
Yakuzu tossed the ball again, swung his racket slightly to the inside, and hit the tennis ball at the high point.

The extremely violent flat-hit serve fell like a cannonball, and this ball perfectly brought out the strength of Yakuzu.

"Really, the ball has become heavier!"

Mori Shouzaburo swung his hands against the bouncing tennis ball, and then the force and impact from his hand made his brows furrow slightly.

In fact, it is not that Yakuzu's serve has become heavier, but that the strength of Maori has weakened.

As the match goes to the end, a decline in physical function is inevitable, unless you are a beast like Yakuzu.


"Game, Mori Shouzaburō, 30:15."

Facing the attacking but not defensive, Yakuzu Mori once again found a flaw and scored the score with a high hanging ball.

"Shouldn't this guy Yakuzu want to lose?!"

Kentaro Minami's hands are clenched into fists, although the relationship with Yakuzu is not very good on weekdays, but now Yakuzu is fighting on behalf of Yamabuki after all, and as long as this one is won, this time the Kanto champion is them Yamabuki.

However, it is obvious that anyone can see that now Yakuzu has fallen into the downside. Although the burgundy bubble noodle head on the opposite side is inferior to Yakuzu in terms of strength, it is above Yakuzu in terms of speed and skill.

"It's hard to say, Yakuzu still has a chance!"

Kimuraji's eyes were cold, this game could be said to be their last chance for Yamabuki. The number one singles of Tachikai Dai is undoubtedly Seiichi Yukimura, the son of their president, and there is no one in Yamabuki other than Kimuraji himself who can compete with Yukimura.

That is to say, the next singles blow will definitely lose.

Although the situation on the field is now slightly superior, as long as Yakutsu drags the game back, there is still a chance. It's just that the other party's suddenly extended arm just now made Kimuraji's heart have some doubts, and he suddenly thought of an ability of this guy Maori .

Joint skills of professional wrestlers!


"This game was scored by Tachikai Daifu Junior High School Mori Shusaburo, and the score was 5:3."

After forcing Yakutsu back to the bottom line with another high hanging ball, Mori Shouzaburo returned to Yakuzu's volley with an understatement short ball, and broke again successfully.

For Maori , although Yakuzu, who only attacks but does not defend, is full of momentum, there are too many flaws.

"Great! It's time for the Maori senior's game game! "

This is the first time that he has seen the strength of Mori Shouzaburō, he originally did not have a good impression of this usually elusive senior, but now he was conquered by Maori Shouzaburo with his own strength.

"Poof! Māori seniors are going to take it! "

From beginning to end, Nioh had great confidence in Maori , and although the young Yakuzu was very talented, Nioh was very sure that his kind of tennis would not win against Maori seniors.

"Not cute little brother, it's time for this game to end!"

Mori Shouzaburo gently pressed the tennis ball in his palm, and let out a soft breath to relieve the tension in his heart.


The tennis ball was grabbed by Maori in the palm of his hand and then flew to the right front, and then Maori swung his racket with his right hand and rubbed the surface of the tennis ball obliquely.


In the surprised eyes of everyone, the tennis ball drew a slightly curved golden curve and smashed heavily on the bottom line of Yakuzu.

After Mori Shouzaburo deliberately added a hint of side-spin spin to his upspin serve, the angle at which the ball bounced was bound to make Yakutsu, a person who had just received formal tennis training, feel very uncomfortable.

Yakuzu's whole body was forced to come to the sidelines, and only then could he make a satisfactory counterattack.


Mori Shouzaburo stepped forward quickly, his toes slammed on the ground, and the golden rooster jumped independently on one foot.

"That is?!"

A hint of surprise flashed in Kimuraji's eyes, this is the vertical jump of the center of gravity?!


After using a complex spinning serve to force the opponent to go to the farthest end to catch the ball, and then using the vertical jump of gravity to hit the ball to the bottom corner of the other side, Maori showed his superb ball intelligence at this moment.

"Game, Mori Shusaburo, 15:0."

Kimuraji's heart sank, and by this time the decisive difference between Mori and Akuzu began to be revealed. In terms of physical talent, Yakuzu is undoubtedly above Maoli, but Māori's superiority in skill and tactics will force Yakuzu to pay more.

After switching to the left tee line, Maori tosses the ball again, still at an angle close to his right front.

The left serve will undoubtedly land closer to the bottom line, which makes Yakuzu have to be forced to withdraw from the field again and withdraw the ball from outside the court. Yakutsu, who hit back Māori's serve, immediately rushed straight towards the bottom corner on the other side, he had already seen Māori's netting action, and the same trick would not take effect a second time on his Akuzu Ren.

"Hey, hey!"

Maori suddenly laughed badly, and the racket in his hand closed in the air and quickly turned and fell.


After landing, the racket in Maori hand gently cushioned, and the tennis ball fluttered over the court and fell to the ground in front of the net.

"Short... Short ball?! "

Mountain Blowing everyone was stunned, this guy's body flexibility is probably too good!

"Game, Mori Shouzaburō, 30:0."



"Game, Mori Shouzaburō, 40:0."


Yakuzu, who was once again teased by Mao using his superb ball merchant, had a gloomy and terrifying face, and this guy in front of him actually dared to tease him!

It's simply unforgivable!

Yakuzu silently came to the left backfield and crouched, his eyes began to glow scarlet.

"One more ball! One more ball!

"Chang Sheng! Tachikai is big! Always win! Tachikai is big! The

surrounding Tachikai members began to cheer, and it only took one more goal for Mori Shouzaburo to win the game.

"Let's finish!"

Maori twisted his waist and abdomen and led his arm to hit hard, and the ball was over.

Yakuzu's eyes flashed red, and he raised his arm and struck out heavily.


The sound caused by this ball was particularly terrifying.

"What a joke!"

Maori tightened his heart and aimed his hands at the bouncing tennis ball.


The rackets in Maori hands were constantly wailing, and the moment the racket collided with the tennis ball, it caused a burst of anger.

"Give me back!"

After finally using his wrist to remove a trace of the force of this ball, he shot back, but Yakuzu's figure had already jumped from in front of the net.


Raising his hand was a sharp killing ball, and the wave of qi that broke everything rolled up and smashed heavily at Maori Shouzaburo's feet.


Suddenly, Saturn splashed, and the dust and gravel on the ground were shaken apart by this ball.

"Game, Yakutsuhito, 15:40."

Maori smiled helplessly, this uncute little brother is really difficult, has he not given up the attack until now?



Then Yakuzu showed full resilience, constantly attacking, constantly chasing the ball, even if he was tired, he had to bite off a piece of Maoli's flesh.

"Game, Yakutsuhito, 40:40."

The people of Lihai were silent for a while, and Yamabuki's Yakuzujin! This time they memorized the name thoroughly.

The battle for this crucial game was particularly anxious.

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