood that Dashi's strength was not as harmless as his appearance.


Nan quickly rushed up to meet the tennis ball, and before the tennis ball landed, an antelope hung a horn-like ball and gently hit the ball back through the net.


Although Nan Net's movements were seen by Dashi, when Nan's racket gently cut the tennis ball, Dashi reacted that it was a short ball, and quickly got up and sprinted.

Under Kentaro Minami's surprised gaze, Daishi flew and pounced, picked the ball off the ground, and gently fell to the ground over the net.


"Tezuka, your companion is reliable!"

Kimuraji looked at the figure of Dashi lying in front of the net and said with some emotion.

Oishi's dedication to victory and the desire to win or lose this goal gave Kimuraji a new perspective on this future mother of young learning.

"Yes, they have always been reliable!"

Tezuka nodded.

He has always believed in his partners, in each and every one of them.

Then the two came to the other side of the court, and the duel between Dongfang and Kikumaru had also begun.


Touhou's defense of the bottom line is undoubtedly the best in Yamabuki Middle School, his left hand is pushed hard at the end of the grip, and his right hand is directly above the face of the pat across the surface of the tennis ball, and the rapid force and strong upspin quickly hit the ball towards Kikumaru's flanking bottom line.

Kikumaru's pace was very dexterous, and the speed at which he turned back to the garrison from the flank was amazing.


The ball was picked up by Kikumaru.

Kimuraji nodded secretly, but he didn't expect that the first-year Kikumaru and Dashi already had some level. Indeed, as a later golden combination, their talent is undoubtedly online, even if they are dragged down for a year, they can catch up in the last year, and it is hard to believe what kind of state they will reach after three years of fighting.

Soon, the duel between the two fields was divided into winners and losers.

Minami defeated Oishi 6:3, and Touhi also defeated Kikumaru 6:4.

The victory or defeat of these two matches was within Ryuzaki Jin's expectations, and all she wanted was to use a defeat to unleash the potential of Kikumaru and Dashi. What's more, compared to singles, she is more optimistic about the future of Kikumaru and Daishi in doubles. In Ryuzaki Jin's opinion, Kikumaru and Oishi are very sexual, and the two personal partners will definitely combine a very strong pair of doubles for Seigakue.

The second round of the showdown begins.

Yamabukiki's Shindo Inayoshi confronted Takashi Kawamura, who went to Seigaku, and Senseki faced Kansadaharu.

Although Shinwatari Inayoshi has always existed among the regular players as a substitute within Yamabuki, Kan Fuda is also optimistic about his future. In Kanya Fuda's mind, Shinwato Inayoshi has a very good softness and can be combined with any fighter to form a good doubles partner, and he will undoubtedly take over the baton of Yamabuki's second doubles pair after Hirota and Kono go to school next year.

The first-year Kawamura can be said to have nothing but strength, neither speed nor skill. The simple strength of Shindo Inaji naturally has no problem coping, and he is very skilled in the technique of unloading force.

What really caught Tezuka and Kimura's attention was the duel between Chiseki and Kan.

Tezuka was present when Chiseki competed with the third-year seniors of Seigaku, and he was very impressed with Chiseki, who was a great player. In Tezuka's view, his tennis also has merit.

When Tezuka and Kimura arrived at the court on this side, the first game was over.

Chiseki quickly won the first game with four tiger cannons, and the sound of breaking the air like a fierce tiger descending a mountain made Yakuzu, who was resting in the shade of a tree not far away, look at it twice.

In the second game, Sadaharu Kan's serve.


Although he is only in the first grade, Sadaju Kan's high-speed serve has already begun to appear.

"Very good serve."

Kimuraji cast an approving look, he knew about Kansadaharu, this is an extremely self-disciplined information man, in addition to believing in the information in his hands, he has also been tempering his body.

However, this is not enough for Chishi. Most of the month's boxing training allowed Chiseki to fully absorb the strengths of boxing, in addition to physical strength and strength skills, there is also a high concentration of willpower, and the transfer to tennis is unusually focused concentration.


Chishi's footsteps are small but efficient, and the small steps of bouncing attract Tezuka's attention.

"This is?"

Tezuka thought thoughtfully, and Chiseki's footsteps gave him a very familiar feeling.

"It's so heavy!"

Kan Sadaharu frowned, the strength of this ball was really powerful enough. The afterglow from the corner of his eye swept over the opposite Chishi, and Qian's attention was instantly attracted by Qianshi's exposed muscles.

"Good muscles, such muscles can not be achieved by ordinary exercise."

Qian secretly noted this in his heart, and it will always be useful to blow these materials up the mountain in the future.









Qianshi played very smoothly, taking four consecutive victories from Gan's hands.

"Tiger Cannon!"

In the fifth game, Chiseki once again performed his stunt. The volley is full of power and speed, and the momentum is as heavy as a tiger's roaring forest.

"The angle of incidence of this ball is 75 degrees, the air variable, the drag is..."

Qian muttered, and a gleam flashed on the heavy lens. His information has been gathered, and now it is time for him to fight back.


A dull hit sounded, and a precise diagonal draw flew past Chishi's side and then pressed against the bottom line.


For the first time, Sadaharu Kan took points from Chiishi's hands.

A fatal drawback of a smash-style serve like the Tiger Cannon is that if the opponent's counterattack is fast, it is easy to return the score directly when the server lands and does not stand firm, and it is this that Sadaharu Kansadaharu captures.

"Oh? Kind of interesting! The

corners of Chishi's mouth raised slightly, crushing the game was not the match he wanted, and Sadaharu's resistance was exactly what he wanted.

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