"That is! Thousand stones your tiger cannon?

Minami Kentaro looked at Chiseki suspiciously, which he thought Chiseki could give him an answer.

"Nope! Although there is a shadow of the tiger cannon, it is not.

Chiseki shook his head, although there was a hint of a tiger cannon in front of Sadaju Kansadaharu's high-speed serve, but Kansadaharu's posture was completely different from his tiger cannon.

It was the prototype of Tanadaharu's own tennis ball, a waterfall.


The high-speed serve that was pressed down from the height slammed into Hirota's feet, and Hirota's racket was pumped out from his side, and a huge impact force was transmitted from the racket to his wrist in an instant.

"It's the right!"

Kansadaharu reacted instantly, and lightly stepped on his toes towards the no-man's land on the right.



Under the command of Sadaharu Kan, he and Yamato not only resisted the pressure of Hirota and Kono, but also found time to counterattack.


"Game, Youth Academy, 30:0."

Kansadaharu and Yamato Yuda slapped each other, although they were not as good as each other in cooperation, but when Yamato handed himself over to the command of Kansadaharu, the gap in cooperation between them had been erased by half.

"This kind of tennis is really so nasty..."

Hirota laughed bitterly, and Kansadaharu reminded him of not too good memories.

"Let's make that too!"

Kono wiped the sweat from his forehead, this game should almost be over.

"No problem!"

Hirota nodded, this is a new trick they are going to use to compete in the national competition this year.

"Senior Yamato, we need to be careful! The other party looks like he's going to do something amazing! Kan

Zhenji lightly reminded, if the other party was not playing tricks!

"Good! I understand!

Yamato nodded, then his brows furrowed again, and the tingling pain from his left arm became even stronger.


Sada Kan once again bent his knees and jumped into the air, his arms tilted and slammed down, and tennis balls instantly shot out from his hand.

Hao Ye's body came to the landing point of this ball in an instant, and he raised his hand to steadily hit this ball back to Qingxue's field.

"What formation is that?"

"Dual Internet? But that position is a little too far back. "

What the hell is Yamabuki doing?"

Subsequently, the actions of Hirota and Haoye made many people present frown slightly, and their formation was too strange.

The forward stepped back to the tee, and the defender also went up to the tee, and the two stood in a straight line.

"What kind of formation is this!"

The sudden change of formation of Hirota and Kono also disrupted the layout of Kansadaharu, a special formation he had never seen before.

Thinking about it, the ball had come to him, and Kansadaharu had to make a tentative counterattack.

The straight crossing ball hit the very center of Hirota and Kono, and Kansadaharu wanted to see who would be responsible for intercepting this ball.


Kansadaharu's gaze froze, and in his line of sight, the racket in Hirota and Kono's hands hung diagonally down at their feet, and the grips were crossed and overlapped.


Hirota and Kono both exerted their power at the same time, and the sound of this ball was also particularly different.

The tennis ball rubbed the air, faintly as if a trace of sparks was floating in the air, and it only took a few breaths to fly to Yamato's side.


This ball directly pierced through Yamato's interception racket and flew towards Kansadaharu behind him unabated.

"What a joke!"

Qian Sadaji was alarmed in his heart, and the penetration of this ball was inevitably too strong.


Even with preparation, the ball still pierced the face of the racket in Sadaharu's hand.

"Game, Yamabuki Middle School, 15:30."

Sadaharu Kan raised the racket in his hand to his eyes, and the black substance and gunsmoke remaining on the racket line made his pupils shrink slightly, this ball was so terrifyingly powerful.

"So strong! Unexpectedly, Senior Hirota and Senior Hao Ye still had such tricks hidden! Minami

Kentaro was so shocked that he was stunned by the combined blow of Hirota and Kono.

This kind of thing is not so simple to do, the two of them work together, but any time and direction of the force deviation may affect the final result.

This is the perfect demonstration of the tacit understanding between Hirota and Kono.

Sadaharu Kansadaharu and Yamato Yuda also went down to the sidelines, pulled open their tennis bags, and changed into a spare racket and returned to the court.

Before Sadaharu could serve, the racket in Yamato's hand fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"Senior Yamato? Are you okay?

Kansadaharu asked suspiciously.

"Nothing. It's okay.

Yamato turned his head and barely squeezed out a smile, then bent down to pick up his racket. Who would have thought that the tingling pain coming from his arm suddenly intensified, and the stinging pain that penetrated into the bone marrow made Yamato couldn't help but release his palm again.


The fall of the racket again made everyone feel that something was wrong.

Long Qi Jin quickly called a timeout, and after coming to the field, Yamato's obviously white lips and dense fine sweat on his forehead made Long Qi Jin suddenly feel bad.


Ryuzaki Jin just lightly touched Yamato's left arm, which instantly caused Yamato's strong reaction.

Now Ryuzaki Jin finally understood that Yamato's old arm injury had recurred!

Yamato's left arm injury has always been clear to Ryuzaki Jin, which is the after-effect of Yamato's continuous high-intensity training in order to be able to lead the youth school to the national competition. Yamato originally told her that he had recovered through rehabilitation, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Yamato, you can't fight anymore!"

Ryuzaki Jin's old face is very serious, and the injury to his arm is undoubtedly fatal for a tennis player.

"It's okay coach, I can still play."

Yamato obviously didn't want to give up, this scene was very important for Qingxue, and he didn't want to push Qingxue off the cliff because of his own reasons.

He can give everything he has for the sake of Seigaoku, as he once told Tezuka. Although he did not achieve much for the tennis club of Seigakai, and even lost to Tezuka as a minister, if the tennis club of Seigaku needed him, he would definitely give everything for it.

"Referee, we abstain from this one!"

Tezuka pushed open the door of the stadium and walked in, and although he was in his first year, there was a power in his words that he could not refuse.


Yamato wanted to say something, but before he could finish speaking, Tezuka rudely interrupted.

"Yamato-senpai! Have you forgotten? We said we were going to make it to the national tournament together, and now we've done it. If you can't play in the national competition because of this competition, it will undoubtedly be a great loss for our young students.

Tezuka looked at Yamato Yuda and said lightly.

"Yes, Senior Yamato, anyway, we have already got the ticket to the national competition, haven't we?"

"That's it, Senior Yamato!"

The rest of the Qingxue people also persuaded.

"All right! Needless to say, this game will be up to Tezuka, we abstain! Ryuzaki

Jin hammered the nail and made a decision. She then temporarily handed over the job of courtside coach to Tezuka and took Yamato Yuda to the nearby Yona Hospital.

Yamato's arm injury cannot be dragged on, and must be treated immediately.

"What the hell... What a mess! Hirota

and Kono let out a long breath, although the game was won, they had the feeling of punching the cotton, obviously they were just about to exert their strength.

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