"Oh? Not bad!


fair face was still the same empty look, and he didn't worry at all because he was behind the score.

"It's a pity, not cute little brother! I'm going to win this game! Although

he does not participate in the club activities of the Lihai University Tennis Club on weekdays, Maori undeniably regards himself as a member of Lihai University in his heart.

He wants to win this victory for Yukimura and for Tachikai.


The tennis ball that was thrown towards the right was instantly pressed down by a racket, and the inward-pronating arm swung the racket at great speed and hit the tennis ball.

The tennis ball flew a little arc under the obstacles of air resistance, but Maori still maintained a fairly strong ball speed on his topspin serve.

"Watch me smash your face!"

Yakuzu's pupils dilated slightly, and a burst of oppressive aura suddenly burst out from his body.

"Hey, hey, hey! What happened! Of

course, the most profound feeling was of course Maori as Yakuzu's opponent, and his sweaty hair stood up, and a feeling of unease emerged from the bottom of his heart.

"Beat you up!"

Yakuzu's left hand hangs low on the ground, and his toes and left hand simultaneously push his body to eject starts.

"So fast! He's getting faster! Liu

Lianji squinted his eyes slightly and exclaimed, Yamabuki's Yakuzu's data model began to fluctuate again.

This guy actually overturned the data he collected before?!

Liu Lianer's heart was a little shocked, but not just anyone could overturn their own data.

Super Half Volley!

The semi-volley was Yakuzu's greatest weapon for him, and he kept sprinting and swung the racket in his hand, and the force of this burst was simply amazing.

"What a joke!"

Mao Li's reaction was already extremely fast, but the heavy weight coming from hand made him almost stagger under his feet.


Mori Shouzaburo finally hit back with a ball that could pass the net, and Yakuzu's figure had already jumped up from the front of the net, raising his hand violently and rolling up a gust of air.


A glow fell in front of Maori and then burst from his crotch into the barbed wire behind him.


The sudden vibration of the barbed wire frightened the spectators standing by the barbed wire.

"This guy!"

Mori Shouzaburo retracted the smile on his face, and from the teasing gaze that Yakuzu had just seen, he could tell that this guy was doing it on purpose.

It seems that you still can't be careless!

Mori Shouzaburo shook his head and walked slowly behind the left tee line.

"Then let's try it, not cute little brother!"

Mori Shouzaburō's left knuckle tightly clasped the fibrous surface of the tennis ball in his hand, and as a former Kansai rookie king, he naturally has his own pride. Losing to a junior is absolutely unacceptable.



The game suddenly entered a white-hot confrontation.

"So fierce! These two individuals! Liu

Lianji's heart was shocked, whether it was Mori Shouzaburo or Yakuzu Ren's strength was enough to move him, and it had definitely reached the threshold of the national level.

Yamabuki's Kimuraji, Yakutsuhito, Yamabuki actually has two national singles players at the same time, coupled with Yamabuki's strong doubles lineup, there is no doubt that no matter who wins or loses in this Kanto final, this year's Yamabuki is definitely Tachikai's fierce rival to dominate the country.

"Poof! I haven't seen a Maori senior like this for a long time! "

As the best of the Tachikai Brigade, Nioh once saw Maori in full swing in private.


"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, the score was 2:3."



"This game was scored by Tachikai Daifu Junior High School Mori Shouzaburo and the score was 4:2."



"This game was scored by Yamabuki Junior High School Yakutsuhito, and the ratio was 3:4."

"Both sides change sides!"


The scorching sun scorched the earth, and in this hot summer weather, the score between Yakuzu and Mori alternately climbed in a fierce match, and neither side seemed to be able to help the other.

"It's exciting, Yakuzu."

Kan Baida also handed a towel to the next Yakuzu, who had already left traces on the ground with sweat running down his face.

"Less verbosity!"

Although Yakuzu was already sweating on his body, his eyes were shining. As Kanya Fuda said, this kind of competition brought him only excitement, and his adrenaline was constantly secreting to stimulate the cells of his body.

"Huh! Yakuzu, it's time for you to change yourself. If you can—"

"Don't point fingers at me there, old man!"

Before Kanya Hakita could finish speaking, he was rudely interrupted by Yakutsu, who hated being taught to him the most.

"Alas..." Watching

Yakuzu's back get up again, Tian Gan also shook his head helplessly, if Yakuzu tried to defend and counterattack as he said, this game actually had a high probability of winning.

It's just a pity....

The broken hair in front of Maoli's forehead crouched in the backfield has been glued to his forehead under the sweat, and he has lost his previous elegance.

Although Yukimura didn't say it just now, Mori still felt Yukimura's heart.

This little minister of his own family is really good face.


Just as Maori was distracted, a boom exploded beside him.

"Hmph! If you lose your mind again, I'll smash your face!"

Yakuzu snorted coldly with disdain, he finally met a suitable prey, and it would be too boring if the other party did not struggle.

"Huh! What an uncute little brother!

Maori took a deep breath and threw the distractions out of his mind. The game is not over yet, what the hell is he thinking about.

Yakuzu nodded with some satisfaction, which was like words.


A terrifying aura suddenly erupted from Yakuzu's body, and the heavy pressure that rushed to his face made Maori pupils shrink.


Yakuzu's smashed arm brought up an afterimage, and the seemingly slender arm actually contained infinite power.

"Good risk, good risk!"

Mori Shouzaburo stepped forward, and shoved out fiercely with both hands.

Not only has Yakuzu's serve become more powerful, but also the speed of the ball has become faster, and the contrast brought about by this sudden increase in speed makes Maori almost not react.


Yakuzu immediately rushed towards the net after serving, defensive?

There is no defense in his dictionary, only constant attack.


The tennis ball that had just passed the net was directly intercepted by Yakuzu in front of the net, and the strong wind rolled upside down, and a clear glow went straight to the bottom corner of Maori farth.

If it had been before Yamabuki, this ball would definitely have gone towards Maori in the face, but now Akuzu's style of play has begun to change towards victory.

"Oops! This ball Maori senior can't catch up!

The jackal Kuwabara exclaimed, this distance, this ball speed, can not catch up.

"Nope! Catch up! King

Ren's voice came faintly, which immediately attracted the attention of everyone in Lihai.

Why is Renwang so determined.


Maori tried his best to run towards the other side, but he was still a little closer to the tennis ball.


Yakuzu's pupils shrank, as if he saw something incredible.

Maori Shouzaburo's arm has inexplicably become longer?

The ball that should have been stable was actually caught by Mori Shouzaburō's racket, and he turned his body with his heels, and Maori threw the ball out when his body was unstable.


"Touch the tennis ball!"

Mountain blowing people, you look at me, I look at you, is it luck?

"Game, Mori Shouzaburō, 15:15."

Yakuzu's brows furrowed slightly, and he looked at the other side with a hint of doubt. Opposite him, Maori's left hand pressed against his right hand, and a hint of sweat appeared on his forehead, but the smile at the corner of his mouth made Yakuzu's mood suddenly worse.

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