
"The match was over, and Yamabuki Junior High School Yakuzuhito won, and the score was 6:0."

"So far, Yamabuki Middle School won the semi-final match between Yamabuki Middle School and Youth Gakuen in the semifinals of this Kanto Tournament and advanced to the final!"

In the end, Kawamura still failed to take any of the games from Yakuzu's men, and Yakuzu did not have the slightest intention of releasing water to Kawamura, and quickly cut the mess to end the singles match.

"You're too strong, Yakuzu!"

Kawamura sighed, he really couldn't win against Yakuzu.

Yakuzu clamped the racket under his left shoulder armpit to the net, and lightly hammered Kawamura's face with a fist in his right hand.


"What are you going to do! Yakuzu!

The people of Qingxue still thought that Yakuzu was going to make a move on Kamura, and shouted anxiously on the sidelines.

"This student, please pay attention to your behavior!"

The referee on the high chair also immediately tried to stop Yakuzu's behavior.

Yakuzu didn't care, these guys didn't seem to be reasonable at all in Yakuzu's opinion.

"Hecun, don't be a turtle in Qingxue, you have to fight."

After dropping a sentence, Yakuzu turned and left.


Kawamura smiled wryly as he looked at Yakuzu's departing back, and the way Yakuzu expressed his kindness was really special.

As one of the few "friends" of Yakuzu, Kawamura naturally hopes that he can learn a little better in Qing, and the character of this good old man in Kawamura's opinion will not bring him anything good in his opinion.

"It's my regret not to be able to fight you this time, Tezuka."

After the game, the two teams returned to the net, and Kimuraji and Tezuka shook each other and smiled.

"Let's meet Kimura again during the national competition."

In fact, Tezuka also had some regrets in his heart for not being able to fight Kimura, but Coach Ryuzaki's arrangement made no sense for him. The honor of the youth team is greater in Tezuka's heart than the personal gain or loss.

"Okay, let's compete again during the national competition!"

Kimuraji glanced at Noji next to Tezuka, Kikumaru, Oishi and the others, this group of first grade students in Qingxue was much more reliable than the group of second and third grades in the previous competition.

In the evening, the Yamabuki people, who had returned from victory at the competition venue, gathered again in the club.

"Companion, who won the match between Lihai Da and the Ice Emperor?"

Seeing that Kan Banda also pushed open the door of the social office, Nan Kentaro asked a little impatiently.

"Lihai Dai won 3-0 against the Ice Emperor, and they will be our opponents in tomorrow's final."

Tanda Gan also sighed slightly, judging from the information he obtained, Lihaida's strength this year was undoubtedly very terrifying, and the degree of terror even exceeded that of the whole king of the previous two years, Maki no To.

"Tachikai Da..." Kimuraji

actually knew that the opponent in the final would be Tachikai, although the strength of the Ice Emperor was not weak, but this year's Tachikai Dai was undoubtedly the strongest team on paper.

The thirteen consecutive victories of the Kanto are an indelible honor in the history of the Tachikai Brigade, and each generation of Tachikai University players is the king of the Kanto region, and it was and may be this year.

The Big Three of Tachikai, the superstar Mori Shouzaburo who transferred from Kansai Shitenhoji Temple, and the pair of doubles that won the Kanto championship and the national final four with his seniors last year, these few people alone are enough to scare off most schools.

"Look at you guys like this, I'm afraid to look like this before the game starts."

Yakuzu scoffed, he didn't understand why even Kimuraji had a solemn look.

"If you are afraid, you should quickly surrender, just like that, you still want to win the first place in the country?"

Yakuzu's words hit everyone like a hammer, yes, they vowed to become the number one team in the country.

"Huh! Yakuzu is right, isn't it Tachikai! Crush them for me!

Kimuraji laughed loudly, even if it was Tachikai, as long as the troops were lined up well, they might not have no hope of winning.

"This year's national first place is bound to be won by our Yamabuki!"

Kimuraji stood up and stretched out his right hand to scan the back of the audience.

"That's right! Win the first place in the country! Senishi

, Minami, Dongfang, Hirota, Kono, and Shintomi all stood up and folded their palms on Kimuraji's right hand like an arhat.


Seeing that everyone turned their eyes to him, Yakuzu pouted disdainfully, kicked off the chair under his ass and stood up, placing his right hand on the top in the surprised eyes of everyone.

"Huh! First in the country!

Kimuraji smiled slightly, Yakuzu finally began to slowly integrate into this collective, what reason is there to be afraid of Tachikai Dai like this!

"First in the country!"

In this small social office, a group of young people in Yamabuki issued a declaration of victory.

"Huh! It's nice to be young! Kan

Fuda also stood on the side and looked at this group of energetic young people smiling kindly, Yamabuki Middle School tennis club has not been so happy in many years, all because of this teenager.


For Kimuraji's future companion Kan is undoubtedly very much looking forward to, in four words to describe that the future can be expected!

The other end of the Lihai is large.

After winning the Ice Emperor, who was also the top four of last year's national competition, they became more imposing, and under the leadership of Yukimura, the group returned to the nest of tired birds and returned to the social office of Lihai University.

"This is the information of our opponent Yamabuki Middle School in tomorrow's final."

Liu Lianer pulled out a stack of materials and distributed them, which he had sorted out a long time ago.

"Did Qingxue lose?"

At this time, Sanada knew that Seigaku lost to Yamabuki, and his face suddenly collapsed after learning that the opponent in the final was Yamabuki.

"Yamabuki defeated Seigaku with a 3:1 record, and Tezuka was singles and did not have a chance to play."

Yukimura sighed.

He knew that Sanada had been looking forward to a battle with Tezuka for a long time, but there was nothing he could do if Seigaku didn't argue. And he has a hunch that even if Seigaku survives the singles and lets Tezuka appear, the ending of the semifinal match between Seigaku and Yamabuki may not be rewritten.

"Yamabuki's strength cannot be underestimated, and they easily defeated the Ice Emperor during the capital competition. After the Kanto Tournament began, they passed all the way, and no other school could win any game from them except for the young school's Buji Shusuke. Yanagi

Lianji tightened his expression, after Yamabuki's rise, he focused on Yamabuki's current situation, and after Yamabuki's new minister, Kimuraji, appeared, Yamabuki could be said to have a new life at once.

"Their third-grade doubles combination, I think the two seniors should be very familiar."

Liu Lianer turned her gaze to the only two third-grade Dao in the team.

"Hmm! Hirota and Kono are not below us, and they already entered the ranks of national doubles last year.

The two third-year students of Lihai University said solemnly.

"Hmm! As for their other pair of doubles, although it is only the first grade, according to rumors, the strength has already reached the national level! That is to say, Yamabuki has a national doubles combination of both teams. Liu

Lianji recorded in his own data book that Yamabuki really deserves to be an old doubles strong school, and their doubles lineup is indeed luxurious.

"Below are their singles, which in previous years were the weak point of Yamabuki, but this year is different. They have three first-year singles aces, and although Chiseki Kiyojun has been famous since elementary school, he is the weakest of the three, and according to my estimation, he should be between the Kanto level and the national level. But Yamabuki's other two individuals, Yakutsuhito and their minister, Kimuraji, undoubtedly have absolutely a national level. Yanagi

wrote the names of Yakuzu and Kimura on the blackboard behind everyone, and these two individuals were the ones that they should pay attention to the most.

"Na Lianji, do you have any good suggestions for our game schedule tomorrow."

Yukimura smiled slightly with his hands on the table, his purple jewel-like eyes were gentle as water, and Yukimura had always been so approachable in front of his own team.

"My suggestion is to adopt the same arrangement as against the Ice Emperor today, so as not to adapt to all changes."

Liu Lianer thought about it, although the strength of the mountain blow is not weak, but they are not bad at standing in the sea. With their strength in Lihai, they can definitely crush the mountain with dignity.

"The only one who wins can be our Lihai University!"

Sanada said quietly.

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