Hyogo Prefecture.

Kimuraji took Yakuzu on this strange street.

This was the first time Kimuraji and Yakutsu had come to Hyogo.

"Cut! Why do I have to come here with you?

Yakuzu looked unhappy, he didn't want to come to the draw ceremony of any national competition, but he didn't know why his feet didn't follow his will at all.

He still came with Kimuraji.

"Is this Maki no Vine! Sure enough, it's imposing! Kimuraji

didn't pay attention to Akuzu's complaints, but only lamented the imposing gate of this Makinoto Vine Gakuen.

Last year's national championship was Makinoto Gakuen in Hyogo Prefecture, Kansai, so this year's national contest draw was also held here. On this campus, two consecutive national competition lottery ceremonies have been held.

As soon as I entered the campus, a member of the Makinoto Tennis Club came up to ask if he had come to participate in the draw of this national competition, after all, Kimuraji and Yakutsu's Yamabuki school uniform were obviously a little out of place with Makinoto.

After being taken to the auditorium, Kimuraji found that there were already many people coming, and they swept at random, most of them were people he did not know. Several schools in the Kanto area seemed to be sitting together, and Kimuraji walked over with Yakuzu.

"Are you all here so early?"

After sitting down next to Tezuka, Kimuraji smiled slightly.

"It's you who are too lax, Kimura!"

Sanada said quietly.

As the most punctual person in Tachikai, Sanada has a strong sense of time.

"Actually, we've just arrived."

Tezuka said lightly.

"Look, the people of Mu Zhi Vine are here!"

"Is this the two consecutive champions of the national competition? Sure enough, it was imposing. "

The final finale was naturally hosted by the host Maki no To, who came even later than Kimuraji and Yakutsu.

"Is he?!"

Kimuraji raised his eyebrows, maybe Tezuka didn't know the guy in front of him, but he had an impression.

Do not break the iron man.

The U-17 Army was selected for the future.

No wonder, in the year after the departure of the Byodoin Temple, Mu Zhi Vine can still reach the national final four, obviously it has already sunset, it turns out that it is because this guy is there.

Kimuraji's ears could clearly hear some schools' pointers at Makinoto, and it seemed that the departure of Byodoin had greatly reduced Makinoto's prestige. Many schools that have been suppressed by Makinoto for two years will no longer hide their fangs this year, and their purpose is the national championship throne sitting under Makinoto's ass.

A total of 24 schools will participate in the national competition, which will be divided into four groups to compete, and it is worth mentioning that eight schools will be selected in the first round.

After the people of Makinoto arrived, the drawing ceremony for this national competition officially began. The first to take the stage was a big-bellied leader-like figure, who seemed to be the organizer, but Kimuraji did not pay much attention. After an impassioned speech, the microphone was returned to the host, and the final draw began with a loud announcement from the host.

"I would like to invite the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in the Kanto region to draw lots on behalf of Yamabuki Middle School!"

Soon it was Yamabuki's turn to draw lots, and Kimuraji calmly stepped onto the podium and drew his hand.

"Yamabuki Middle School, Group B No. 3."

After stepping down, Kimuraji had a smile on his face, obviously very satisfied with his hand.

With a one-third chance of him being drawn, Yamabuki's first round was a smooth bye, giving him more opportunities to observe how their opponents were doing.

"Admit it! Admitted it! As

the only one of the four participating schools in the Kanto region to win a vacant draft, Kimuraji is clearly a little proud.

"Shouldn't it be that staying with this guy Qianshi for a long time has sucked his good luck away?"

Kimuraji speculated secretly in his heart.

"Only the weak can take chances, Kimura!"

Traces raised his head proudly, and he didn't need this kind of thing.

"Traces are right."

Yukimura nodded, indicating that he also agreed with Jibu.


Kimuraji, who was squeezed, was suddenly speechless.

The draw ceremony ended quickly, and the four schools in the Kanto region were divided into four groups, and the good news was that they would not meet until the semi-finals.

"See you in the national competition!"

"See you in the national competition!"

The four of them did not exchange too many pleasantries, and they hurried back to their school to tell their players the results of the draw.

Back at Yamabuki, it was already approaching evening.

Everyone in the office at sunset was waiting for news from Kimura.

"What was the result of the lottery?"

As soon as Kimuraji entered the door, Kentaro Minami couldn't wait to ask.

"See for yourselves."

Kimuraji handed over the results of the lottery in his hand, and everyone in the social office immediately gathered around.

“LUCK! Kimura, you are indeed super lucky.

After seeing that they had successfully passed the first round, Chiseki chuckled.

"You still can't be too careless, after all, the opponent in the next round is likely to be last year's national champion Makinoto Gakuen."

Kan Fuda also thinks a little further than the others, and they advance by ticket in the first round, and the opponent they will face in the second round will be the winner of the two schools, Makinoto Gakuen and Midoriyama Middle School.

And the two schools that will win Makinoto and Midoriyama, according to Kanya Futa's guess, it is likely to be Makinoto Gakuen, which has won two consecutive national competitions.

"Don't worry, Elder Mu, Maki no Vine is already old, and now it belongs to our time!"

Kimura has no pressure on this, the departure of the generation of Byodoin has changed the once national pattern, this year is a year to carry on the succession, and after this year, the strong schools of the national competition will change a new batch of faces.

"This time the national competition, our goal!"

Kimuraji shouted, his gaze scanning the crowd present before extending his right hand.



Everyone's palms are folded together.


The voice of ambition echoed for a long time in this small society, and the loss of the Kanto Tournament gave them a taste of bitterness, and they vowed never to taste it again.

Kan Tian also looked at this group of young people with a smile, they are all the future of Yamabuki.

At night, the sky is full of stars.

Kimuraji looked out the window.

This weekend is about to start the national competition, and to be honest, he is a little excited.

And the system also issued a new mission to Kimuraji in time, that is, to lead the team to win the national championship.

This time the reward is:


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