"I'm sorry for my old man, I disappointed you again."

Chiseki, who lost the game, returned to Kanya Fuda with a heavy heart, and at this moment, Chiseki felt the gaze from all directions, and his heart was like a knife, in his opinion, everyone should be laughing at him as a loser.

"Little Qianshi, don't care too much about the outcome of this match, you've done a good job."

Kan Tian also smiled and handed Chiseki a towel, in his opinion, Qianshi's performance in this scene was not flawed.

"But I didn't win this one for Yamabuki."

Listening to the comfort of his companion, Qianshi smiled bitterly, if he did really well, he should be the one who won.

"Don't worry too much about the gains and losses of a game, as long as you can learn from the game and make progress, that's enough. Anyway, the final victory can only belong to Yamabuki. Kanya

Tana gently patted Chishi's shoulder, for Chiseki, his tennis is just beginning, and there is still a lot to learn.

Who can always win, even Echizen Nanjiro did not win every battle when he started playing tennis.

Failure is the driving force for progress.

"I'm sorry everyone, I lost."

Returning to the team, Chiseki was a little afraid to look into everyone's eyes, and Chishi, who had a strong sense of self-esteem, thought that he was ashamed of his trust in everyone. Everyone called him such an important position as the singles three, but he disappointed everyone.

"It's okay Chiseki, we still have the match point anyway, don't we?"

Minami Kentaro comforted.

"Yes, yes, the final victory will still be ours."

Dongfang Yami patted Chishi's shoulder and said.

"Nan and Dongfang are right, Qianshi, losing to Fuji is not a shameful thing, after all, you have the most experience of the strength of the opponent. What you should do now is to take a good look at the game you just played, identify your shortcomings and correct them. The next time you play against each other, you can't lose again.

Kimuraji nodded, he didn't mean to blame Chiseki. As he said, it is not a shame to lose to Buji, and the genius of Qingxue Buji Zhou Suke is not so simple to deal with.

"Next time I will definitely not lose again!"

Being encouraged by his partners like this, Qianshi felt much better in his heart. He secretly made a decision in his heart that he would practice more after he went back! He must become stronger, and the next time he fights with Qingxue, he must be humiliated.

"Get out of the way, you loser!"

While everyone was comforting Chishi, Yakuzu carried the racket and pushed Chiseki away very rudely.

"Only the weak fail, Chiseki."

Yakuzu dropped a sentence and pushed open the door of the court, he is Yamabuki's second singles match.


Sengoku clenched his fists as he looked at Yakuzu's distant back, this guy was still so annoying.

Kimuraji shook his head, this guy Yakuzu is still so poisonous. He knew that in fact, Yakuzu had no malice, and his original intention was to let Chiseki not dwell on the past of failure, but to work hard to become stronger. It's just that the way Yakuzu speaks is really too direct.

"The semifinals of the Kanto Tournament are about to begin, Yamabuki Middle School vs. Seishun Gakuen Singles No. 2, and Yamabuki Junior High School Akuzuhito vs. Seishun Gakuen Kawamura Takashi, and both players are invited to play."

The sound of the loudspeaker made everyone slow down from the wonderful duel of the previous game, and the singles and second match began.

The faces of the Qingxue people were solemn, and they were familiar with Yajiujin. In fact, when they lost both doubles, they already knew that Seigaku had gone far, after all, except for Fuji and Tezuka, the rest of Seigaku had no way to compete with the Big Three of Yamabuki Middle School.

Yes, in the eyes of everyone in Seigaku, Kimuraji, Akuzu and Chiseki are Yamabuki's singles triumvirate.


Kawamura is all too clear about Yakuzu's strength, and he doesn't think he can win over the athletic genius of Akuzu. But there is no way, even if Seigaku arranges Tezuka to win Yakuzu in singles two, there is still no one who can compete with Kimuraji in singles one, which is a dead end.

"Aron! Take it! Kikumaru

threw Kawamura's yellow racket to Kawamura, and the moment he held the racket, Kawamura's whole person changed.

"Come on, come on! Yakuzu! Let's fight to the death!

Kawamura walked excitedly into the stadium waving his racket, leaving everyone speechless.

"Aron, he'll be fine..."

Kikumaru swallowed, he had the impression that Yakutsuna was a bad boy, and he wouldn't think that Kawamura was provoking him!

"It should be fine..." Everyone

from Qingxue was lying on the sidelines watching the field, shouldn't they be able to fight?!

"Kawamura, I didn't expect it to be you! It seems that you are very good at mixing in Qingxue. The

big eyes under the head of the yakuzu mushroom looked at Kawamura playfully, although Akuzu had never admitted it, but Kawamura was indeed one of his few friends.

"Let the horse come over Yakuzu, I'm not afraid of you!"

Kawamura's momentum looks good, but it would be better if his feet weren't trembling slightly.

"The match begins, a set tiebreaker, the serve of Takashi Kawamura of the Youth Gakuen."


"Look at my flame rush!"

Even if the opponent is Yakuzu, as long as he has a racket in his hand, Kawamura has nothing to fear.


The bulging muscles were as strong as iron, and the cuffs of Kawamura's clothes were bulging. The flat-hit serve smashed like a cannonball cut an arc like a large fireball

, "Kawamura,

are you tired of living!"

Yakuzu sneered, sprinted out with his left hand on the ground hunched over, and after arriving at the tennis ball landing point, he held the tennis ball in his arm and quickly pumped out.


Kawamura's seemingly stunning goal was knocked back by Yakuzu with a half-volley.

"What an amazing force!"

Kikumaru couldn't help but speak, it was Kawamura's heavy artillery flat strike serve, this guy Yakuzu could actually force back with a half-volley head-on, this guy's body is a monster.

"Come on! Yakuzu!

Kawamura gripped the handle of the racket with both hands, but he knew that Yakuzu's strength was far more terrifying than he believed.

"Burn it!"


Kawamura's arm was bruised, and the heavy weight coming from his hand made him frown.

"Aaron, he fell into the downside in the duel of strength."

Kan Zhenji's words were very cruel to the people of the young school, but this is also true. After watching Yakuzu burst out like a beast again, and then slammed Kawamura's hit back with one hand, the people of Qingxue fell silent.

They knew that Kawamura didn't have any chance at all, and even Kawamura's best strength could not defeat Yakuzu, so what else could Kawamura rely on to defeat this monster of Yamabuki.

"It's okay, you don't have to stick to momentary gains and losses, at least we've already reached the national competition."

Tezuka seemed to sense that the mood of the young people was a little low, and at this time he had to shoulder the responsibility of minister. In fact, they have fulfilled the vow they made in the Youth Academy Office, the Kanto Final Four, and the ticket to the national competition, which is already the best result in the history of the Youth Academy team.

The future of Qingxue is still very long, and even if it falls here, it will definitely be able to make a comeback.

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