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After studying the results he wanted, Punk left Nielan Town. He found that Tishachar’s movements have become larger and larger, and all believers have a tendency to distance themselves from Dorez City.

All the signs indicate that Tishachar’s big move is about to come, and the time is no longer urgent. We must go to Dorez City as soon as possible to get an ally and a group of cannon fodder.

Punk is not used to riding vehicles, so he simply blessed himself with Swiftness and started running towards Dorez City, followed by the repaired Golem I.

The speed of the Formal Level Wizard is very impressive. Punk set off at noon and arrived in Dorez City in the afternoon.

But just when he wanted to enter the city directly, he suddenly noticed a familiar magic power fluctuation.

“It’s Blan’s little girl, is this guy not dead yet?”

Far away from seeing Blanc looking towards his direction in horror, Punk remembered that he still has such an Apprentice.

Now Punk has no plans to make Blan into a soul-changer. Recently Punk has no connection, so his level is not enough to transform the soul of Class Holder, not to mention the need to pull up a group of allies. A look at the past reputation is still necessary. .

“Since I intend to pretend to be a” queer-tempered, but kind-hearted “Wizard, with my own Apprentice, I can’t justify it, just arrange this girl.”

Punk in the heart deliberately considers that the impression he gave to the people of Dorez City was really bad. If they cooperate in this situation, all people are expected to be wary of themselves. In that case, it is not conducive to Punk. Knife, so it’s best to pretend to be a cold-faced Wizard, at least so that those Priest who find faults everywhere can’t investigate their layout.

At the same time, as long as there is no evidence to prove that they have the bias of Evil Alignment, even those Priest hate themselves very much, they have to seriously help. (There is no definitive evidence that Lawful Alignment’s God and Priest cannot act according to their will).

Thinking about this, Punk slowed down and turned to Blan’s tent. Through the Divination Spell, he knew that Blan and Dicido were in love now, so she didn’t have the guts to talk about the things in the White Tower.

Although Punk has slowed down significantly, in Blan and Dicido’s eyes, the silhouette of the Formal Wizard turned into a black afterimage and appeared on the open space in front of the tent.

Dicido stared at Punk who almost suddenly appeared in front of him. Although he was instinctively blocked in front of the trembling Blan, Dicido who had never seen the Formal Level Class Holder was still scared by the power of the Formal Level powerhouse.

As a Bard, Dicido knew a lot of Class Holder stories in the novel story, but he was only a teenager, and never left the scope of Dorez City, and his first and only one close contact Class Holder —— Blan always shows the image of harmless to humans and animals, so Dicido even has the feeling of “Class Holder is just like that”.

But when facing Punk, who is the same height as him, Dicido feels like he has fallen into the ice cave. The cold and terrifying feeling seems to be Dicido’s only feeling, especially the pair of Morihan’s pupils. mysterious black robe ………… The silent horror seems to be enough to wipe out all hope and beauty.

It wasn’t until this time that Dicido understood why just mentioning the name of this Formal Wizard was enough to make Blan shiver coldly. It was not only the horror of breath, but also a crush on the soul level.

Punk stared at the trembling little boy in front of him, Blan was clutching the teenager’s clothes tightly, and the two little couples snuggled together shiver coldly, making themselves like a big gray wolf who blocked a white rabbit in the hole.

Punk looked at Blan dumbly. He couldn’t understand why Apprentice, who had the courage to mess with himself, would be scared like this, but these did not prevent Punk from making a show.

Priest around the rescue of refugees all looked at this “suddenly appearing” Formal Level powerhouse. Several soldiers also hurriedly ran away to inform Cascathe. Punk knew that as long as he behaved kindly at this time, he would be biased as much as possible. Good Alignment, when the evidence of Church of Tishachar is presented and he needs help, the Priest of the church ca n’t refuse, so he said in a soft voice:

“Hello, my Apprentice, we meet again.”

Due to the normally reticent reticence, Punk thought that the soft voice was still not emotional, and it sounded cold and lifeless.

In Blan’s view, 80% of Punk is angry because she not only left the White Tower to “run away”, but also messed up the experimental platform in order to find the medicine.

Unauthorized flipping of a Wizard’s experimental platform is already a sign of declaring war, so Blan was terrified at this time, she was afraid of being killed by Punk, she was afraid of being disbanded as a test article, and she might end up with those slaves— -The soul is transformed.

She is even more afraid of getting involved in Dicido!

“At least … at least save Dicido.”

There is only a single thought in Blan’s heart for a time.

“Sir Tutor, I’m very sorry, I left the White Tower without permission, and also disturbed the experimental platform. This is an unforgivable sin. If there is any punishment, I have no complaints, but please let go of Dicido, please … … All this has nothing to do with him, it’s all my fault! “

Blan’s eyes were red, teardrops were falling from the white face, the girl begged loudly to Punk, and two slender jade hands held the skirt to prevent her body from shaking too much, but in fact, her sweat was soaked After the clothes, the dress was attached to Blan and formed a beautiful curve.

“No, Blan, what are you talking about, you’re just trying to save people, what’s wrong there, do we want to save the child from death?”

Dicido reacted after being stunned for a while. He was keenly aware when he saw Punk that the Formal Wizard in front of him was definitely not the kind Class Holder of Blan’s kindness.

No matter how I asked, Blan refused to tell herself what happened in the White Tower to make her often wake up in the nightmare, but Dicido has realized that everything in the White Tower must be very, very terrifying, the Formal Wizard in front of him It must also be very, very scary.

Horrible ……… Blan who is usually quiet and quiet at this time weeping bitter tears, begging for level!

Dicido is a teenager and a man determined to protect Blan. He can’t let Blan bear all this alone, so he opened his mouth without turning back.

“Dicido ……… you …”

Blan felt anxious when she heard Dicido’s words. She was really afraid that Dicido would anger the “crazy and evil” Punk and then be killed by a fireball.

But Dicido pressed Blan ’s lips lightly with her index finger to stop her from going on,

“Okay, Blan, isn’t it okay to face everything no matter what you experience?”

In the sunset, Dicido’s hair reflected the bright golden light.

“Dicido …………”

Blan feels that as long as he is with Dicido, everything doesn’t matter, even if it is death or something more terrifying, as long as … Dicido is by his side …

Punk watched the stupid couple stage a life-and-departure in front of him. He really didn’t know what to say. The word “silent” was not enough to describe his mood at this time.

Punk felt like he was just a normal greeting. As far as these two guys are “to make a fuss about nothing”, they make themselves like a vicious villain.

Facing a group of staring Priest, and Blan and Dicido holding and crying together, for the first time, Punk had the urge to turn around and pretend not to know.

But the impulse is impulsive, and you have to do it.

In the end, the helpless Formal Wizard had to twitch his lips slightly to squeeze a stern smile, and then stepped forward to take photos of the heads of two people, one of which was a gentle brain collapse.

“You two idiots, it’s enough to lose more talents!”


(Today’s military training, the temperature is 40 degrees high in the south. Although I cut my foot and can’t participate, I still have to listen to it. I was turned into a dog. The clothes are not breathable. The sweat dripped down the chin.

The instructor still refused to use a mobile phone. It was really too tired to return to the dormitory and there was no time, so I had to change it. Everyone forgive me. I will try to apply with the instructor (send her Bao Zhonghua) tomorrow, and strive to use the time to watch the phone code May 2 more, thank you. )

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