"This guy!"

The more he fights, the more frightened Mao Li is, and the opponent's progress in the last few goals is undoubtedly huge.

Maori knew that he could not drag on like this, if this game was won by the other side, there would be too many variables.


Maori squeezed the tennis ball in his hand, his knuckles clasped the fuzzy surface and flew to the right front, and the moment the tennis ball flew away from the palm of his hand, Maoli's body had already bent his knees and tightened into a long bow.


With a deliberate roar, many people subconsciously covered their ears. The strong force poured into the tennis ball along the racket, and in an instant, the tennis ball underwent a violent deformation.


The golden light and shadow cut through the sky, and in the blink of an eye, it had already smashed on the ground.

"His serve has become faster!"

Qianshi Qingchun gasped, this ball even he did not see clearly. This is also natural, now Senseki is on this threshold between the peak of the Kanto level and the national level, and Maori is definitely a solid national level, and it is not surprising that Maori will not be able to see the real thing with a goal Senseki.

"Less proud there!"

The breath on Yakuzu's body rose again, and the muscles all over his body seemed to bulge a little.


Under the anger, the speed of Yakuzu's swing is still invisible, and the vigorous force makes the tennis ball instantly turn into a meniscus shape.

"Is this guy a monster? His strength and speed have actually increased again! After

seeing Yakutsu's quick surf after hitting back the Maori senior's serve, the jackal Kuwabara couldn't help but be shocked, if he faced this monster, he would have been defeated long ago.

"Senior Maori ..."

Although Nioh was very confident in Maori 's strength, the sense of oppression that Yakuzu brought him at the moment was too strong. He was a little hairy even standing on the sidelines, not to mention Mori Shūzaburō, who was facing Yakutsu in the field.

Maori naturally saw the action of Yakuzu surfing the net, he stepped forward, the racket was slightly tilted and pulled up from below, and the wrist flip brought a high-flying curve.

"It's a high hanging ball!"

Minami Kentaro exclaimed, and this guy called Mori Shouzaburo of Tachikai reacted quickly.

Yakuzu looked up, slammed on the ground, and instantly jumped up with the inertia of the dash.

"This guy's bouncing power is amazing!"

Seeing that Yakuzu had caught up with the tennis ball in the air, Liu Lianji said in a deep voice.

That was originally the goal that Mao used to force Yakuzu to return to the bottom line, I am afraid that it will become Yakuzu's chance ball.


Yakuzu's eyes flashed with bloodlust, but the kill ball he smashed down was aimed at the no-man's land on the Maori flank. Even with this anger, Yakuzu's heart still maintains the best judgment, which may be due to intuition.

Mori Shouzaburo stepped forward and hurriedly chased, his right foot rubbed the ground to forcibly stop his body from straddling, and his waist and horse joined his arms like a whip and threw out a sonic boom.

Even Mao Li, who was shocked by the shock, still gritted his teeth and persevered, because he knew that he could not have the slightest hesitation at this time.

If you hesitate, you will lose.


"It's a high hanging ball again! This guy is really an iron braincase. Dongfang

, who saw Maori hit a high hanging ball again, laughed, in his opinion, Maori is running out of skills.

In fact, it is not that Maori has to be like this, but Yakuzu's body has been guarded in front of the net like an iron tower, and he only has such a choice.


The corners of Yakuzu's mouth rose slightly, all of which he expected.

Turning around, Yakuzu showed his amazing foot strength, and the perfect muscle lines of his calves shimmered with a metallic sheen in the sun.


The right foot that stepped out slammed on the ground, and Yakuzu's whole person had already jumped up.

"Is it a kill again!"

Mori Shouzaburo tensed his body, his feet tightly outlined the ground and gathered momentum, as soon as he could see the trajectory of the ball, he would immediately rush towards the landing point.


Yakuzu sneered, and the racket in his hand passed by the falling tennis ball. His body sped down after turning in the air, and the racket cut horizontally in front of him, just as the tennis ball fell on the face of the racket.



"This guy! I actually forcibly stopped my movements and chose to put the ball! Everyone

in Lihai University was stunned, this guy who played disorderly actually had such a delicate side?

"Take it!"

Minami Kentaro whistled, and in his opinion this goal was won by Yakuzu.


Kimuraji's cold voice sounded, and everyone turned their eyes to the half of Lihai, and a figure in an earthy yellow top was rapidly approaching in front of the net.

Although Maori had done his best, he knew that if he only did, he would not have received the ball, and even if he did, he would not be able to knock it back into the net.


Mori Shouzaburo bit his teeth and flew out on his tiptoes.

"Is that enough?"

"Nope! He can't reach it! Chiseki

finally gave an affirmative answer, his eyes clearly seeing that Maori's racket was away from this ball....


In Chishi's line of sight, the racket in Maori's hand suddenly grew and was actually placed just under the tennis ball.

The slowly climbing tennis ball tugged at everyone's heartstrings, and the moment it flew over the net, the tennis ball deviated a little towards the court of Yakuzu, and then fell lightly to the ground.

"The match ended with a victory by Tatekai University High School Mori Shouzaburo with a score of 6:3."

The referee's voice sounded, and the scene suddenly fell into a dead silence.

"Yakuzuta... Lost?

Minami Kentaro said after swallowing his saliva.

"How is it possible!"

Chiseki still hasn't figured out why the racket in Mori Shouzaburo's hand suddenly becomes longer.


Kan Futian on the sidelines also sighed slightly, this last ball is actually no wonder Yakuzu, it can only be said that the other party is too unexpected. After living for so many years, it was the first time he had seen someone who could integrate the joint skills of professional wrestling into tennis, and I don't know how this child endured the pain of active dislocation.

However, Yakuzu's loss basically buried Yamabuki's possibility of winning the Kanto Tournament this time. Originally, Kanya Fuda thought that the doubles Yamabuki would win both matches, and then Kimuraji would seal the victory, who would have thought that he would actually win a doubles game by Tachikai. In this way, we can only hope for the singles number two Yakuzu, but unfortunately now Yakuzu has lost.

Unless there is a miracle, Yamabuki is basically over.

However, the achievements of the Guan East Asian Army are already acceptable for Kanya Tan, after all, these children are still young, and he believes that if he gives himself a little more time, he can definitely make this mountain blow stronger.

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