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The reason why several “volunteers” looked towards the 2 Morningstar Priest is very simple, because in the understanding of the overwhelming majority, the Pirate Man who is responsible for handling all kinds of “evil troubles” for free is always the 10000 Legend Priest We may be able to sit back and ignore some troublesome things, but these pitiful persons who are enslaved by “goodness” often have to try their best to clean up the scene.

This was the case before, and it is the same now.

Then the problem before everyone was that in the face of Morningstar Demon Lords’ “ruthless” invasion of the Karams Empire, two of them accepted the dispatch of 2 shrines and joined the Guardian Alliance’s Morningstar with the ulterior motive. Are the Priest really willing to fight life and death with the chaotic Demon Lord?

The answer is absolutely no, because Demon can’t be called “difficult to deal with”, but for the overwhelming majority Class Holder of this era, those dangerous “non-intelligent chaotic creatures” are also not easy to deal with.

as everyone knows, overwhelming majority Demon has no intelligence, crazy brutality and similar killing, but this does not mean that these destructive power amazing monsters are really sad and weak people who can be slaughtered at will. In fact, any Legend Demon must have Several spell-like abilities of Bloodline Awakening and even the “perish together” method can be used, and as long as they reach Legend realm and complete a great realm promotion, they can get the opportunity to listen to “Abyss’ call” when the whisper of chaos After a Demon’s soul reverberates, they can naturally master a Legend spell and even Morningstar spell skills!

In short, Legend Demon must master at least one Legend kill, and Morningstar Demon must also master at least one Morningstar trick. Perhaps their IQ will always be impossible. They know how to use their powerful power perfectly, but they must Admittedly, anyone who wants to fight with this fierce and unafraid of death and holding a “nuclear weapon” monster can definitely not be called “easy and simple”.

What’s more, there are as many as 12 Morningstar Demons going to the “Horaka Defense Line”. If the 4 competitors are evenly distributed, one person must kill 3 Demon Lords independently to complete the mission.

Let ’s not talk about whether the two Morningstar Priest from the 2 temples have enough rich Morningstar level combat experience and Morningstar level combat methods. Saying that one person deals with 10000 or more Demon ………… This is enough to be dangerous. After all, the bloodthirsty Demons are always rushing towards Battle’s aura. Once a war breaks out at a certain place, all Demon Lords who feel the Rule’s fluctuations will rush to join the dispute, which means that once the Demon hunter cannot be limited. Solve his own hostile target within the time, then the enemy he is facing is likely to be more than just one or two Abyss Lord …………

You should know that the area of ​​the entire Karams is equivalent to twice the surface area of ​​Punk ’s previous life Earth. Such a battlefield ca n’t be called narrow but it is far from being described as “giant”. If you don’t pay attention, you will overturn.

Because of this, this job imposed on Legend Priest by “Kindness and Rescue” is also destined not to be an idle “slaughter hunting”, it is always a real risk task.

With such a heavy security risk like a shadow following the body, it ’s no wonder that the two Simplystar Priest who are not fighting for “justice and kindness” are hesitant to agree to go to the battlefield, at least one of them is currently playing three The situation is really unacceptable to them. In this judgment, Punk can easily understand if he compares his strength with the number of Demon Lords:

If there is only one Demon Lord, then the Morningstar Wizard can be easily hanged without using any trump card, but if faced with the siege of 3 Morningstar Demon, then “Whisper of Destruction” will have to use Keweiya to participate in the battle to ensure Victory, if the number of Abyss Lord reaches 5, then even if it is as strong as Punk, it has to measure its own weight 2 once the enemy of this level reaches ten or more ……… No need to think about turning around Hurry up and run, if any Morningstar Class Holder comes under fire, it will definitely die!

10000000 Do n’t think that Demons can gather to go out to the fisherman catches both and fish in troubled waters with their clever consciousness and coquettish position after the outbreak of infighting. Most of Demon ’s fighting creeds are “the most powerful one. “! If a “powerful Morningstar Wizard” wants to go to a group of “weak Morningstar Demon” sitting atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight, his eight-nine will have to experience the “instant fire” of a group of lunatics.

When the time comes Demon Lords rely on instinct to perceive-well, you are the strongest, I hit “the strongest”! If you don’t want to fight, you don’t need to think about it, Morningstar will take a self-destructed solution to solve it!

In just 3 weeks, such an unreasonable strong enemy emerged that was waiting to be “cleaned up”. It is estimated that Anthony and his nominal deputy are going to look blue, although considering that they do not have such amazing combat strength as Punk It is a rare “Non-Seclusion Morningstar Class Holder”. It is still a good chance to fight against the three Abyss Lords with one enemy 3 and use wisdom. However, when you think of the existence of huge risks, you must pay all unpaid medical expenses. The “zero return” result …

“Cough cough, it’s incumbent to fight against evil, but I think we still need to think carefully about the countermeasures and then move on. Speaking of which …… What do you think of Mr. Saian?”

Looking sideways towards the Morningstar Wizard who has been standing silently in the corner, Anthony can’t help but export eyebrows while raising his eyebrows frantically.

The idea he wanted to express was obvious-perfunctory, perfunctory, and trouble-making, but as Legend Priest of the position of “Lawful Good, representing the 10000 shrines”, people now take this damn “duty” on his face, We can’t always say “I’m afraid of death and don’t want to save the innocent on the battlefield for Shi Laozi”, right? As a neutral partner, you have to find a way.


Anyway, it is currently on the surface of the partnership. It does n’t matter if you sing the double reed a little, not to mention that it ’s in your own interest to deal with this matter … Thinking so, Punk calmly walked out of the dark shadows while gloomy Looking directly at Ibefield ’s clear eyes, he explained his thoughts directly:

“Chaotic Evil Demon Lords are really stupid and tyrannical, but this does not mean that their strength can not pose a threat to Morningstar Class Holder, little girl, you have to know that Abyssal Energy is the most destructive power energy in this world, and Rule is Multiverse. The most erosive Rule in the book, the justice in your mouth is far from being as easy to achieve as the words you bluntly requested at this time. It is too difficult for the four of us to deal with the 4 Demon Lord. It is too difficult for the strongman. I object to this proposal. “

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