Yamabuki, who won the first round, is noticeably more confident, and this is exactly what Kimura wants to see.

In the tense atmosphere, the week's academic classes quickly passed, and in the blink of an eye, it was Saturday.

Today is the day of the second round of the Kanto Tournament. Early in the morning, everyone in Yamabuki gathered again and headed towards the competition venue.

In the car.

"Today our opponent is Rokkaku Middle School in Chiba Prefecture, they are a very strong school, so we have to be very prepared."

Kimuraji glanced at everyone and said.


Yamabuki's people said yes, they would not have the slightest doubt about Kimuraji's words.


Kan Baida smiled slightly, if he remembered correctly, the one seemed to be still teaching at Rokkaku Middle School, which was a living fossil of Japanese tennis.

At nine o'clock in the morning, the two teams assembled in front of the stadium under the leadership of the staff.

"Please advise!"

"Please advise!"

Kan Fuda was also sitting in the coach's bench on the sidelines, and the hexagonal father not far away was kneeling on a chair, his white goatee hanging down slenderly.

He also has great respect for this guy, who, despite his age, was a mainstay in the development of Japanese tennis.

"The second round of the Kanto Tournament is about to begin, Tokyo representative Yamabuki Middle School vs. Chiba representative Rokkaku Middle School doubles number two match, Yamabuki Middle School Minami Kentaro, Touhou Masami Group vs. Rokkaku Middle School Kuroba Harufuze, Kikihiko Group, both players are invited to play."

The referee's voice sounded, and the players of the two teams walked into the stadium to the cheers of their respective camps.

"Hey! How do their rackets look so... So weird! "

The corner of Shinto Inayoshi's mouth twitched, what kind of racket is that, why is it so long!

There is a clear difference in the length and width of the racket held by both sides.

"Can that racket really work?"

Chiseki was also a little confused, isn't this a foul?

"There should be no problem. In terms of size, the size of the racket is not more than 29 inches, which is 73.66 cm, and the width is 12.5 inches, which is within 31.75 cm. Their rackets were made by their coach, the daddy, but they were at the limit in terms of size.

Kimuraji scratched his head, although this kind of racket can extend the distance of the interception to a certain extent, it is not as exaggerated as imagined, otherwise it would not be allowed.

"The match begins, a tiebreaker, the serve of the Hekkaku Middle School Kuroba Harufeng."

The black feather toe on the right bottom line lightly touches the ground, kicks a piece of gravel away and throws the ball out.

"No matter which of us wins or loses, we can't resent each other!"

Black Feather Spring Breeze drank softly, this is the happy tennis of Rokkaku Middle School.


The team uniform of Rokkaku Middle School was a dark red vest, and the muscles exposed outside the vest of the black feather spring breeze suddenly condensed, and the racket burst out with a crisp sound under the heavy buckle.


Dongfang Yamei frowned, this guy has so much strength.

Facing the backlash of Oriental Masami, Kiki Xiyan took a deep breath, and two substantial white air currents rushed out of his nostrils.


"With such a long arm span, coupled with their amazingly long rackets, the players of the hexagonal middle school have a far greater range of defense than ordinary people!"

Chiseki blurted out, and Masami Dongfang's return ball was actually beaten back by Kikihiko standing in place.

"In that case!"

Kentaro Minami's racket cut through quickly, and the downspin ball made the ball bounce at an extremely low angle.

According to Kentaro Minami, such a slender racket will undoubtedly be an obstacle when facing such a low-angle downspin ball.

"Good to go!"

Black Feather Spring Wind Bow Leg pressed his left hand to the ground, pressing his center of gravity extremely low.


The right hand holds the racket horizontally to intercept the bouncing tennis ball, and then gently pushes.

Hang short balls!

Looking at the ball that fell through the net, Kentaro Minami and Masami Dongfang looked at each other, and the vigilance in his heart was raised to the limit.

It's really worthy of the Kanto Tournament, and it has only been in the second round that I have already encountered such a tricky opponent.



"This game was scored by Hexagonal Middle School, and the score was 1:0."


"It's amazing, I won a game so quickly!"

Qianshi's eyes condensed slightly, Rokkaku Middle School really deserved to be a regular visitor to the national competition, and its strength was very different from the Aihara No. 1 Middle School they met in the last game.

"But the south and the east must also get serious!"

Looking at Minamikimuraji, who gave instructions to the east after changing sides, he smiled slightly, their Yamabuki Middle School doubles are not so simple to be defeated.

"Okay, understood!"

Dongfang Masami nodded, and Minami, who commanded the secret tactics, was responsible for giving attack orders, and he only needed to play the ball path that Minami needed.


With the weight of his body leaning forward, he waved his arm, and the ball quickly flew towards Kiki Nozomiko's feet.

"It's really a mountain blow, the angle of this ball is perfect!"

Saeki had super dynamic vision, and he clearly saw that the ball bounced towards the inside of Kikihiko's body under the action of violent rotation, and such a ball was the most difficult to receive.

With a train whistle-like gasp, Kikihiko stared at the bouncing tennis racket.

Masami Dongfang's perfect side inside-spin serve was hit back by Nozohiko Kiki with a low volley.

"I won this one!"

Minami Kentaro, who didn't know when he appeared in front of Kuroba Harufeng, smiled slightly and patted everything.


The quick and silent cut hit the ball to the left of Kuroba Harufeng.

Even if Kuroba Harufeng's volley range was wide, he would not be able to receive this downspin cut that bounced close to the ground without maintaining his balance.

"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 15:0."


"Such clever techniques and tactics, so fast on-the-spot reaction."

Abe, the head of Rokkaku Middle School, couldn't help but sigh in admiration, Yamabuki Middle School is worthy of being a famous doubles school, and their first grade is indeed higher than Kuroba and Kiki in terms of cooperation and doubles tactics.

"I really can't relax at all!"

Saeki nodded, he admired Abe-senpai's thoughts.



As Nan gained insight into Kuroba Harufeng and Kiki Nozohiko's batting habits, his code tactics began to become powerful, although he and Dongfang were not as good as the two people on the opposite side in terms of strength, but whether it was cooperation or doubles skills, he and Dongfang were far above the two on the opposite side.

"This game was scored by Yamabuki Middle School, and the ratio was 1:1."

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