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“Uh ~~~”

“It hurts ~~~”

After a punch with Punk, the stupid couple’s tears are coming out. If this is a Japanese anime, a smoke scene will appear on their heads.

Blan was also surprised when she cried out. She thought it would be good not to be blown to dust on the spot, but did n’t expect not only to be punished, but also heard what she suspected to forgive. Is it because she was too scared to have an illusion So, or is there any conspiracy in front of this Formal Wizard that is completely incomprehensible?

Unlike Bran ’s 7-8 mess, Dicido ’s first feeling was sighed in relief. Looking towards Punk, he looked a little trembling and asked:

“So Sir, forgive us”?

Hearing what Dicido said, Punk felt like this guy was really offline.

“What is” forgive us “, and when you and Blan can mention on equal terms later, I don’t remember that I have received 2 Apprentice.”

Despite this thought, Punk said as indifferently as possible:

“Well, forgive me. Although the disturbed test bench troubled me a little, it was nothing since it was meant to save people.”

Punk’s voice is bland and has no ups and downs, it sounds more cool to have one’s hair stand on end, but in Blan and Dicido it sounds undoubtedly Sound of Heavenly Music. Blan burst into tears.

“Thank you Sir Tutor for your forgiveness. Thank you so much.”

Although the girl still feels that things are a bit different from what she thought, at least her and Dicido’s lives have been saved, which has satisfied Blan.

“Great, I know that Lord Wizard will forgive us as long as it is to save people.”

Dicido is also very happy. Now in his mind, Punk is the kind of cold-hearted person. Blan’s just can’t accept the cold face of Punk.

Although Dicido also believes that although Punk’s face can be called “beauty”, it is really too cold.

“Okay, Blan, are you sick?”

Punk looked towards Blan pretending to be concerned.

“Sorry, yes.”

“Oh? Who allowed you to come here with the refugees, you have to express some thanks to others”!

Punk asked Blan to pretend not to know. Through the Destination spell, he knew that Cascathe was the only Dorez who was thinking about refugees now, and the identity of the other Knight’s Knight was very unusual. He planned to put a little back- up.

“Thank you” is undoubtedly a good excuse to give certain potions to Knight!


“Yes, Miss Blan is your Apprentice, and it is also pure nobility, which deserves this treatment.”

Just when Blan wanted to answer, a cheerful voice came clearly, Cascathe walked out of the crowd, the thick armor clanged powerfully.

In Faerun Plane, because the power of the poor is impossible to overthrow the rule of the upper class no matter how much it gathers, the total inequality between the classes is undisguised. Hearing Cascathe say this with reasonable tone Silent and silent, Dicido and Blan were slightly frowned.

But Punk didn’t care about these details. He was shrugged easily, then took out a bottle of potion in a casual way and threw it to Cascathe.

“It’s a little thank you. Although I haven’t developed an antidote for the plague, I still have some research on potion Alchemy.”

Punk casually tossed a silver shiny bottle, as if the bottle contained only some insignificant boiled water.

At the same time, he also expressed the hint of “don’t ask me to develop an antidote”.

He understood Punk’s hint that although Blan couldn’t conceal his disappointment and sadness, Cascathe thought it was normal to develop an antidote. He had no hope of developing an antidote in a short time, so when the bottle came over, he was secretly secret sighed, and then carefully grasp the bottle with both hands, tightly grasping the object in his hand.

“Thank you very much Sir Saian”.

Cascathe bowed deeply and he recognized that the potion that Punk threw was the Novice Level “Battle Energy Circulation Potion” of all Knight yearn for something even in dreams. After taking this potion, the battle of Novice Level Warrior Energy can increase the circulation speed by 5% (up to 10%). The difficulty of this potion can only be produced by Alchemy experts of Formal Level. It may be said that it may come by with luck, but not by searching for it. Now I just got a bottle of convenience, why was Cascathe unhappy.

“Nothing, you deserve it”!

Punk waved his hand at Cascathe, which seemed to be completely indifferent, but in fact he was sneering secretly in his heart.

“Battle Energy Circulation Potion” is really not true anymore, but Punk added some ingredients to it. If Cascathe drank it like that ……… Then at a critical moment, Punk can completely control those “condiments” Suddenly broke out, this is a back-up arranged by Punk.

As a Wizard better at Divination, Punk found some ambiguous information, so he decided to arrange this back-up on the road in case of trouble in Divination.


Punk glanced disdainfully at Cascathe who was still rejoicing.

“… If you really impatient you drink it, then it proves that you guy is too stupid, even dare to drink a Wizard gift.”

Punk carefully felt the perfect lurking of “condiments” lurking in the potion, a Novice Level Class Holder completely impossible discovered Duan Rui.

He is very confident now, regardless of whether he understands the correct Divination, he has sufficient coping methods.

Now that a back-up has been completed, it’s time to get things done.

The so-called right thing is to enter Dorez City and find the Formal Level Dwarf Warrior to talk about cooperation against Tishachar. Divination shows that his trip will not be too smooth, which is why Punk plans to act as soon as possible.

Before he left, he did not forget to give Blan a gift from the changed Novice Level robe, which greatly increased Cascathe’s recognition of him.

This gift made Blan think she blamed Tutor herself. The innocent girl couldn’t help trying to find some reasons to convince herself.

Although the danger in my heart still exists, Blan still has the sentiment that “Sir Tutor’s harshness is training me, in fact, he is a good person”.

I have to say that human beings are really strange. They often forget the threats they once experienced for some small favors, or Blan actually has some evasive psychology. After all, it is calculated by a Formal powerhouse-this fact really exceeds the “little girl” of Blan. The tolerance range.

Of course, no one knows that Punk also moved on that robe. Now Punk needs a reputation from the past. If Bran dares to say something that should not be said ……… He does n’t mind letting this die. little girl “accidental death”!

Farewell knows nothing, was sold and still grateful to Blan and Cascathe, Punk walked to Dorez’s tall but not worth mentioning city wall.

“In these years, there are too many fools, and scammers are not enough”!

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