The people who returned from the training camp quickly returned to the daily training of the tennis club, and every day they could clearly feel their progress, which is indescribable.

Not only Yamabuki, Seigaku, Ice Emperor, Tachikai University and all other schools that are interested in the Kanto Tournament have been engaged in intense training this June.

In the evening, after finishing today's ministry, Kimuraji gathered everyone from Yamabuki Middle School, and today Kanda will also announce their roster for the first round of tomorrow's Kanto Tournament, which will be against Aihara Daiichi Middle School from Kanagawa Prefecture.

"Doubles number two, south, east!"

"Doubles number one, Hirota, Kono!"

"Single number three, Chishi!"

"Singles number two, Yakuzu!"

"Final singles number one, Kimura!"

The remaining Shindo Inayoshi naturally became a substitute.

"You don't need to put too much pressure on you, I'm sure you can achieve very good results this year."

Tantiangan, who also looked at everyone with a smile, and he also saw everyone's efforts during this time.

Talent, hard work, teamwork, now Yamabuki lacks nothing, what is lacking is the chance to win.

The other members looked at Kimura and the others with excitement, being able to represent the school on such a high-level stage as the Kanto Tournament would undoubtedly be a milestone in their junior high school careers, and they envied Senseki's regular selection uniform, so they would work harder to make themselves wear the uniform that represented Yamabuki's glory at next month's main selection challenge.

The next day, Yamabuki's group boarded the school bus at the school gate and headed towards the venue where the Kanto Contest was held, led by Kanya Hakita.


As the center of the entire Kanto economic circle, Tokyo naturally has the most complete tennis facilities and equipment, so the annual Kanto tournament is basically held in Tokyo.

Tokyo Metropolitan Central Tennis Park, where the first round of the Kanto tournament was played in Groups A and B, and Yamabuki is one of the teams in Group A.

At 8 a.m., the crowds in the park became dense at a speed visible to the naked eye.

For any tennis enthusiast who follows the tennis tournament and the world of junior high school tennis, the Kanto Grand Prix every year is a wonderful event not to be missed.

When Kimuraji and the others drove into the parking lot of this park, there were already several school buses from other schools parked inside, and the school logo on the body was particularly obvious.

"Look, it's Yamabuki Middle School!"

"I heard that they defeated the Ice Emperor Academy and won the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship this year!"

"It looks so imposing!"

When Yamabuki, the yellow and green legion, appeared in everyone's sight, it immediately attracted most people's attention.

The story of Yamabuki winning the capital championship has long been circulated, and the ice emperor was last year's national final four, Guan East Asian Army. Yamabuki's ability to defeat the Ice Emperor represents Yamabuki's great strength, and Yamabuki is undoubtedly the fierce rival of all schools aspiring to the Kanto Grand Prix this year.

But when it comes to the Kanto champion, everyone's hearts are still pressed on a mountain.

Lihai University Affiliated High School.

As the master of kings who overwhelmed the entire Kanto, the thirteen consecutive Kanto crowns of Lihai Dai are undoubtedly a haze in everyone's hearts. This year, I heard that Lihai University also emerged three very powerful freshmen, and they claimed that the three giants of Lihai University single-handedly reorganized the new order of Lihai University Tennis Department.

Before the game, some media interviewed Tachikai Dai, as the king of Kanto, their new first-year minister Seiichi Yukimura has released a bold statement, Tachikai Dai's Kanto fourteen consecutive victories he is determined to win. So no matter who it is, Lihai will be their worst enemy.

"A lot of people!"

Coming out of the parking lot, the dense flow of people along the way made Minami Kentaro feel a little emotional.

"Of course, this is the Kanto Contest!"

Masami Dongfang is also a little excited, Kanto Contest! It's exciting to think about, he almost didn't sleep well last night.

It is natural that there are many people, and the attention and traffic of the Kanto Contest is much greater than that of the Tokyo Metropolitan Competition. What's more, only sixteen schools participated in the entire Kanto Contest, divided into four groups and two and a half districts, with a total of four rounds. Such a tight schedule is not comparable to the big waves of the big waves.

Kimuraji frowned slightly, standing in this place and being pointed at by so many people gave him the feeling of being watched as a monkey.

Kan Fuda also seemed to have sensed Kimuraji's displeasure, and his pace quickened a little, and he took Yamabuki Junior High School to the reporting office of this Kanto contest to report.

"Hello, there are a total of eight people in the tennis department of our Yamabuki Middle School, and all of them have arrived!"

Kimura handed the appearance list to the staff, and a staff member led them to the venue where they were playing.

At 9 a.m., the first round of the competition officially began.

The strength of Aihara No. 1 Middle School is not very strong, and the reason why it can stand out from the Kanagawa Prefecture area is mainly because the only school in the entire Kanagawa Prefecture is only Tachikai, and I don't know if all the elites of Kanagawa Prefecture have been wiped out.

After all, people walk high and water flows low, and as the king of Kanto's thirteen consecutive victories, Tachikai Dai is undoubtedly a huge attraction for any tennis player.

In the first doubles match, Nan and Dongfang won the opponent's third-grade doubles combination with a 6:0 record, which surprised many people.

Naturally, Hirota and Kono are the only remaining third-grade doubles in Yamabuki, and their strength is also among the best in the national level.

Yamabuki's doubles have been heard of by many people, and it is also expected that they can win both doubles 6-0, the focus is still on singles.

However, the singles match ended quickly and frighteningly, and the 6:0 also showed the outside world the strength of Yamabuki's singles.

In the end, Yamabuki crushed Aihara No. 1 Middle School by an absolute margin of 5:0 and successfully advanced to the second round.


"So strong!"

"It's all 6:0! This year's Yamabuki is terrible! The

spectators who came to watch the game gasped, most of them were senior tennis enthusiasts and people engaged in related industries, and naturally it was clear that Yamabuki still had spare energy.

This year, Yamabuki's feeling has changed, and they are no longer the partial school they used to be.

Soon, today's match came to an end, and Kimuraji also got the information of the next round of opponents.

Next Saturday, they will face Rokkaku Junior High School from Chiba Prefecture in the second round of the Kanto Tournament, which is an established school.

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