
Kimuraji threw the tennis ball in his hand, his eyes full of sharp looks.


A crisp sound kicked off the seventh game.

Tezuka suppressed the doubts in his heart and pulled his racket up from his feet.


A pale golden arc rose up and smashed at a great angle towards the bottom corner of the no-man's land on Kimuraji's flank.

"High hanging ball!"

Minami Kentaro exclaimed, he didn't expect to face Kimura Ji Tezuka and dare to play a high hanging ball!

The eagle spreads its wings and flies high.

Kimuraji jumped into the air with one foot, and his terrifying explosiveness and amazing bouncing power made him the first to catch the ball in the air.

Ancient Martial Arts - Eagle Strike!

With sharp claws and a sharp beak, Tezuka's eyes seemed to really see a giant eagle swooping towards him.


Tezuka, who had a hint of hesitation in an instant, felt alarm bells in his heart, and the smashed killing ball mercilessly hit the racket in his hand.


A terrifying bang like an explosion spread out on the field with a puff of smoke.

A summer breeze blew, and the smoke and dust were blown away to reveal the true face on the field.

Tezuka's right hand pressed against his left wrist, and his white racket lay quietly not far from him.

"Game, Yamabuki Junior High School Kimuraji, 15:0."


"What a monster! The guy who can go head-to-head with Kimuraji, this monster, is only the same monster Akuzu! Minami

Kentaro spoke straight and said the words from the bottom of his heart.


Akuzu glared viciously at Minami Kentaro.

Monster? This guy is afraid that he doesn't want to die!


Minami Kentaro noticed a hint of murderous aura, and after meeting Kamiyakuzu's gaze, he suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Minami Kentaro immediately covered his mouth, then gestured to zip up, indicating that he would shut up immediately.


Yakuzu snorted coldly and skimmed his head.

Tezuka silently picked up his racket, and until now he was still wondering why he had just suddenly seen a glimmer of fantasy.

And the powerful oppression that confronted the soul, it was almost as if there was really an eagle swooping towards him.

With a smile on his lips, Kimuraji slowly walked to the left tee line, took out a tennis ball from his pocket and gently patted it on the ground.

He didn't rush to serve, but gave Tezuka enough time to reflect on the kill he had just had.

"I'm going to go on, Tezuka!"

After seeing Tezuka crouch down with his head up, Kimuraji threw the ball.

Ancient Martial Arts - Tiger Roar!


A tiger roared in the mountains and forests, and the flat ground thundered!

The extremely violent flat-hit serve came out of his hand, and the force pushed the tennis ball towards Tezuka's feet like a cannonball.

The furious momentum set off by this ball once again caused many spectators at the scene to exclaim.

Even if they just looked at them from a distance, they felt the strong wind that seemed to rush to their faces, and what pressure Tezuka should be facing this ball.

Tezuka's hair was already standing up, and he knew that if he didn't rely on a hard connection with thousands of hammers, he would probably be scored by Kimuraji because the center of gravity was destroyed, resulting in a mistake or returning a low-quality return ball.

Even his wrist will be affected by this powerful impact.


The egoless power burst out like magma in Tezuka's body, eventually converging on his left hand.

Kimura's shot from the left serve was in Tezuka's forehand direction, which was undoubtedly a good opportunity for Tezuka.


The breath of thousands of hammers poured into the ball along the racket, and the tennis ball that hit back with double force crushed the air along the way and rolled back.

The violent air flow made a sharp and piercing sound.

Kimuraji's body burst out like an off-string arrow, and under the tumbling clothes were his perfect abdominal muscles.

The tennis ball slammed heavily on Kimuraji, and the splashed dust and debris slashed through Kimuraji's calf to bring a different touch.

"Four Gods Performing Martial Arts - White Tiger!"

As Kimuraji gulped, Tezuka's eyes darkened.

In Tezuka's line of sight, a large white-fronted worm in front of him was rushing towards him at an alarming speed.


Even a calm player like Tezuka could not help but feel a ripple at the moment, and as the white tiger swooped towards Tezuka, Tezuka felt a fishy smell.


With a rocking explosion, Tezuka's figure was suddenly submerged in billowing smoke.



The people of Qingxue couldn't sit still and stood up one after another.

Everyone looked anxiously at the smoke-shrouded field, worried about what damage this ball would cause to Izuka.

The smoke and dust slowly dispersed, and after seeing Tezuka safe and sound, the people of Qingxue put down their hanging hearts.

Tezuka's racket was knocked down again.

Tezuka stood in place dumbfounded, his mind always thinking of the big white-fronted worm that had just been eyed.

Now he could be sure that the result that Kimuraji had said earlier should be worth it, and it was this real image.

But what is that very real feeling?

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and Tezuka realized that he seemed to have grasped something, but the flash of inspiration quickly disappeared.

"Tezuka, I'm going to go on!"

Kimuraji looked at Tezuka's appearance and planned to show Tezuka again.

For the players at the national level, they may not yet understand what spiritual power is, but they have more or less unconsciously mastered some of the use of spiritual power.

Whether it is the ice world of the traces, the wind forest volcano in Sanada, or the trick of others to set foot on the national level, there is a shadow of spiritual power behind it.

And if the national level wants to open the door to the world, spiritual power is undoubtedly the most important key.

The four dimensions of strength, speed, body and skill are a lock locked in the hearts of national peak players, and only qualified players can condense in the hearts.

When this lock appears, it only needs to be opened with a key forged by spiritual power.

Force, speed, body, technique, precision.

It is not unreasonable for the U-17 to divide the values of the players into five dimensions.

The power of strength, the extreme speed, the strength of the body, the shape of the technique!

These four are a new field born from the fusion of Li Speed physical skills and mental power, and they are also world-class symbols.

Although Kimuraji himself is still on the road to exploring the world, he has undoubtedly taken that step ahead of Tezuka.



"The game was scored by Kimuraji of Yamabuki Junior High School, and the score was 4:3."

"The two sides change the field!"

The end of the game was the quickest of the seven, and Tezuka was now immersed in the feeling that came to mind.

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