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Soldiers are fast, military operations are different from some nobility meetings where you can have a banquet and talk about the future. As soon as a crisis breaks out, a conversation about war can start anywhere at any time, so you join the “Faerun Plane Guardian Alliance” in Punk Early in the morning of 2nd day, a meeting that required all Guardian to attend was accompanied by the news that 7 8 new Abyss rifts had opened.

At this time, there were many Legend Class Holders, and Punk included it. 15 Legend gathered in the Imperial Family Hall of Mithril Royal City in the form of projection or ontology. In fact, the Morningstar Wizard calmly pushed open the room. When the door went down the stairs, he had already seen ten clear human-shaped projections that did not hide his face, and the Class Holder where the four bodies came. They were discussing each other around a three-dimensional map.

Undoubtedly, the four people who used Ontology to attend the meeting were Priest Anthony who visited Punk last night, Iberfield who was seriously analyzing tactics, and Karan and Ha Jones from the Wizard Guild, and that was obviously divided into 4 The alignments standing beside Anthony and Ibefield are naturally the Legend Priest of 2 temples sent to “support” the Wizard Guild and “volunteers” who voluntarily entered the Karams Empire to save innocent lives.

However, until now, the “meeting” has not actually started with Formal, because even if Punk has walked slowly to the three-dimensional map showing the territory of the entire Karams Empire, the Guardian Alliance has a nominal ” The “Temporary Supreme Decision Maker” did not arrive at the scene.

Yes, the unreliable “Astral Plane Wolf” Donnela.

Hearing that this guy is late for a meeting is already a routine that is not strange, although at first some people think he is going to pretend to be a leader and put on a official book, but after learning a little about this “Legend Husky “After the daily behavior, everyone can only be forced to admit that Donnela really did n’t take his job duties seriously, and because of such extremely frequent lateness and haha, he also had 3 or 2 formal meetings after He successfully destroyed all the prestige that he didn’t have.

The reason why everyone is still willing to call the “leader” with the muddy commander now is purely because he is one of the only 4 Morningstar Class Holders in this hasty alliance, that’s all The people who advised the entire Karams empire were actually the savvy Karan and the bloody Iberfield.

“I ’m so sorry, Mr. Donnela seems to be obsessed with Magic ’s research again and forget the time, but please be assured that I have just sent my Apprentice to his room for notification. I want to come up for a few minutes,” Astral Plane said “Mr. Wolf” should come over … In the period before his arrival, we might as well first understand the latest march of Abyss Demons. “

Seeing that even the “Whisper of Destruction” who just joined the league has arrived at the venue at a moderate pace, Legendary Wizard, who has been talking to the Wizard Guild, seems to be embarrassed by the serious lateness of his “temporary boss”. So, after pushing the thin glasses on the bridge of her nose a little, she temporarily helplessly played the role of the host and started this time.

I saw this female wizard in the finished in manner, while controlling the huge three-dimensional model in midair, showing various changes while carefully explaining with clear Mental Power fluctuations:

“It has been three weeks since the first Abyss fissure was opened by the evil red robe Wizards. Although the footsteps of the cold winter are slowly approaching with the harvest season, the brutal and demon Demons are not Will stop the aggression because of the cold temperature.

In fact, despite the hard work of many Class Holders led by “Martial Goddess” Miss, we have successfully destroyed 21 small and medium-sized cracks distributed in the southern part of Karams, but because of our Morningstar level battle strength has been insufficient, So those dozen large cracks enough to release Morningstar Demon Lord have not been damaged from start to finish. “

Telling the serious facts with an intellectual voice, Karan also pointed his finger at the dozen or so dark dark pyramid coordinates on the map.

Obviously, the coordinates of the dark red undoubtedly represent a “large Abyss rift” that can afford Demon Lord to travel through space to Faerun. They are all the doors of chaos opened by the Morningstar Class Holder of the Red Robe Wizard Guild!

And the participants can also notice that almost every dark red pyramid is surrounded by a mess of scarlet silk threads entangled and interwoven, and those lines usually represent the action trajectory of each and everyone Demon Lord, although in essence this group Most of the chaotic monsters from Abyss have no specific travel purpose, but because each Abyss rift is opened in the Karams Empire, this group of Demons who are fighting all day and night are still easy to reach Karam Prosperous city of Sri Lanka.

Generally speaking, most of the cities discovered by Demon have no good endings, and almost all of them have changed into a gray icon representing “destroyed” on the map. It can be imagined that as time goes on, from There will be more and more Demon Lords drilled by the Abyss rift level, and their travel range will become larger and larger in endless battles. The existing cities of Karams can still exist safely until when There is a problem.

“As you can see, the red robe are still tirelessly opening new cracks and continuing to release Demon. The first batch of Abyss Lords who were expelled from the cracks are wandering around the imperial defense line, despite the joint efforts of many Class Holders Most of our people have evacuated safely, but the territory of Karams is still unfortunately occupied by more than half. Until three hours ago, the number of innocent people killed and injured has exceeded 3 … “

Silently listed a new table next to the map. Karan expressed his current situation while expressing solemnly the number “3,000,000,000” in the upper left corner of the table written in common language.

But then, she wrote a larger number of “122 100000000” in the upper right corner of the table, and at the same time, Kalana’s solemn Mental Power fluctuations quickly reverberated in the silent empty palace:

“We failed to save everyone. This is undoubtedly an unfortunate fact … but we don’t have time to be discouraged or discouraged, because there are 122 100000000 million poor poor people who are hungry for our help. Next, Iberfield Miss The multifaceted information obtained through her personal investigation will analyze the current life and death dilemma facing the Karams Empire. I hope that at this time meeting, everyone can contribute to the protection of Faerun Plane selflessly! “

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