Netheril’s Brilliance

Vol 2 Chapter 920: Ganatika and vector

Regarding the punk who returned to the magic tower, he is not very clear about whether what the "guildmaster" is doing now can be regarded as an act of "funding and cultivating legendary powerhouses". After all, even as a powerful Yaori Level powerhouse, the generosity of the "guild leader" is still too rare.

However, regardless of whether this guess is correct, and whether he has received “funding” from others, punk now feels quite satisfied. After all, being able to obtain the resources needed to continuously and rapidly grow stronger is in line with his vision. "No matter what the core purpose is, he has no need to be suspicious.

You must know that only real strength is the most tangible benefit. When the storm of a big era is about to come, nothing is more important than seizing every opportunity to improve your strength.

"This is a vigorous and vigorous era. I have seen countless opportunities and countless dangers. Before the rushing tide comes, nothing is more important than to seize all the time to become stronger. All available means must Take advantage of".

Sitting on the edge of the window of the magic tower, letting the breeze pass by, letting the azure blue hair sway faintly under the cover of the hood............ The caster is quietly looking at the outside of the tower, watching the connection with the earth The azure blue sky is still as wide and empty as ever, watching the wildness that has grown a piece of fluffy grass is dumping left and right with the wind............

While thinking deeply about various things, Punk took a sip of fragrant fruit tea with a calm expression.

With the joint efforts of all master mages in the entire Khatak Empire, the production of Morris jade fruit has finally recovered. This refreshing and sweet fruit tea was once again sent to the magic tower one after another, even According to Sebastian's report, now, in order to prevent the fruit tea from being cut off, the mages of Hatak, your court, have planted every magical garden with emerald fruit trees, and the output of fruit tea has been a little too much.

Of course, these things are just trivial things. The real reason why punk is here to drink tea and wait is because-on this day, the "foreign aid dispatch" date agreed upon by him and Mimibez has arrived. Next Ganatika is about to leave the magic tower and go to **** to participate in the **** battle!


"Dear Mr. "Destroy Whispers", I am ready to step into the legendary battlefield."

Meteor strode up from the stairs. The young Avenger, who was only wearing an ordinary armor and holding an ordinary iron sword, looked serious and composed. The tension before the war did not appear on him. On the contrary, as a legendary warrior Ga Natica still seemed to be quite excited about the upcoming "bloody battle". The blood-red gem in his right eye socket had become more and more red and crystal clear under the sun.

However, from the perspective of punk, the current teenage Avenger still lacks a little hole cards and contingency means. Before sending this stunned green to the hand of Mi Mibezi, he will give his subordinates some life-saving hole cards and some have been The eliminated things are more appropriate as help.

Not to mention anything else, it is necessary to change his armor and weapons alone.

Although for a legendary powerhouse, as long as it is not a legendary equipment, there is no practical value. There is no difference between wearing iron armor or gold armor or even not wearing armor. Anyway, the power that can provide protection to a fighter in battle is grudge. And the law, no matter how beautiful the armor is, it is just a decoration.

But... it’s too shabby to wear a pair of broken copper and rotten iron with scratches and rust everywhere. At the same time, Ganatika has been promoted to the legend for so many years, even a basic storage ring. No, let alone the ugly appearance, inconvenience will reduce the efficiency of loot collection.

Thinking in this way, Punk calmly took out a storage made of various alchemy scraps and threw it to the young legend standing at the top of the stairs.

"Replace the rags on your body, put on the mythril armor, take the mythril iron sword, and bring the storage supplies before you fight, and don't forget to pull some carapace from the demon sub-lord during the **** battle. Make yourself an armor".

Seeing Ganatika easily caught the storage finger and carried it in his hand, "Destroy Whisper" calmly continued:

"...There are also two bottles of "Bright Potion of Life" stored in the finger. The method of use is to drink it or sprinkle it on the skin and absorb it directly. During the battle with the legendary devil, one or two bottles of the total alchemy potion to restore One or two stupid mistakes can be saved at the critical moment... Of course, it is better not to be used. "The Bright Potions of Life" are expensive. Now the guy who sells Mimibezi can also get a lot of "hell specialties". I will be very happy if you can bring them back intact."


"Understood, I will be as careful as possible, and then bring you victory in the battle."

While using his mental power to check the two bottles of potions lying quietly in the storage space, Ganatika answered punk's "instruction" very seriously.

But staring at the tough face of the young avenger, punk raised his eyebrows involuntarily.

"It looks like you are very confident... but be careful. Legendary battles never allow any carelessness. Too much confidence is often not a good thing."

Nowadays, as a "experienced" legendary professional, the legendary mage still feels that Ganatika is too young after all, and thinks things too simple. His calm, calm and confident look can not help but remind punk of the past. The Great Austrian Vedrasha who stepped onto the battlefield-the stunned youth who first tasted the battle is always easy to imagine his own strength too strong, even if it is the first time punk has fought a legendary battle and Aymoda-Yanclaw head-to-head Haven't you been confident before you almost suffered a big loss?

"Perhaps I should prepare more trump cards and some continuous suggestions for this subordinate... Well, an eye that can detect the situation and a mouth that is good at talking and mocking are probably the easiest to make "stunned green" sober. Up".

I touched my smooth I felt a little thoughtful. Punk suddenly opened an ultra-short-distance portal directly connected to the magic tower storage room by his side, and then asked every piece of "collection" in the storage room. The spellcaster who knew the palm of his hand directly reached in and took out a "thing" that he had eliminated a long time ago.

It was a **** bird that looked very sluggish, with feathers and runes tarnished. Because it was suddenly caught by the caster, this confused and shocked guy was still looking around him sleepily. environment of.

But then, it was thrown directly into Ganatica's arms by punk.

"Let me introduce to you. This is the magic crow "vector". He has basic reconnaissance and communication capabilities. On the battlefield, it can more or less make up for your lack of perception."

After the brief introduction was completed, "Destroy Whispers" directly closed the storage room portal and began to prepare for the teleportation spells leading to the "appointed location". The silent magic tower stairs only left those who looked very confused and surprised. "Vector" stared at Ganatika, who was not without surprise.

That's it... From now on, the "vector" is one of Ganatika's "property".

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