Saeki had a frosty face, and Chiseki, this guy, was actually racing with a load, which was simply looking down on him.


Saeki's body leaned back into a curved bow, and after a while, the rapid rebound volley brought a violent wave of air on the tennis ball.

Qianshi's gaze froze, and his toes lightly jumped, and the racket swung a clear light from the bottom up.

Chishi, who had removed the weight, only felt that the racket in his hand seemed to be much lighter, and Saeki's strength could not affect his feel in the slightest.

A golden drill swept past Saeki's side, and the ball was so fast that even Saeki's super dynamic vision could only see a blurry shadow.



"This game was scored by Yamabuki Middle School Senishi Seijuni, the ratio was 4:2."

Facing Senishi Saeki who was swinging faster and faster after unloading the load, he was obviously a little unable to parry, and the qi in his heart could no longer catch up with Chishi's movements as soon as he was relaxed.


"At the end of the match, Yuyamabuki Junior High School Chiseishi Seijung won, the score was 6:2."

"I announce that Yamabuki Middle School has defeated Rokkaku Middle School 3:0 and advanced to the semifinals!"

When Chiseki won the singles three, it also predicted that Yamabuki Middle School took Rokkaku Middle School 3-0, and this year's Kanto Grand Prix Rokkaku Middle School unfortunately withdrew, while Yamabuki advanced to the next round.

Similarly, after winning this hand, Goyambuki Junior High School has already won a ticket to this year's national competition, and the top four places in the Kanto competition will represent the Kanto region in this year's national competition.

Soon the four matches of the eight to four came to an end, and Tachikai University High School in Group A, Ice Emperor Gakuen in Group B, Seishun Gakuen in Group C, and Yamabuki Middle School in Group D each successfully emerged from the group and became the four teams that will represent the Kanto region in this year's national competition.

Next Saturday, the semi-finals of the Kanto Tournament will be held, with Tachikai University High School vs. Ice Emperor Gakuen and Seishun Gakuen against Yamabuki Middle School.

"It's actually Qingxue? I didn't expect them to be able to come this far. "

Kentaro Minami was very impressed by Seigaku, who was undoubtedly a fishbelly team before the reconstruction, and even barely entered the Kanto Tournament, and if it weren't for their minister Dai and Yudai, it is estimated that they would not even be able to break through the level of the Tokyo Tournament. However, the rebuilt youth school is different, and the first grades during the training camp impressed Minami Kentaro very deeply.

Hard work, talent, such a team that pursues self-motivation and dreams can achieve the current results, although it is a little surprising to Minami Kentaro, but it is reasonable to think about it.


Yakuzu suddenly squeezed the can in his hand, and this familiar name ignited the anger in Yakuzu's heart.

Tezuka Kunimitsu! Yakuzu will not forget this name.

Before defeating Kimuraji, he must first completely defeat this guy who once brought him shame, and tear up the face that is annoying when he sees it.

Youth school on the other side.

The young students who had just won the victory were obviously very happy, and this victory was the result of their training.

"Well, after winning the ticket to the national competition, we are going to face our old acquaintance, Yamabuki Middle School, and their strength I don't think I need to say more, you are very clear. Over the next week, we'll be looking our best to meet the big challenge of next Saturday. Ryuzaki

Jin's clapping of hands attracted the attention of everyone in Qingxue, for the newly formed team of Qingxue, the victory of the first two games had washed away their original immaturity, but whether they could defeat Yamabuki even Ryuzaki Jin's heart was bottomless.

Yamabuki's Kanda can also be an old fox, which is very difficult to deal with.

Ryuzaki Jin was a little nerve-wracking, she had to go back and study the formation of the troops in Shangshan Fui Middle School this time.

Ice Emperor Academy.

Sakaki Taro had a serious expression.

"Although we have a ticket to the national competition, our challenge is not over. The next opponent I have to face is the Tatekai University High School with thirteen consecutive Kanto championships, their strength is undoubtedly very terrifying, you must not slack! "


The eight official team members carefully selected by the Ice Emperor from more than 200 members each looked awe-inspiring, and the Kanto thirteen consecutive championships, what kind of achievement.

"Lihai Da..."

Trace's left hand pressed against the wing of his nose, and his round eyes didn't know what he was thinking.

"Good! Before taking revenge on Yamabuki Middle School, let's pull Tachikai Dai off the throne of Kanto! Hahaha!! "

The king of the Ice Emperor, Jing Jing, issued a proud statement in the club office that made all the members of the Ice Emperor club frightened, and the morale of everyone infected by the spirit of the Ice Emperor suddenly soared. They believe that as long as they have the leadership of the Ministry of Traces, even Tachikai Dai, who has won the thirteenth consecutive Kanto championship, is not invincible.

On the other side, in Kanagawa Prefecture, inside the Tachikai University High School.

In the narrow social office, the official members of Lihai University gathered again, and the three giants of Lihai University were in the main position of the round table.

This year's Tokyo Metropolitan Government was extraordinary, and the three teams of Ice Emperor, Seigaku and Yamabuki all reached the final four of the Kanto Grand Prix, and the situation suddenly became a situation in which Tachikai University was single-handed, and three teams from Tokyo surrounded Tachikai Dai.

However, everyone at Lihai University did not have the slightest fear, just like the proverb they would see as soon as they walked into the school gate.

Winning streaks is fate!

Tachikai's Kanto fourteenth winning streak is unstoppable.

"That's the way it is, our next opponent is Tokyo's Ice Emperor Gakuen. Last year, under the leadership of Minister Yue Zhi Yueguang, they successfully entered the national competition and achieved the final four in the country, and this year a first-year student ruled the Ice Emperor and became the new Minister of the Ice Emperor. However, they had lost to Yamabuki Junior High School in previous matches, and their minister, Keigo Jibu, lost badly to Yamabuki's new minister, Kimuraji. Yanagi

told everyone in the tennis club what he had learned, and although they were confident in Tachikai's Kanto fourteen consecutive victories, it was also necessary to know a little more about their opponents. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing the other party can win a hundred battles.

"Qingxue! Tezuka!

Sanada's face looked very scary, and the people sitting next to him felt the oppressive atmosphere. Sanada finally heard Tezuka's name again.

"Wait for me! Tezuka!

Sanada roared in his heart, he didn't pay attention to the Ice Emperor Academy at all. With him, the Lihai of Yuki Village is invincible.

Now Sanada's only hope is that Seigaku can defeat Yamabuki to meet him in the final, so that he can be completely humiliated in the singles three-time invitation to Tezuka.

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