"Win... Win!

"Well... All right! Kimura he won! "

On the side of the mountain blowing, Qianshi, Nan, Dongfang and others took a long time to react. Kimuraji actually kept a clean sheet against Sanada of Tachikai?!

"Yamabuki! Win! Yamabuki! Win! Instantly

, there was a burst of applause and cheers to the mountain blowing and Kimuraji.

After winning this one, Yamabuki has already led Tachikai University by a 2:1 advantage, and as long as he wins another Kanto championship, this time, he will be taken by Yamabuki Middle School.

"Thank you for your advice!"

At the end of the game, Kimuraji extended his right hand towards Sanada through the net.

"Advise? I would like to really thank you, Kimura!

Sanada smiled self-deprecatingly and reached out to shake Kimuraji's hand.

Those who lose do not lose the battle, not to mention Sanada has always maintained respect for the strong. In addition, with that last goal, he finally broke the bottleneck that he had never crossed. Although he ended up hanging the net, Sanada believes that it won't be long before he can completely master that trick!

Move like thunder!

"Let's compare it next time!"

Kimuraji smiled slightly.

"I will definitely not lose again next time!"

Sanada tugged at the brim of his hat and turned away after dropping a sentence, and when he completely completed his unfinished two great mysteries was when he challenged Kimura and Tezuka.

Wait for it!

"I'm sorry Yukimura, I lost!"

Sanada seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when he said these words, and his previous strength was all for naught at this moment.

"It's okay Ichiro, it's not to blame you, Kimura's strength has exceeded the limit of what you can fight against!"

Yukimura whispered comforting in Sanada's ear.

In the face of Kimuraji, even Yukimura himself is not sure that he can win, Sanada's failure is really not to blame Sanada. It can only be said that the appearance of Kimuraji was an accident, and this year's Yamabuki is even more eyeing their Kanto throne, and placing Kimuraji in the position of number three in singles is the best proof.

Originally, Yukimura always thought that the champion of the Kanto Tournament this time was already in the pocket of Tachikai, but he didn't expect to kill a roadblock halfway. Although they are now 1:2 behind, Yukimura is not too flustered. He had read Yamabuki's information, and the next appearance of Yamabuki Middle School, whether it was Chiseki Seijun or that Yakuzu, could not have won the second singles of their Rikai University.

Mori Shouzaburō!

Although this senior, who transferred from the Kansai Four Heavenly Treasure Temple, is even more excessive than this guy in Renwang on weekdays, his strength is not covered, which is why he can serve as the number two in the Tachihai singles.

Lihai University has never paid attention to qualifications, only strength.

"Maori senior, please this one!"

Liu Lianer pleaded solemnly.

Although Liu Lianji is quite critical of Mao Li, who often skips training on weekdays, when facing an invading enemy, Liu Lianji will not let her attitude drag down the mentality of her teammates.

Hearing this, Maori glanced at everyone a little unexpectedly, but did not expect that all of them looked at him with that kind of hopeful gaze, which made Maori feel a heavy weight in his heart.

"I know, leave it to me!"

Mao Li, who has never thought of taking the initiative to integrate into the team of Lihai University since he transferred to a school, realized at this moment that he was already an inseparable member of Lihai University.

"Little Sanada doesn't have to be so upset, everything is with me and the little president!"

Maori's body paused, this was the first time he had taken the initiative to speak to Sanada.

"Senior Māori!"

Sanada looked at Maori who pushed open the door of the stadium stunned, but he did not expect that he would one day be stabilized by Mori Shouzaburo.

It's really deceiving.


Kimura called out to Yakuzu, who was about to push open the stadium gate.

"Be careful, the other party is not simple."

"Boom! Don't dictate to me, Kimura!

Akuzu's unruly words came, followed by the sound of the stadium's iron gate vibrating.

"Huh! Yakuzu, if you underestimate your opponent, you will suffer a big loss! Kimuraji

had already recognized the other party from his burgundy curls.

Mori Shouzaburō!

That is Tetsuya Hara, one of the legendary ministers of Shitenhoji Temple, who squeezed into the first army of Japan's U-17 training camp as a freshman in high school.

"The following is the final of this Kanto Grand Tournament, where the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will play against Kanagawa Prefecture on behalf of Tachikai University High School Singles No. 2, and Yamabuki Junior High School Akuzuhito against Tachikai University High School Mori Shouzaburo!"

The sound of the broadcast sounded at the right time, and the audience, who were originally exchanging ears at the scene, suddenly quieted down.

"It's about to start, the most crucial game!"

Shinobu pushed his glasses, and after Kimuraji took the crucial singles three, the singles two became the decisive game.

"Please advise!"

Mori Shouzaburo wanted to shake hands with Yakuzu before the game, but with Yakuzu's bad temperament, he would not dump him at all.

"It's really a little brother with character, I like it!"

Mori Shouzaburo smiled disapprovingly, he had seen too many grumpy teenagers like Yakuzu.

"The match begins, a set tiebreaker, Tachikai Dai Mori Shouzaburo serve!"


"Uncute little brother, let me tell you what is the virtue of respecting the old and loving the young!"

Mori Shouzaburo chuckled, then tossed the tennis ball in his hand.


A ball that Maori struck from the front of the side brought a bang, and the tennis ball came to Yakuzu's feet in an instant at a very surprising speed.



The ball that flew out of the field without hindrance slammed into the barbed wire behind him, making a sharp vibration sound.


Yakuzu raised his eyebrows, and there was some surprise on his pale face. Although the ball just now had his slightly distracted factor, the serve of the big man on the opposite side had to be said to be really fast.

It's really a master!

Yakuzu has not forgotten what Kanya Fuda once said, as long as he joins Yamabuki Middle School, he will encounter many masters as tall as mountains waiting for him to challenge.

"Uncute little brother, it's a very dangerous thing to lose your mind when you compete with me!"

Mori Shouzaburo chuckled and tossed the ball away again.


Bend your knees and kick the ground, stretch your whole body with the help of the rebound force, and then hit your arms heavily.


“ACE! Mori Shouzaburō, 30:0. Seeing

Maori serve and score again, everyone in Lihai University was a little excited.

"Poof! Although the Maori senior is a little unreliable on weekdays, he will never let us down. And

Maori said with a chuckle, as a familiar Renwang.



"This game was scored by Tachikai Daifu Junior High School Mori Shouzaburo, and the score was 1:0."

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