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Punk, who knows nothing about what happened in the town, has already dealt with High Priest.

In a sea of ​​fire, Punk released more than ten rounds of “Kinetic Energy Explosion” in a row, but the High Priest with spider articulation was not weaker than the Punk with “Improved Swiftness”, and several dry branches like branches A group of afterimages, flexible speed sprints and fast turns allow High Priest to avoid one after another “Kinetic Energy Explosion”.

In the process, High Priest also completed another spell:

“This is a spell given to me by Goddess Tishachar. It is a transformation of spell. You ………… scattered ashes and dispersed smoke under the wisdom of Goddess Tishachar”!

With the angry words of High Priest, dozens of palm-size red-clear flame spiders emerged from the side of High Priest. These spiders have huge abdomen, and the tumbling incandescent energy inside emits horror. breath!

Seeing the flame spider appearing, Punk without the slightest hesitation retreated at a rapid speed, with a system analysis, he almost immediately recognized which spell was the transformation of the spell. The conclusion of the system analysis came to mind, I have to say, this is really Is shocking!

spell name: unknown

spell status: Mid-level Transformation

spell Prototype: Formal Level Conjuration spell-Self-Destructive Fire Wolf: Summoning a Fire Element Wolf capable of Self-destruction rushing towards the enemy

Expected negative effects of transformation: lower power, lower spell defensive power, lower Summoned Creature virtual soul wisdom level, lower defense defense ability.

It is expected that the transformation will have positive effects: enhance maneuverability, increase the number, increase the continuous attack capability, and reduce consumption.

Punk facial expression grave looked at dozens of Self-Destructive Spiders approaching quickly. The prototype of this unknown spell has powerful lethality, but the lethality of these Little Brat does not know how much it will be reduced, but since the enemy has used it , Presumably power is not too small!

“Do you want to intercept with Golem?”

Punk solemnly gave up Harm Spell, which was originally prepared for nearly half, and quickly put a layer of “Iron Armor Spell” on Golem I.

Formal Level Conjuration spell-Summoning a layer of armor to defend!

Punk really dared not to let these spiders ignore, so many of them can not be avoided in a few steps, but he believes that the power of Golem can still destroy this group of spiders!

Golem I, with Iron Armor Spell on it, is like a simple version of Iron Man. It strides towards a spider and then swings its sharp left-hand sharp claw towards the small spider on the ground …


The loud explosion caused a wave of anger, and Golem I was staggered by shock waves for several steps.

“what happened”?

Punk looked at the pupil where the spider exploded.

Although the spell “Self-Destructive Fire Wolf” will not be used by itself, its effect is known by itself. The main killing method of this spell explosion is high-temperature flames, but this spider in front of it has released a powerful scorching shock wave. In this case, although the damage to Golem I is reduced, it is difficult to destroy multiple spiders at once. If every spider is staggered for a few steps, then so many spiders may not be hit.

“Little devil, do you still have kung fu distraction”?

High Priest grinned with the help of Mage Hand and threw a ball of dozens of flaming spiders. The blazing spider’s body exuded with red hot light and quickly expanded!


Punk eyes slightly narrowed, he stared at the trajectory of the flame spider, and then rolled around on the ground a few times without regard!

“Hong”! !

In midair, the “Self-Destructive Spider Ball” exploded with a terrifying shock wave, and a large crater was blown out of the ground of the cave, and a large amount of cracked earth and stone fell into the sea of ​​fire.

Punk stood up in a corner, then quickly moved sideways to avoid a hot Fireball. Punk, who was shocked by a huge shock wave, felt a sweet smell in his mouth. He estimated that the organs in his body were not hurt!

“Hahaha, you don’t have enough combat experience yet. When facing a Wizard, you don’t even want to guess the opponent’s next move”!

High Priest laughed loudly again and raised a “Self-Destructive Spider Ball”. Since he discovered that Punk had no good way to deal with Self-Destructive Spider, he has been summoned a group of Self-Destructive Spider, these terrifying ones Little Brat is divided into 2 lanes, one team from the side is blocked by breakthrough Golem I, and the other pair crawls along High Priest’s body into their hands and gathers into a group of “Self-Destructive Spider Ball”!

“One more time, when can you hide?”

High Priest said fiercely threw the “spider ball” into Punk!

“When did you hide? I can’t avoid it! Use enemy attacks flexibly, which you taught me just now!”

At this time, Punk didn’t make any evasive actions. He took advantage of the enemy’s “Self-Destructive Spider Ball” and released a “Kinetic Energy Pressure”.

“This kind of stuff you think can attack me”?

High Priest growled and moved to the side. The 8 articulations allowed him to move faster than Swiftness. Avoiding this Kinetic Energy Pressure is not a problem at all!

“It’s not over yet!”

Punk was sneaked in the bottom of his heart, and at the same time ordered Golem I to stop desperately intercepting the “Self-Destructive Spider”, and instead used the last “Steel Restraint” today to block High Priest’s retreat!

With the analysis of the system, the position of this Steel Restraint is just right. The High Priest, which is retreating quickly, has no ability to turn, and can only watch as he hits a large cluster of steel branches that suddenly rise in front of him.

This is also the information that Punk analyzed after analyzing High Priest’s actions. He found that the seemingly thin but actually very powerful arthropods can provide High Priest with a strong speed, but the degree of flexibility has dropped significantly. So in the face of obstacles that suddenly appear in front of you, Punk with Buff of Swiftness can easily avoid it, but the faster High Priest can only bump into it!

Unexpectedly, High Priest, who crashed into a large group of steel branches, could not believe it. Punk completely ignored the spiders on the other side. Isn’t he afraid of being besieged by a group of spiders? Does he want to perish together?

The horrified High Priest knew that he could not escape the attack of this time, so he put his last effort and turned his head ………

I saw 3 big beach acid intercepted on the only way of Self-Destructive Spider. Most of these spiders went to the middle of the acid and they were self-destructed, and even such Self-destruction would detonate the spiders that followed them!

“A Formal Level Wizard impossible controls so many spiders at the same time, so your setting for these guys is … Injury is Self-destruction? Although these acids are greatly weakened by high temperature evaporation, it is more than enough to hurt a few spiders. Yes, and as a group of spiders, their wisdom is not enough to recognize a large pool of Magic acid, even if you see your companion dying in front, you wo n’t get a lesson, you … think you invented the “Self-Destructive Fire Wolf” Spell people, why use mammal virtual souls and mammal bodies so much? “

Punk looked at the horrified expression of High Priest indifferently and whispered to himself. After analyzing the most of the ability of these spiders, he judged that this improved spell is not suitable for frontal combat at all, otherwise a large-scale aoe would Destroy all spiders. Its purpose should be sneak attack. On the frontal battlefield, even if the enemy cannot analyze so much intelligence, it is still too risky!

“I have to admit that this spell is really excellent, but …”

Punk glanced coldly at the High Priest that had been swallowed by the heat.

“I’m afraid this guy didn’t expect that his Golem I will have a second Attached Spell, and it happens to be a large area aoe, right?”

The terrifying spider cluster exploded instantaneously under the action of “Kinetic Energy Pressure”, the entire High Priest and his screams were swallowed in by flames and shock waves, and if there was no accident, such a violent explosion at such a close distance Damage, High Priest that is too focused and high-frequency offensive without blessing any defense is almost impossible to escape!

But Punk did not relax a little bit. The other party is the type that believes in “offense is the best defense”, but this does not mean that the enemy does not have an excellent life-saving method, and … he can perceive that he is the best Information that I don’t want to perceive … a faint space fluctuation!

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