

"This game was scored by Kunimitsu Tezuka of Seishunen Gakuen, and the score was 1:1."

Tezuka, who gave up the field, showed his skills to the fullest on his own serve.

The first-year Tezuka is undoubtedly the strongest person Kimuraji has ever met.

"It's a one-to-one draw!"

Tachibana clasped his hands, and the match between the two individuals made his blood boil.

However, he knew very well that these two individuals were no match for each other.

There are many masters in the country, and Tachibana Yoshihira realizes his powerlessness, and he still needs to become stronger!

As for Chitose Chisato, at this moment, he let go of the pores of his whole body, trying to sense the breath of the three gates of selflessness from Tezuka's body.

The stands of the Ice Emperor.

Jibe's eyes stared at the field, and even if he was as proud as he was, he had to admit that he was not the opponent of these two individuals.

Qingxue, Yamabuki, Lihai Da!

There are so many masters in the Kanto region alone that deserve his serious treatment.

Traces, who had been scoffing at Japanese tennis after returning from England, finally understood what a real master is.

"Evolution! Uncle Ben still needs to keep evolving! "

The heart of the Ministry of Traces made a vow, next year it will definitely be their Ice Emperor who will stand there!"

After the trial of the two games, both sides gradually figured out each other's bottom line.

The real game is just beginning!



"This game was scored by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 2:1."




"The game was scored by Seishunen Tezuka Kunimitsu, the ratio was 2:2."




"This game was scored by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Middle School, and the score was 3:2."

"The two sides change the field!"

The sun was scorching, and both sides were sweating wantonly on the field. When Kimura once again won his own serve, the game finally ushered in a short intermission.

After returning to Kanya Botada, he sat down, took the towel handed by Kanya Botada, wiped his face, and Director Kimura breathed a sigh of relief.

What a good opponent!

Tezuka Kunimitsu!

"Played very well, right?!"

Kanya Fuda also looked at Kimuraji with a smile and said.

"Hmm! He's the strongest opponent I've ever faced!

Kimuraji nodded and gave Tezuka a high evaluation.

"That's good, that's good!"

Kanya Fuda also smiled kindly, he didn't give Kimuraji any advice, or he couldn't give Kimuraji any advice at all.

A player like Kimuraji who has already walked his own path, there is no way for others to give too much advice.

The corresponding Tezuka is the same, and Ryuzaki Jin can't give Tezuka any game-breaking advice.

The only thing on both sides is themselves.

The 180-second break quickly passed, and the two sides stepped onto the pitch again in the middle of the referee's whistle.

Switching offensive and defensive, this time it was Tezuka's turn to serve.



Tezuka gently slapped the tennis ball a few times, pulling the nerves that had been slightly relaxed from the break back to the game.


Tezuka, who adjusted his mentality, threw the ball, and in the next second he jumped up from the ground, and the racket lid in his hand fell down.


The tennis ball pulled diagonally in the air with a pale golden glow and smashed into Kimuraji's backhand at great speed.

"What a beautiful serve!"

Kimuraji sighed in admiration in his heart, jumping back on tiptoe as he turned in the air and swept his arms out.


Returning Tezuka's violent back-jerk kick like a top, Tezuka had to spread his footsteps with a shot that hit Tezuka's farthest bottom corner.

"Tezuka's speed has become faster!"

Chiseki's expression was awe-inspiring, and he was sure that Tezuka's speed had increased significantly compared to before.

"Did he still have reservations before? How is this possible! "

Minami Kentaro doesn't believe that someone can win two games with spare power in front of Kimuraji, which is a bit too sensational.

"So it is!"

A flash of clarity flashed in Kimuraji's eyes, and he naturally noticed the change in Tezuka's speed.

How to compare the power of selflessness to blazing magma, then the limit of thousands of temperings is to concentrate these magma-like forces into one point and burst out. Tezuka is obviously not the limit of the thousand tempering that he has just mastered, and he can already move the thousand tempered qi to other parts of his body to explode.

And the clear glow on his feet proves this.

In Tezuka, who had rushed to the tennis ball landing point, the selfless aura surged up, and the selfless power was once again transferred from the foot to the left hand.


The double return ball tore through the air and jumped straight out of the boundary line on the other side of Kimuraji like a dragonfly in water.

"Game, Youth Gakuen Tezuka Kunimitsu, 15:0."

Tezuka, who returned to the game, apparently maintained the initiative because of a little eagerness in his heart.

Compared with Kimuraji, he has a weakness that he has to pay attention to, that is, the great consumption of physical strength by the realm of selflessness.

Without the physical help of the field, Tezuka had to open the situation in the shortest possible time.



"This game was scored by Kunimitsu Tezuka of Seishun Gakuen, and the score was 3:3."


"It's the first time I've seen Tezuka like this!"

Bu Ji sighed slightly, sure enough! Himself and Tezuka are still too far apart from Kimuraji.

The temperament is more Buddhist, and at this moment, a rare sense of competitiveness has risen in his heart.

After losing to Kimuraji before, he had vowed to Tozuka that if there was a higher stage and more beautiful scenery, he would definitely go there and take a look.

Everyone in the young school looked a little awe-inspiring, and for them, they naturally hoped that Tezuka could win the competition.

This singles three-game match will undoubtedly determine the direction of the semifinals of this national competition.


Kimuraji poured out a turbid breath, and Tezuka's mastery of thousands of tempers surprised Kimuraji.

This kind of secondary development makes it even a seamless low-end version to a certain extent.

"Tezuka, I'm going to show you my latest results next!"

Kimuraji said loudly behind the right tee.

"Give it your attention! Kimura! Hearing

this, Tezuka clenched his racket, knowing that Kimuraji was not a person without purpose.

The power of selflessness travels around, and Tezuka's inability to care about physical exertion once again opens the realm of selflessness.

And Kimuraji is going to show Tezuka the results of his practice with Rokkaku Middle School's father.

After a long period of hard work, he finally found a glimmer of deeper use of spiritual power.

And this is the key for national players to become world-class.

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