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Does it make sense for Donilla to be a nominal leader? In fact, it does n’t make much sense. Anyway, his irresponsible attitude will basically only make peace with the mud. Perhaps without his participation in this meeting, it will become more efficient and smooth. Legendary Powerhouse, you don’t need a nominal boss to help you make the “correct” judgment.

Therefore, after Karan explained the details of the Abyss crack distribution in detail, 14 participants, including Punk, were ready not in Italian slowly “Astral Plane’s wolf” was not present, they were silent. Turned his eyes to the “Martial Goddess” Ibefield, who took a step forward, and then quietly waited for the other to say what kind of “life and death crisis” the Karams Empire is facing today.

Even if you do n’t need to go through too many questions, you can basically guess what these crises will be in front of a great empire …

“Hello fellows, I am traveling with the will of justice and kindness in the” Martial Goddess “Iberfield Marta of Astral Plane. I believe that during the time when the Karams Empire fought against Demon, everyone present Justices have never slackened to save the innocent poor people. At this moment, the glory of goodness has been united on Faerun Plane like never before! Although with the continued aggression from Abyss Demon and the footsteps of the cold winter The closer we are, the more difficulties we are facing, but the struggle against the forces of evil cannot be relaxed. No matter what kind of hard fatigue we face, we must all go through the road. “

Wearing a Valiant and formidable looking lady armor stepped forward, Ibefield, like many passionate spiritual leaders, proclaimed his will passionately, even though many of the Legendary Powerhouses present at the moment were better than her in strength Much more powerful, but the “Martial Goddess” Miss who delivered a speech in front of everyone was able to perform from start to finish.

And under the complex gaze of everyone’s eyes and emotions, Ibeefel, who released Mental Power to project a picture in the air, also quickly explained the most worthy of the substantive content at present.

The first picture presented is a total of 2 recorded images from the vicinity of the Abyss fissure. These images should appear to be images taken under high-speed flight without exception. At least one vicious and fierce, full body is recorded. Abyss Demon with bone spurs-because the Demon in Abyss looks mostly chaotic and even grotesquely shaped, it ’s easy for anyone to see that the Demon on these 2 images are completely different independent individuals ………… They are the Morningstar Demon Lord who came to Faerun Plane from the crack!

“As you can see, after many adventure investigations, I finally figured out the number of Demon Lords who came to Faerun Plane until 3 days ago, and this number is too dangerous and scary for the Karams Empire In contrast, the 76 Lesser Lords who have been beheaded by ordinary Legend Class Holders are actually just the first cannon fodder for evil invasion. These Morningstar-level Demon are the real troubles that everyone has to face. “.

After tightening his lips seriously and arranging the photos of the 12 Morningstar Demon Lord arranged in 2 rows, Iberfield’s tone has become very dignified and unconsciously.

The concern of “Martial Goddess” is obviously not without reason. After all, for the Guardian Alliance with a full eleven ordinary Legend Class Holder, even if there are more than 100 Lesser Lords scattered intrusion, they can completely rely on the advantages of their own wisdom. The wild beast of Slaughter and the cleanup, but if the “enemy” who is now wandering in the direction of Mithril Royal City is the Abyss Lord of Morningstar level …………

No matter how wise, ordinary Legend is impossible to kill a Morningstar powerhouse, even if this so-called “Morningstar powerhouse” is actually just a crazy Demon wielding a big wooden stick, “Martial Goddess” and other ordinary Legend still take it. Any way.

What’s more terrifying is that with the accumulation of time delay, the number of Morningstar monsters that have been drilled out of the Abyss rift is still increasing. Today’s 2 XNUMX Demon Lord is already a very scary number. Their existence for Karam The Slovenian Empire is definitely the biggest threat!

In the face of such a difficult and dangerous threat, only 4 people in the large Guardian League have the ability to shoot … or rather, only 4 people can “theoretically” kill the enemy …

“Ms. Ibefield, do you mean you need me and Mr.” Clean Glow “,” Whisper of Destruction “, and” Mr. Astral Plane “to clear these Demon?”

Watching Ibefield put a picture of the Demon Lord generously in the center of the Imperial Family Palace, a Morningstar Priest who had been standing in the Alignment queue of the deities quickly asked with an expression of kindness. It’s just that at the time of the inquiry, the Morningstar Priest’s eyes were always looking towards the friendly, smiling and kind “companion” Anthony.

For this question of unknown significance, solemnly performed a nobility courtesy of the meaning of the “female defiler” which was nodded and replied on the side:

“Yes, the power of Morningstar Demon is too strong, only you, Mr. Anthony, Donnela Alliance Leader ………… and” Whisper of Destruction “Lord are able to kill them. Now these 2 big Demon The route of travel is enough to pose a serious threat to the “Horaka Defense Line” of the Kalamdor Empire. The “tower barriers” that we established a few days ago may also be damaged at any time, in order to avoid the refugees of 100 100000000 million refugees. slaughter, I hope that your 4 Morningstar powerhouses can personally defend justice and goodness! “


This is definitely an argumentation statement that is difficult to evaluate. The entanglement and influence it brings also involve a huge range of interests. So with Ibefield ’s righteous request for tone barely fell, almost all ordinary Legend Class Holder His eyes were instantly focused on the three Morningstar powerhouses present.

And the most interesting thing is that the ordinary Legend Class Holder in the “volunteer” alignment is almost waiting for the answer of 2 Morningstar Priest with an “as it should be by rights” look, and it is in the ordinary of 10000 temple alignment. Legend Priest immediately turned around looking towards the “Whisper of Destruction” standing alone in a small shadow …

Obviously, Legend Priest, including Anthony, now all need a “Neutral Alignment” “ally” to help say a few “fair words”, and in a ridiculous alliance of “Lawful Good” Alignment, can be free There is currently only one person who makes a speech.

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