Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 919: President's generosity

The so-called "practical small functions" are definitely meaningless in themselves. As a powerful legendary mage, punk has countless ways to use simple magic and law applications to facilitate his daily life. The reality is not a knight, and it is played in battle. Music will not increase combat effectiveness. Therefore, the apparent function of these "small functions" can be said to be equivalent to non-existence, and its true value must still be "deeply" hidden...

Well, the so-called concealment is actually not deep at all. It doesn't take much time for the smart punk to understand what the "big reward" the "chairman" really gives him is.

That "wealth" is exactly a set of magic runes that can fully carry these "small functions" on the Huiyue magic equipment!

In fact, after using the mental power to perceive the "pale scepter", the legendary mage immediately discovered these dense lines on the surface of the rod like inconspicuous decorations-only because of the color and The white of the wand itself is completely the same, so if you don’t use mental power to perceive, no one should think of discovering the existence of this set of runes on the white bone wand, only when the magic or spiritual power is from Guanghua’s law When the stick is swept over, those embedded runes exuding pale white luster and strange beauty will be perfectly presented.

This is a set of magic runes that punk doesn’t know at all, but considering that it can be clearly identified by himself who is "just an ordinary legend and the level of knowledge only reaches Morningstar", it is not difficult for the caster to guess that its complexity will not exceed Morningstar. Level, and this also means that "Whisper of Destruction" has the ability to study this rune structure!

In fact, it’s not difficult to find out if you look carefully, the structure of this set of rune applications is definitely an excellent design that can be described as an ingenious workmanship. Its knowledge content is not too complicated, and it consumes not many magic materials to make it, but It can ignore the original structure of magic equipment to form an independent "plug-in", and even think about it more exaggeratedly...... As long as the magic material can carry the energy torrent, this "plug-in" rune structure In theory, it can be infinitely superimposed!

You know, this is a rune structure whose overall thinking is completely different from "traditional construction and enchanting". It is not only unheard of in punk, but also the great master of the year, Vedraxia.

Even today's punk stares at this whimsical masterpiece and can't help wondering whether this is a rune structure created by the "guildmaster", it is the end of the magical era in the era of Netheril. New inventions that have appeared!

Although this "independent rune structure" does not seem to be able to carry powerful spells above the legendary and legendary levels, it is possible to add some "small functions" to a luminous moon-level magical equipment without side effects but does not touch the normal The energy loop is already amazing.

After all, any piece of legendary level magic equipment is a magical weapon that is so sophisticated that it is inconceivable. Originally, any "additional" function required countless macro considerations, but now these concerns about the core structure can be affected by this. Ignore all kinds of new structures!

If the concept of this rune is mature in the future, punk can completely imagine "modular" legendary magic equipment, completely independent of the energy circuit of each solidified spell, and even the essential connection between independent energy cores and magic materials... ...Then a legendary mage who is good at alchemy no longer has to worry about the difficulty of transforming magic equipment, because the difficulty of "replacement" and "repair" of independent "modules" is definitely much lower than the "big change" of the overall structure, such as " The "Otas Triple Stable Loop" is an ancient, sturdy, but one-time stereotyped structure that is almost impossible to change. It can then be completely abandoned!

Although from the current point of view, the application and theory of this technology is far from mature, it still has a long way to go before the "practical stage" of "solidifying legendary magical equipment in legendary magic equipment". Go, but now that this inspiration exists, a project worth studying has been truly established.

At the same time, there is no doubt that-this kind of epoch-making "masterpiece" is definitely worthy of punk's serious study and comprehension, let alone its unknown prospects, even now, a new set of runes The idea can also bring a lot of inspiration to any caster who is interested in enchanting spells.

These inspirations are undoubtedly very helpful to broaden the mind of the caster and even improve the professional level.

"This is a great gift? What is the meaning of "chairman" suddenly becoming so generous? Is this trying to convey the central idea of ​​"good luck, great benefits"? Or because... next time The task will become more difficult, so that the "chairman" who can hardly get people into the group needs to send out some small graces on the table to buy people's hearts?"

He happily collected the newly-acquired "pale scepter". While preparing to open the portal and return to the magic tower, punk also began to calm his joyful mood and thought about this "reward".

As an "informed" spellcaster, "Destroy Whispers" is very clear about the value of the reward he is getting now. Whether this peculiar rune structure is invented by the "guildmaster" or not, it serves as a part The gifts given to ordinary legendary wizards are a bit too expensive, and the punk who has always suspected others with the utmost suspicion has to doubt the motive of the "guildmaster" to give the gift.

And after combining the "lawful" character under the crown of the mysterious shining sun throne and the "executors" several times before considering the welfare policy of "get a guaranteed payment before performing the task" feels like guessing The explanation given is actually the most reasonable-it must be because something happened that caused the "chairman" to decide to increase the benefits of his immediate subordinates.

In other words... this seemingly responsive, but in fact, famous and unauthorised "Leader of the Silent Alliance" simply wants to make the only six "not afraid of death mercenaries" he can mobilize to become stronger as soon as possible and better to deal with future troubles. Now, it is one of his strategies to find any reason to give a "gift" that helps to improve his strength.


"In fact, this matter is not difficult to judge. After ten thousand years, ask if Kane has also received a valuable and useful "gift". If the "guild leader"'s generous behavior is true, it is estimated that the mad knight I am also at a loss and want to find someone to ask clearly."

After thinking slightly calmly, "Destroy Whispers" soon thought of a way to confirm his guess.

After all, in this matter, the implication of the "chairman" contained in the "generous behavior" is actually quite obvious... If the caster's guess is true, then the members of the enforcer should all be treated the same.

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