"Hmph! Watch me break you! Yakuzu

naturally noticed this, and he became more motivated. Leaning forward and running in the field, the momentum on Yakuzu's body seemed to condense into substance, full of oppressive force.

"Tezuka, he'll be fine, right?"

Kimuraji said this, Kikumaru also began to worry about Tezuka, Tezuka is their last hope for young school, they can't win a friendly match this time.

"Don't worry, Tezuka will definitely win!"

Dashi comforted.

As the soul of Seigakue, Tezuka is an invincible existence in the hearts of everyone in Seigakue.

Hearing this, Kimuraji shook his head, although Yakuzu's strength was good, and he had the blessing of the breath of a beast, but he couldn't win Tezuka's no matter what.

"Go and die! You dead face paralyzed!


heels touched the ground, his figure shot backwards into the air like a bow, and then his abdomen twisted and his arm slammed down.

Tezuka's gaze froze, and Yakuzu's bad personality made Tezuka a little angry.

No one has ever paralyzed him to his face!

A milky white light burst out from Tezuka's body, rushed through Tezuka's body like magma, and finally poured into Tezuka's left hand.

In an instant, a colorful streak appeared, and the momentum on Tezuka's body suddenly overwhelmed the heavy oppression brought by Yakuzu.

"That... What is that!

Nan was taken aback by this sudden light, isn't this playing tennis?

"This is!"

Kan Tian's cloudy eyes opened a small opening, how many years had he not seen such a light.

Tezuka Kunimitsu!

Is Qingxue about to come out of a legend again?


Tezuka's hand was wrapped in colorful brilliance in front of everyone's eyes, and a dull sound of hitting the ball sounded, followed by a piercing sound of breaking the air.

"What the hell?"

Yakuzu pouted and rushed up to the ball.


A drop of cold sweat was left on Yakuzu's forehead, and he looked down at his empty right hand in amazement.

The force of that ball just now directly shook the racket in Yakuzu's hand!

"Hair... What happened? "

Yakuzu's racket was shaken down?"

The people of Yamabuki couldn't believe their eyes, it was Yakuzu! What a terrifying force it must have to be to shake off his racket with the strength of Yakutsu's grip, what kind of power does Seigaku's Tezuka Kunimitsu's not-so-burly body contain.

Kimuraji's eyes deeply remembered the light on Tezuka's body, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly. It really deserves to be a perfect imitation, and even the power of selflessness can be imitated.

However, the path of selflessness is not suitable for Kimura, behind the perfect imitation is extremely consuming physical strength, if he imitates Tezuka's selflessness with perfect imitation, the physical consumption will be immeasurable. This can only be used as a surprise soldier, but it cannot be used as Kimura's main combat force.

"What a joke!"

Yakuzu absolutely did not believe that Tezuka's power would be above him, knowing that Tezuka had been suppressed by his power until then.



The field dragged the net from a distance to Tezuka's position one step ahead, Tezuka's left foot was the axis and his right foot was half-stepped, and the egoless power converged on Tezuka's arm, and Yakuzu's shot was countered by Tezuka with double force.

The limit of thousands of hammers is combined into a perfect offensive and defensive system under the combination of Tezuka field, which is a good way to erase the weakness of the limit of thousands of hammers.

"The match is over, won by Tezuka, and the score is 6:0."

When Kanya Hakita's voice sounded, Yakuzu's wide eyes still didn't believe that he had lost like this, and lost so badly.

"This dead face paralysis!"

Anger in Yakuzu's heart filled his chest, but he controlled it and did not get angry.

In Kimuraji's words, casual rage only makes him more incompetent.


In the end, Yakuzu still didn't do anything out of the ordinary, just snorted coldly and disappeared into everyone's eyes with a racket.

"Shouldn't it be too hard?"

Kan Tian also watched Yakuzu's figure disappear into the forest, and sighed slightly.

In the evening, Yakuzu came back from outside on time for dinner, and then Kanda was finally relieved, he was really afraid that the stimulation would cause Yakuzu to give up playing tennis.

Little by little, the week-long training camp was over.

Tomorrow, Monday, they will return to school to continue their studies.

"See you in the Kanto tournament, Tezuka."

As he parted, Kimuraji extended his right hand towards Tezuka.

"See you in the Kanto Tournament!"

Tezuka shook Kimura, and Seigaku was the third place in the Tokyo Championship about qualifying for the East Competition. Although the previous third-grade strength was not good, but there was a Yamato Yudai to hold the scene, even if there was no first-year such as Tezuka, this year will be the best year for young school.

"Thank you for the invitation, Coach Ryuzaki."

Kan Fuda also glanced at Kimura and Tezuka who were saying goodbye in the distance, and this time they benefited a lot from the training with Seigakue.

"You're welcome, Coach Tanda, this time our players learned a lot from you."

Long Qi Jin glanced at the first grade of Qingxue, and believed that after this intensive training, these first grades would definitely make great progress.


The teams then boarded their return buses and left from the place that held their memories of seven days.


In the car, Buji withdrew his gaze from the window.

"What's wrong?"

Tezuka looked at Fuji suspiciously.

"Kimura, he's really strong."

At this time, Fuji had returned to his gentle appearance in the past, and his chestnut hair was slightly narrowed.


Tezuka nodded, although he had not been able to fight Kimuraji this time, he had also heard about the 0:6 defeat to Kimura.

Being able to make the second defeat so miserable, Kimura's strength is beyond doubt.

"Sure enough, you can't make it to the national competition with just three returns."

Buji sighed slightly, after fighting with Kimuraji, he completely felt his own inadequacy. If you want to fulfill your dream of scoring nationwide with Tezuka, it is definitely not enough to rely on his three returns.

Evolution, he needs to evolve!

On the other side of the mountain blowing cart.

Yakuzu looked out the window without saying a word, yesterday's loss to Tezuka made Yakuzu realize what it is to be a person outside of people. It seems that Kan Fuda often said in his ear that as long as he enters the national competition, there will be many masters as tall as mountains waiting for him to challenge.

"Tennis doesn't seem that boring either!"

Yakuzu murmured softly.

"Huh? Yakuzu, what do you say? Kimuraji

chuckled, did Yakuzu finally come to his senses?

"Didn't... It's nothing.

Yakuzu's fair skin blushed slightly, and then he tilted his head to the side and pointed out the window.

Really, it was actually heard by this guy Kimura.


Kimuraji shook his head, this guy Yakuzu is really arrogant enough.

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