"The semi-finals of this Kanto Tournament are about to begin, Yamabuki Middle School vs. Seishun Gakuen Singles No. 3, and Yamabuki Middle School Chiseki Kiyojun vs. Seisuke Seiji Seijuen of Seishun Gakuen, please ask both players to play."

Soon the sound of the start of the singles number three match came from the loudspeaker, and this trip to the Kanto tournament if Seigaku lost this time was over.

"Come on, Chiseki!"

"Look at your Sengoku!"

Everyone in Yamabuki is very relaxed, and they still recognize Chishi's strength, and they also believe that Chiseki will definitely win this singles three-game match.

On the other hand, on the side of Qingxue, the pressure is all given to the two bodies.

Everyone lowered their heads and were speechless for a while.

"What's wrong? Why do you seem to be more nervous than me..." Seeing

that everyone looked worried, Buji smiled slightly.


Kikumaru opened his mouth, only to find that he didn't know what to say.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win!"

When he opened his eyes, his azure eyes were full of confident brilliance.

"No, come on!"

Tezuka came to Noji, he knew that after that loss to Kimuraji, Fuji had been training very hard, and today it was time for Fuji to show the results of his hard work.

"Leave it to me, Tezuka!"

Buji smiled slightly, he would not let the people of Qingxue suffer the bitter taste of failure again.

"Chishi, you have to be careful. Qingxue Buji Zhou Suke is a genius.

Kimura stood on the sidelines with his hands folded to his chest, and his words made Chishi, who was about to descend the court, pause.

"I see."

Chiseki dropped a word and pushed open the door of the stadium.


Who is not yet a genius!

"Positive or negative?"

Fuji looked at Chiseki in front of him and said with a smile.

Although they had fought with Chiseki in the previous dormitory, the two were actually not very familiar, and the impression of Chishi's was still stuck in the match between Chiseki and Qian.

"I choose the opposite, I have a hunch that Lady Luck will definitely be on my side today, no two."

Chiseki chuckled.


Fuji smiled slightly, and gently rotated the racket in his hand.

"Look, I'll just say I'm lucky today."

After seeing clearly the direction of the letters on the grip, Senseki bowed slightly, LUCK!

"The game begins! A set tiebreaker, Yamabuki Middle School Chiseki's pure serve! "




The mustard yellow ball kept bouncing in Chishi's palm, pulling everyone's attention.

Naturally, he will not take it lightly, after all, he was already famous in elementary school. Although all three kinds of return balls in the match with Kimura were cracked by Kimura, can that guy in Kimura look at it with the eyes of a normal person?


A large throw of the arm threw the ball, and the vertical climbing ball suddenly quieted the scene.

"It's coming! Thousand-stone tiger cannon!

Kikumaru's gaze froze, he was no stranger to Chishi's posture.

Sadaharu pushed his glasses and spread out his data book. This time he was busy, whether it was Qianshi's information or Buji's information, he was very interested.

"Tiger Cannon!"


A tiger roared in the mountains, and the ball that sloped down from the sky was amazing.

"Sure enough, it's fast!"

The ball was faster than Buji expected, but fortunately it was still within Fuji's tolerance.


Leaning forward with both hands, holding the handle with both hands and swinging it out quickly.

In order to be stable, this first ball is not the same, so that no matter how strong Chiseki's ball is, he has the confidence to hit it back. Although Fuji's body looks very slender and slender, Fuji's soft muscles also contain great strength.

"It's really worthy of being a genius of Qingxue, Buji Zhousuke, so simply beat back Qianshi's tiger cannon!"

Minami Kentaro was a little surprised, probably because Kimura and Noji's match gave him the illusion, he always thought that Fuji was a parallel trader, and now it seems that the name of genius is worthy of the name.

"No, he's a genius! It is a pity that his dedication to victory is somewhat lacking, otherwise he could have become stronger. "

For Fujikimuraji is naturally very understanding, the number two person of the youth school will definitely not lose to the number two of other schools, but the second person who has always been unable to raise the desire for victory or defeat has never really fulfilled his talent.

On the field.

Chiseki jumped to the midfield with a short step at his feet, and the tennis ball that had just bounced up from behind the service line was lifted up by the racket in Chishi's hand.

Super Half Volley!

The topspin ball is as fast as an upper-hook, and the whistling tennis ball gives a strong sense of pressure.


The racket pulls the shoulders, and then the racket quickly cuts across the surface of the tennis ball.

"Feiyan returns the nest!"

The violent upspin suppressed the flight height of the ball, and the tennis ball flying in an arc like a swallow fell sharply after passing through the net, sliding close to the ground and rolling out of the court.

"Game, no two weeks suke, 15:0."


"It's the cut that doesn't bounce! It turns out that this is the true face of that trick! Dongfang

Yamei's face was shocked, such a gorgeous and powerful trick was really amazing.

When he played with Kimuraji, Kimuraji had already hit the ball back before the nest of Fuji Feiyan landed, so the people of Yamabuki did not see the most gorgeous second half of this move.


Kimuraji looked at the ball and nodded thoughtfully, it seemed that the speed of falling faster than before?

On the court, Chiseki looked back at the tennis ball lying quietly by the wall, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"Kind of interesting!"


Chiseki threw the ball away again, this time no longer a jumping tiger cannon, but a flat-strike heavy cannon serving in pursuit of strength and speed.

"What a swing speed!"

Buji did not dare to be careless, and flew out in the face of the tennis ball. Chishi's flat serve is more simple and smooth than the average person, but the strength and rotation are not inferior.

Qianshi tapped the ground on his tiptoes, and with the blessing of swift steps, he quickly came to the landing point of this ball.


The downspin cut ball strikes like a heavy punch, and the tennis ball moving through the air moves restlessly.

His eyes opened, and his azure eyes were full of wisdom.


With a crisp low sound, the high hanging ball soared into the air like fireworks.

"Good opportunity!"

Chiseki swept his head up and bent his knees.


The tiger's downhill smash ball stirred up the furious air currents and slammed down.

Fuji crouched in the midfield, his arms raised flat, and a pale golden arc rose into the air from Fuji's racket, and then smashed impartially on the bottom line behind Chishi.

"The brown bear is caught!"

Kimuraji said lightly.

This gorgeous defensive counterattack style of high hanging ball is different from Dashi's moon climbing volley, and the ancient martial arts mysteries that use power to play are well used in their own tennis. Kimuraji thoughtfully, there is something to be gained in his strength, which will help Kimuraji integrate his ancient martial arts into tennis.

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