"How, not cute little brother!"

Maori carried the racket on his shoulders, and although the little brother in front of him looked a little strong, Maori believed that it would definitely be himself who won this game.


Yakuzu pouted disdainfully.

"The tennis ball taught by this dead old man is of no use at all."

Yes, in the last matchup, Kokuzu tried the so-called orthodox tennis that Kanya Fuda had taught him, and Yakuzu found that this thing was a burden for him.

It's not useful at all.

"Watch me smash your face!"

Yakuzu smiled presumptuously, then tossed the ball away.


"Hey, hey, hey! What a serving position is that! Maori

Shouzaburo's gaze froze slightly, and then he stepped out and chased out.

The point of the average person's serve is basically in front of the top of the head, but Yakuzu is different, his serve point is actually on the chest!

"Hey, hey!"

Yakuzu's pale face was full of defiance, and this playing posture was the most comfortable position for him.


With his left hand pressed to the ground, his upper body curled up in a lobster-like akuzu catapult starts, arching his back and swinging his arms, the racket in his hand whistling out from his feet.

Super Half Volley!

Although Yakuzu's super semi-volley is a bit strange, its strength and speed are amazing.

"What the hell is going on with this guy's tennis? It's just out of order! "

The jackal Kuwabara's eyes are still as big as copper bells, and the jackal who has been trained in Western elite tennis plays orthodox Western-style tennis, and the impact of Yakuzu's tennis at this moment can be said to be very great.

"Poof! Trust Senior Maori and he will definitely win! Although

Renwang was also a little worried, in the end, his trust in Maori overwhelmed his worries.

"Beast-like intuition, inexhaustible physical strength, monster-like strength and speed, this is our Yamabuki Yakuzujin!"

Kimuraji's gaze swept over Yukimura, who was still safe and sound on the sidelines, and Akuzu's beast-like style of play was not something that ordinary people could parry.

As if sensing Kimura's prying eyes, Yukimura turned his face sideways to meet Kimuraji's gaze.

"Huh! Interesting! From

Yukimura's eyes, Kimuraji couldn't see the slightest hint of worry, and it seemed that Yukimura had a lot of confidence in Māori.


On the court, Yakuzu forced Maori into the bottom corner of the flank and killed the game with a volley in tennis.

"The game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and the score was 1:1."


"This guy from Yamabuki he... He..." Shinobu

thought about it and didn't think of a suitable adjective to describe Yakuzu's performance. You say he is weak, but Yakuzu's furious attack is really strong. You say that he is strong, and the flaws exposed by Yakuzu's body during the game have been discovered a lot even by Shinobi.

To describe Yakuzu's tennis in four words, it is only offensive but not defensive, and tennis without defense is destined to be impossible to win against players of the same level or stronger than himself.

"Messy guy."

Jibe shook his head, he was not optimistic about Yamabuki's Yakuzujin. In contrast, the skills displayed by Tachikai Dai Maori Shouzaburo are undoubtedly far superior to those of Yakuzu, and Jibu can clearly feel that Maori Shouzaburo has not yet brought out his full strength.

"The warm-up should also be over, I will not be polite below, not cute little brother!"

Mori Shouzaburo stretched his brows slightly, and while throwing the ball to the right front, he bent his knees and kicked his legs, and his arm swung his racket like a firing pin to hit the tennis ball steadily.


Instantly fired, and the golden beam that burst out of the flames swept into the air and flew straight towards Yakuzu's feet.

"So fast! His serve has become faster!


heart sank, this ball even his dynamic vision could only see a vague shadow.

"You're welcome? Less presumptuous there!

Yakuzu sneered, and the shadow of a tennis ball was instantly reflected in his pupils.


The powerful backhand draw between the raised hands instantly ejects the bouncing tennis ball, and the sudden roar can prove how amazing the force of this ball is.

"Huo! What an amazing young man! "

Even if I am only one year higher than Yakuzu, my seniors are seniors! The heavy weight at hand also evoked Maori in his competitive heart, and he had not fought a decent opponent for a long time since he left Shitenhoji.


The sharp half-volley was fierce and accurate, and the arc light flew towards the other side of Yakuzu in the trajectory of the frontal return.

Yakuzu's face showed a fierce light, the cat's waist rushed out like a cheetah, and the toes even rubbed against the ground for a burst of sparks.

"What a fast foot power!"

Even Liu Lianji was a little surprised, such strong foot strength would undoubtedly have a certain impact on the victory of the Maori senior.


The topspin ball that was pumped with a very low center of gravity rolled back, but the figure of Maori jumping from the front court made Yakuzu's heart sink.

Did this guy count everything ?!

The sharp-eyed Yakuzu immediately saw the afterglow from the corner of Maori's eyes sweeping over the bottom corner of the square where he was originally standing.

"You got your way!"

Yakuzu roared and stomped on the ground with his right foot, and the force of the recoil pushed Yakuzu back at a very fast speed.

"Huh! You're fooled, not cute little brother! The

corners of Maori Shouzaburo's mouth raised, and the original thrust in his hand stood up abruptly, and after landing, he gently cushioned and picked up.


"Short... Short ball?! "

Qianshi said for a while, this guy's control of his body is too terrifying, right? It is clear that the action of raising his hand can actually be stopped abruptly?

"Game, Mori Shusaburo, 15:0."

As usual, the wonderful matchup Rao was the referee, and he was also stunned for a moment before reporting the score.

"You fellow!"

The eyes under the head of the yakuzu mushroom were fierce, and this red-haired guy on the other side actually dared to tease him!

"Ouch! Your gaze makes people feel a little scared! Not cute little brother! Mori

Shouzaburo chuckled, he had seen a lot of bad boys like Yakuzu, but Yakuzu was the first bad boy who could play tennis so well.

"It's going to go on! Not cute little brother! After

slowly walking to the left tee line, Maori tossed the ball away again.


Under the tumbling placket, the eight-pack abs of the gross profit are clearly visible, and the Maori is not bad when it comes to the talent of the body.



"This game was scored by Tachikai Daifu Junior High School Mori Shouzaburo, and the score was 2:1."




"This game was scored by Tachikai Daifu Junior High School Mori Shouzaburo, and the score was 3:1."


"Yakuzu's serve is broken!"

The hearts of everyone in the mountain blow sank, it was going to be bad.

In the fourth game, in the service of Yakutsu, Mori Shouzaburo fully demonstrated his strength as the first place in the Kansai rookie competition, and this unknown teenager in Kanto made everyone present remember his name.

Mori Shouzaburō!

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