Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 918: New-Pale Scepter

Undercurrents are surging, storms converge... These two words cannot be used to describe today’s multiverse. A huge conspiracy has affected too many people and too many things. The so-called silence is destined to dissipate soon. Traces, from the demon of the abyss to Faerun's wizard guild, and even the low-key **** devil now has to face the hustle and bustle.

This is the wheel of the great age and the prelude to the tide. The fireworks have illuminated the night sky, the horn has blown low, everyone will dance on the edge of darkness and day, and the overture of destiny will inevitably be unstoppable. ………

However, it seems that these things do not need to be worried about as ordinary legendary punks for the time being. As the saying goes, "the sky is falling and there is a tall man." At this moment, although the caster inevitably participated in this huge game In the storm, but his "length" is definitely not tall enough, and the real fierce confrontation is still a lot away from him.

Compared with those unknown turbulence and undercurrents, the current "Whisper of Destruction" cares more about his legendary spells and "Pale Scepter".

There is no doubt that punk’s talent and savvy are all monsters, so his legendary spell learning process is fairly smooth. Although "Muse’s Twisted World" is extremely difficult, the caster finally mastered this powerful Alchemy legendary spells.

Complicated spell models must contain more knowledge and insights. After hard-working and hard practice for legendary professionals, punk naturally mastered this precious knowledge and further understood the mystery of the law. At the same time, his professional level has also naturally been improved again. At this moment, "Whisper of Destruction" is already a legendary spellcaster of level thirty...

Upgraded his professional level, arranged tasks for Ganatika, and obtained double "extra" from Mimibezi and "Chairman"... Now the mood of "Destroy Whispers" is undoubtedly very happy, and the carrier is so. Of course, it will be more refreshing to receive your own "Pale Scepter" with more pleasure.

In fact, after arriving at the place marked by the "guild leader", with the darkness and brilliance of the celestial robe blending perfectly with the starry sky, the corners of the legendary mage's mouth even carried a very rare smile.

Because he really saw that handful of Lunar-level equipment belonging to his own floating quietly in an empty astral space that was invisible to dust. The bright stars fell on the white staff, and the luster seemed to be Proudly declare the existence of this powerful force!

Maybe it’s because the legendary mage has experienced enough bad luck in operations "Bone Smash" and "Shadow Crow". The terrifying "interference mechanism" of "The Long River of Fate" seems to have finally come to an end temporarily, this time Punk’s action to withdraw magical equipment was unexpected. There was no accident, and the words of the “guild leader” did what he said. In just two thousand years, he had commissioned the “Peak Hammer” to bring this brilliant The transformation of moon-level magic equipment has been completed, and now the "pale scepter", which has been greatly enhanced in practicality, has returned to punk.

Even in order to intuitively inform the caster of the specific functions of the "New-Pale Scepter", the "guildmaster" carefully tied a magic note to the staff to carry explanatory information.

After punk gently picked up the staff and carefully unzipped the note made of unknown material, he used the ancient Byronic "instructions" throughout the text to be read by his mental power:

"Hello, Mr. "Destroy Whisper", your "Pale Scepter" has now been remodeled, but the original Ottas triple stable circuit of the Scepter has a very strong "one-time stereotype" special effect, even It is Mr. "Peak Hammer" who can't modify this weapon too much, otherwise the resources needed to transform this staff will be no different from re-creating a brand-new Lunar-level staff............ Therefore, in the end, the "Pale Scepter" was forcibly changed the energy circuit and permanently lost the "Lunar-level Summoning Spell-Curse Spirit Imprint" this solidification spell", but correspondingly, it possessed the "Hui Moon-level plastic energy spell-Power Pause" can be controlled. Now when you use "Power Pause" again, it will be freely released and cancelled according to your wishes. This magic equipment is also available The fighting effect in the real sense.

Note: As a reward for obtaining the research information of the "Gray Crystal", I added a little "practical" function to this staff, and now it has functions such as "automatic cleaning", "light torch", "heat preservation and moisturizing", " A series of functions such as cooling and heating mediation and playing music, please explore the specific value by yourself.


I have to admit that this information is as short and concise as always, in line with the "guild leader" style, the description of the specific functions of the staff is accurate and complete, the short information is intuitive and obvious, and at the same time accurate.

Punk is still very satisfied with the "Pale Scepter"'s Huiyue-level magic transformation. Considering the shackles of his basic strength such as his own reaction speed and aiming accuracy, he understands the "Curse Spirit Mark", the Huiyue that needs to accurately attack the enemy. The practicality of level-level spells in battle is not necessarily strong enough. For a cautious legendary mage, the attack method that can only be used once in a battle and it is difficult to hit a person is far less effective than the defense method that can be used three times in a row. "Powerful suspension" becomes controllable, and it is completely worthwhile to give up the "curse spirit and magic mark".

You know, punk who is good at bombarding with the "Broken Singularity" does not lack the means of attack. His biggest shortcoming now is his own defensive ability. As a "turret" mage, there is no "turret" defense. Power is a very dangerous thing, and now the super defensive methods brought by the "Pale Scepter" perfectly compensate for the caster's defensive power deficiency.

Now as a caster with the ability to resist the 30th level of the legendary spell Whispers," the strength has undoubtedly been greatly strengthened.


In addition to these obvious practical transformations...what are the additional "small functions" added by the "chairman"?

Let alone whether these functions are useful, their appearance on a legendary equipment itself is very wrong, okay? What's more, these so-called "small functions" are actually not "practical". What does "play music" mean? Is this to add bgm to yourself in battle?

The "chairman" has absolutely no reason to do such boring things to fool me. These so-called "small functions" definitely have some unknown practical value."

Frowning slightly, his punk thinking was rapidly turning and considering, he carefully scanned every inch of the staff in his hand with mental energy, and then...

In an instant, the panting mage with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth understood the so-called practical value of the "guild leader".

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