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The White Tower in the night has a white tower body, and the red lines spreading on it. The White Tower standing on the hillside is like a red hat that tempts people to walk into the swamp in the dark. It is strange and curious at the same time.

Blan and Dicido were sitting on the ground of the White Tower hall and gasped. Since Punk did n’t add any He Family appliances in the White Tower hall, the tired Dicido and Blan could only bear the heavy blood-reeking qi breath Sit on the floor.

“Ha! Ha! Finally … Is it finally safe, hateful!”

Dicido gasped for breath. As a pure ordinary person, he had squeezed away his last physical strength for such a long journey, and now he collapsed to the ground, even if the bloody smell made him sick.

Blan with Class Holder level kneels on the ground to deal with the wound of the little boy, but she has no idea to speak!

There was a moment of silence in the lobby of White Tower.

“Damn, why did those people look at us after being chased but didn’t come out to rescue them? Didn’t they see that we still had children with serious injuries?”

Dicido almost exhausted his last effort to gnashing teeth. During the escape, did he clearly see that many normally friendly townspeople were looking at themselves and Blan all the way through the window, listening to 2 people constantly For help and appeal, however … from start to finish, no one came out to stop those madman missionary, and no one even called out. Those townsmen who were normally boasting together and mixed up looked like this, like Just like watching a horror drama, a look of horror but nothing.

“Damn, why don’t they see those madman missionary, as long as a dozen people can stop those guys, do these people have no sympathy?”

The last sentence Dicido said with a roar, tears sliding down Dicido ’s cheeks, grew up in Nielan Town, he grew up feeling that the true appearance of those harmonious and friendly townspeople in normaly is so shameful and cowardly, they are from beginning to end It ’s like an indifferent spectator, even more people take pleasure in other people ’s misfortune because of the misfortune of others!

“People are a kind of contradictory creatures. The friendly side is usually them. The cowardly side is also today. They are just different choices in different situations. It is not that those people want to deceive us!”

Blan carefully used spell to soothe the little boy’s pain, and heard Dicido’s growl, she said sad facts in sad language!


Hearing Blan ’s words, Dicido was silent. Dicido, who grew up in people ’s goodwill since childhood, never knew that human nature had such an ugly side. Today, he saw a group of crazy believers and a group of cowardly townspeople The former makes him afraid, while the latter … makes him sad.

“But we can’t give up hope, no matter how others treat us, but as a kind person, we must always stick to the kindness in our hearts!

Kindness … It’s my own business, I don’t need the reward of others “!

In the swaying glory, Blan gently touched Dicido’s messy hair. The girl comforted the crying Dicido with a gentle voice. Although Blan was also sad and helpless due to today’s encounter, the boy crying in front of him was more than himself Need comfort.

Dicido looked at Blan tearfully, and the girl in front of him seemed to be the only light in this Dark World.

“Cheer up, we need to treat this child, but also … leave here!”

Blan’s light and lingering voice revealed a firmness and perseverance. She gently lifted the sore Dicido, and then trot to Punk’s experimental table to start cautiously looking for knives and medicines.

Although Punk also left several Magic Trap on the experimental platform, Blanc, who was often forced to stay next to the experimental platform, remembered the location of the Magic Trap. As for what happens when Punk comes back ……… It is important to save people now, I will talk about it later!

Dicido stared blankly at Blan’s back. Only then did he find out how terrifying and strange the environment of White Tower was, and that blood-stained experimental bench … looked like an Evil Wizard research base Does Blan’s so-called “not bad” mean this kind of environment?

Thinking of this, Dicido couldn’t help getting a sore nose. He didn’t know that the words were just Blan in order not to worry about himself. Looking at Blan’s back, Dicido felt that the other person’s petite body had incredible strength and power.

“I … how can I be so depressed!”

Dicido gritted his teeth and stood up. He felt that he had to run hard to catch up with the back of the girl, and now … it was not the time to stop.

“That … Blan … I will help” …

The White Tower, which stands on the hill, stands in the roar of the cold wind. Although it is dark, it can give two sad travelers a safe haven. The residents of Nielan Town do not have the “good luck” of Blan and Dicido ………

———-Dividing line——

The defense of White Tower has an obvious Punk style. In order to facilitate the transportation of slaves, the program set by Punk is to allow passers-by to enter and exit. Anyway, important things Punk have always been carried with you. The things in White Tower are just a few worthless things. Auxiliary tools only.

Therefore, the defense array of the White Tower is biased against attack. With several gems filled with magic power as energy sources, the missionary who rushed into the array range act recklessly and were instantly blown into pieces by violent spell traps.

However, without the supplement of Punk magic power, this is mainly based on attacks, which consumes a huge array and cannot be supported for too long, and because Punk “processed” the last few slaves before leaving, there is no food or water stored in the White Tower. Dicido and Blan can’t stay here for too long.

It seems that because of knowing this, 5 6 dull missionary were standing quietly outside the range of the array in gray red robes, and they fixedly stared at the White Tower on the mountain with their turbid eyes. Like a few wax figures are lifeless!

The current Nielan Town has completely lost its peace and harmony. The terrifying disease suddenly broke out like dropping from the sky. The townsmen close to one third found that their bodies did not know when they became vulnerable, as long as they bumped a little. It will crack or even fracture!

In the panic of the spread of the disease, Tishachar ’s missionary changed their original attitude of stalking, they formed each and everyone group, went door to door to promote the doctrine, and came up with the “Divine Water” that can cure the so-called “curse of gray bones” “People drink it. If the other party does not drink, then several missionary will swarm up and break the other party’s mouth to force it down!

The so-called “Divine Water” does have the ability to treat this terrifying epidemic. There are people who are close to one third who are sick to join the strange church for fear of treatment. Many people are forced to drink “Divine Water” “, These people who drink” Divine Water “without exception have become” Goddess Tishachar “fanatics in just half an hour!

The sober townspeople who saw this scene could not realize that it was a huge conspiracy, but the powerless they could only hide at home without shiver coldly, they were afraid of being found by those madman missionary, so no one had the courage Stand up to resist or run away …

The epidemic and Evil Cult broke out quickly in the villages and towns around Dorez City as planned, but … Due to the inconvenient traffic, the dozen messengers who reported to Dorez City were still on the way ……… …

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