Kimuraji, who was the first to reach the finish line, bent over with his hands on his knees and gasped, even he was tired enough this time.

The size of this tire is not small, and the obstacles along the way are great. It's not just the weight of the tires, but also the resistance of the sand, the gravel on the road, and so on.

"But... Damn, Kimura, you guy... It's so fast! "

I don't know how long after Kimura arrived, Minami Kentaro, Kuroba Harufuze, and Kiki Nozohiko finally arrived at the end.

The bottom one in their group is naturally Kentaro Minami.

"Why can you run so fast? Why? Why don't you seem tired? Shu

Xiyan's snort was particularly frightening at the moment, and the air flow that erupted from his nostrils was as loud as the whistle of a train. Although Shu Xiyan's face was full of sweat and red, his eyes were still full of curiosity. He wondered why Kimuraji could run so fast.


Minami Kentaro looked at Kiki Nozohiko with a confused expression.

Why can this guy ask so much why, like a machine gun?

Could it be that this guy is from a hundred thousand why?

At the urging of Kanya Hakita, the four dragged the tire to the shade of the tree on the side, used the tire as a stool to sit on the top and rest, and their eyes were on the bodies of Yakuzu, Chiishi, Saeki and Shouto Satoshi who were constantly approaching this side in the distance.

I'm really tired when I run by myself, and it's really cool when I watch others run.

This is what Kimura and others think now.

Soon, Yakuzu took the lead to reach the end, and the three of Chiseki still had a short distance behind him.


Yakuzu pouted disdainfully, and then followed Kimuraji and the others to drag the tires alone and find a shade to sit down.

At the end of the first round, after giving everyone a little rest, Kanya Fuda urged the four members of the first group to stand up and run back to the starting point from here.

In this way, it is a reincarnation.

The sun is slowly setting and the sea is slowly beginning to recede.

After putting the tires back on the car, everyone also ushered in rare peace. Sucking on the special drink that Kanya Fuda prepared for them, and enjoying the salty smell of the sea breeze, I feel uncomfortable.

Ding-dong, at this time, Kan Bantian, who returned from driving back in a pickup truck again, also attracted everyone's attention. Especially the people of the hexagonal middle school, they knew what this familiar voice was as soon as they heard it.

"Great, you can fish for shells again!"

Shu Xiyan was the first to jump, and his heavy snort rushed out of the two white pi drills like a train whistle.

"Fishing for shells?"

The people of Yamabuki naturally did not understand, because it was the traditional performance of their Rokkaku Middle School.

"Yes, every time the tide goes down, we can always find many shells on the beach, and those are the delicacy that the sea has given us."

Saeki stepped forward and laughed.

"Just like this!"

Saeki walked to a beach in front of him and digged his hand into the sand, shaking away the gravel in his hand while revealing one of the small shells.

"Wow! It looks like it's fun! Kentaro

Minami, who had never picked up shells on the seashore, was struck by the project, and it seemed to be a good project.

"Next, I will group the two of you into groups, and the group that finally picks up the fewest number of shells will be responsible for roasting these shells for everyone to eat, understand?"

Tanda Gan also asked everyone to take the bucket and shovel and said with a smile.


This novel experience filled the excitement of the people in Yamabuki, and as for the people of Rokkaku Middle School, they have always enjoyed the seashell picking activity on the sea.

Kimura then joined a group with Kuroba, and the group began to look for shells lurking under the sand on the beach after low tide.

"You're going to do this first, and then you're going to do this. Do you understand? Kuroba

showed Kimuraji what kind of shellfish might be hidden under the pile and how to shovel the sand on top, and Kimura quickly learned.

Fishing for shellfish in the shore requires a high degree of concentration, after all, these shells are hidden under the sand and will be missed if you are not careful.

The sun gradually went down and the group began to return.

In the final reckoning, I didn't expect that the group of Kimuraji and Kuroba picked up the least number of shells, and the most was the combination of Kikihiko and Yakuzu.

What everyone couldn't understand was that the number of shells that Yakuzu picked up was actually the one with the most Yamabuki.

"Cut! Bored!

After feeling everyone's gaze, Yakuzu turned his face a little uncomfortably, but the upturned corners of his mouth obviously indicated that he was in a good mood now.

Anyway, he finally beat Kimuraji once in some way, didn't he?

Willing to gamble and lose, Kimuraji had to start serving everyone with Kuroba.

The charcoal stove was removed from the social office of Rokkaku Middle School, and after lighting the charcoal fire, it began to serve the crowd. Kimura and Kuroba's craftsmanship was unexpectedly quite good, and everyone ate quite satisfying this dinner.


It was still an obstacle course in the early morning, but this time the weight was increased to 4 kg.

Kimuraji is still meditating not far away with Rokkaku's father, and this time, although Kimuraji still has not been able to enter the state of meditation, his heart will not be as impetuous as yesterday.

The afternoon training still involved Kimuraji, and this afternoon's training was to swing a wooden racket in the sea.

Time passed day by day, and everyone in this seaside in Chiba Prefecture also spent more than a week.

In the past week or so, everyone's skin has already turned dark, and the muscles on their bodies have begun to become strong and strong.

Oh, except for one person.

I don't know why Yakuzu was obviously trained with everyone, and his fair skin actually darkened only symbolically a little.

Everyone clearly felt their physical progress, and although they had never touched their rackets in these days, Kan Fuda also believed that the moment the children regained grip on their rackets, they would soon master new powers.

In addition, Kimuraji can already ignore the noisy chaos of the outside world and enter a state of meditation safely, although he has not yet reached the realm of balance between weak mental power and strong spiritual power, but he believes that he will step into that realm one day.

Asura Shinto was already beckoning to him in front.


The crowd of Yamabuki Middle School waved to everyone at Rokkaku Middle School from the window of the bus.

"Goodbye! The national competition must be won! We'll go and cheer you guys! Saeki

, Kuroba, and the others waved their arms.

Although it is a little sad, there is no unbroken banquet in the world after all.

The national competition is coming.

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