
Saeki bent his knees sideways and waved his arms above his head, and a golden streamer rushed out from his hand.

Studying kendo since childhood, kendo's slashing has been integrated into Saeki's body, and even his serve has a hint of slashing in it.

Chiseki stepped on the deft steps and came to the back of the tennis ball at the moment of the attack, and the diagonal whip with a slight knee bending hit a brisk short curve.

The blue eyes under Saeki Jian's eyebrows stared at the ball tightly, and he strode like a meteor under his feet. Chishi's movements are extremely dexterous, and the range of his return attack is extremely small, but the power and speed of the ball are very amazing. Although Saeki didn't know how Chiseki did it, he had to play twelve points of attention in order to return Chishi's shot.


Saeki also used color and struck a sharp diagonal draw straight to Chishi's flank.



Looking at the situation on the ground, the two sides seem to be deadlocked.

"Qianshi's swing is getting faster and faster!"

Kimuraji chuckled, although it seemed to be evenly matched, but Chishi's boxing tennis would be faster and heavier.

Qianshi's gaze froze, and a light tap jumped out of his foot.


The strong topspin ball that whistled out was faster than the previous hit, and Saeki, who was accustomed to the rhythm of Chishi's attack, did not react at once, and the ball bounced high and hit the barbed wire fence behind.


The barbed wire was shaken by the force on this ball, and the tennis ball stuck on the mesh rolled a few times before it stopped moving, and a wisp of blue smoke slowly floated.

Saeki left a drop of cold sweat on his forehead, and the tennis ball that had accelerated just a moment made him understand that the opponent's strength was definitely above himself.



"This game was scored by Chiseki Seijun, and the score was 2:0."

After all, the pulling of the bottom line is still Chiseki's skill, and his small action draw is not only faster but also more powerful than Saeki's pump.

"Oops, the rhythm of the game has completely fallen into the hands of the opponent."

"Saeki is not an opponent at all if he goes head-to-head with the other party."

The people of Rokkaku Middle School saw very clearly that in terms of strength alone, it was indeed Senseki Pure of Yamabuki Middle School who was better, and now Saeki could only change formations if he wanted to win.

The father of the hexagonal middle school squinted at Saeki on the court, and he discovered another trait of Saeki that may help Saeki get unexpected help in the ranks of doubles.



"The game was scored by Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 3:0."

In the third game, Chiseki occupied the advantage of the serve, and naturally won without a doubt.


Saeki threw the ball, and then the bow back of the racket cut down in the direction of the side net.

The deep, low-hanging serve caused Chishi's steps to be momentarily stunned, and Saeki seized the opportunity to get up to the net. Facing the tennis ball Saeki who was provoked by Chishi, he jumped up and smashed without hesitation, and snatched a point while Chiseki was still on the bottom line.

"The other side is starting to change tactics."

Minami Kentaro looked like he was watching a good show, and Saeki's tactical intentions were very obvious.

Serving the net followed by a volley in front of the net is a very common tactic. Facing Chiseki's shot, wanting to volley in tennis undoubtedly requires super dynamic vision and good grip strength, which is exactly what Saeki has.



"This game was scored by Torajiro Saeki of Rokkaku High School, and the score was 1:3."

Finally, Saeki saved a game of serve for himself with his excellent personal strength and service advantage, but when it came to the next game of Chiseki's serve, he could no longer freely volley the net.

"Whew... Whew..."The

long period of large-scale movements made Saeki physically much more physically exhausted than Senishi, which could be seen from the sound of his rapid breathing.

"Saeki he can't hold on."

Abe, the head of Rokkaku Middle School, sighed, it seemed that their trip to the Kanto region of Rokkaku this year was coming to an end. For these third grades, it's not just the Kanto Contest, but they didn't have a chance to participate in the last national contest this year.

Abe's gaze flashed from Saeki on the field, the black feathers around him, the trees, and the hexagonal youth soldiers outside the field, the future belonged to these young people.

"Come on, Saeki! Let's have a no-complaining game!

Abe shouted into the field with all his strength.


the afterglow from the corner of Saeki's eyes swept over his teammates, and everyone was cheering him on.

"I must not lose!"

A clear spring suddenly poured into Saeki's dry heart, and the sluggish movements that had originally become due to lack of physical strength suddenly returned to their previous state.


Saeki clapped with both hands, and the pat face hung diagonally around his waist.

Stand and draw your sword!

The racket struck out heavily, and the slash shot like a sword in a standing position disappeared in front of Chishi's eyes like an afterimage.


A sound of a tennis ball hitting the ground sounded, and a mustard yellow ball appeared behind Chishi.

"Game, Torajiro Saeki at 15:40."

Under the pressure of Chiseki, Saeki's kendo tennis seems to have made a new breakthrough.

"Hex! Hex!

"Come on, Saeki!"

This moment also made the people of Rokkaku see the hope of victory, and their shouts shocked Shino, and the youth army of Rokkaku gave everything to help Saeki on the field.



Saeki was reborn from the ashes and regained his self-confidence, and the exhaustion in his body seemed to be swept away.

"The game was scored by Torajiro Saeki of Rokkaku Middle School, the score was 2:3" Saeki

who actively wanted to regain control of the game successfully broke again, which also pushed the atmosphere of the scene to a climax.

"Oh? Not bad! Chiseki

wiped the sweat from his forehead, and he didn't need to think about it, knowing that this round just now had exceeded the standard of three minutes he had set for himself. The opponent's kendo tennis disrupted Chiseki's rhythm, making it impossible for Chiseki to end the game in three points.

"But that's all there is to you."

Qianshi's eyes suddenly became cold, he didn't intend to lose this match.

Chiseki removes his sleeve, revealing the black guy inside.

"Which is?!"

The pupils of everyone in the hexagonal shrank, and the scene in front of them was almost like a joke with them.


Qianshi threw it casually, and the sound of the lead falling to the ground was exceptionally crisp, and the hearts of everyone in the hexagonal middle school clicked.

Then Chiseki squatted down, pulled out two wrist weight training jackets from his ankles, and accurately threw them on the two pieces that had just been thrown aside, and the sound of metal colliding and splashing dust fully showed the weight of these things.

"What a joke! He was actually racing Saeki with a wrist weight training jacket just now?!

"How is this possible!"

Everyone in Rokkaku couldn't believe all this, but they also knew very well that Saeki was going to be bad.

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