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“Hey, smile boss? Is there anything to order the little? Reassure, you have completed the task of account, the two idiots of Alliance of the Silencers have lost their lives, speaking of which I am using that now Head Ogre’s head sacrifices the great night Goddess … well, if you need it, I can also express my sincere gratitude to you, the venerable God of Slaughter. “

When he picked up the divine spell card and talked to an Intermediate God, Samoan was naturally impossible and as arrogant and manic as his weak Divine Power classmates, even though the communication of the girl God did interrupt his sincere prayers, but the level of reason was still Even the evil Priest still expresses his respect to his head boss with the tone of “respect” as much as possible.

Of course, from the actual situation, the deliberate tone of “respect” that he deliberately presented is more like that Hooligan is inviting meritorious rewards to the head of the bastard. If there is not much real respect, the arrogance and excitement that cannot be concealed are the most practical .

But compared to the confident words of Samoan, the emergency communication from God of Slaughter may not sound so leisurely.

“Where are you? Samoan, have you and Noodore left Plane listener now?”

“Ah, no? What’s wrong? Speaking of which 10000 The Old Guys of the shrine are always making fine things. Look at the Magic crystal card of the Alliance of the Silencers, which has both communication and positioning functions. Then look at our hands. The junk stuff held in it, even in such a mess of information transmission, has been intermittent. “…………

Since the function of divine spell cards is far less complete and clear than Magic crystal cards, Morningstar Priest not at all still chattering and complaining about the ambiguous information transmission Perceived whether there are some unusual emotional characteristics in the Mental Power fluctuations of smiling, Until now he thought his boss was really asking himself about the task progress.

In reality, however, his misunderstandings are destined to remain too long.

Because I have n’t waited until Samoan ’s nonsense speech is over, and how to listen to it is also impossible what the “inquiry process” words have been sent from the smile side in an instant:

“… Alas, it seems that you haven’t left Plane listener Plane, then there is no way, I hope your last prayer can bring even a little luck to your dilly-dallying waste, Because next, I am afraid you can only ask for more happiness. “


There is no more communication, the word is ambiguous 2 God of Slaughter has unilaterally hung up the communication, and holding the magic dim card that gradually faded down, stood in the spot for a while not knowing what to do Morningstar Priest ’s The expression also became a bit dumbfounded.

“Wait, what is” last prayer “? What does it mean to ask for more blessings, and what does my boss say? Is it possible that …… is it possible that …………”

“No way, smile boss will not hold the monster called” Whisper of Destruction “, then what shall we do, Samoan”!

Even if not all smart people can be involved in this war, there are few fools. After listening to the girl God ’s helpless announcement, deep in one ’s heart suddenly rises a huge sense of uneasiness Morningstar Priest has realized that Something “doesn’t meet the plan”, and beside him, the weak God, who was more panicked and scared, was even unable to bear shouted.

Yeah, what could cause a powerful Mid Divine Power deity to suddenly send such a message in this situation? What would happen if a real-life Morningstar Class Holder could only “seeking more happiness”?

How can you think of it as an extremely powerful terrorist enemy?

For example, if there is a person, the raging Radiant Moon level “monster” is rushing to the calm and tranquil “listener” Plane at the fastest speed …

“Damn it, you can’t be stunned anymore, go quickly!”

It’s a lie to say that you are not afraid. Can you be afraid if a Radiant Moon powerhouse is killed? Although not as scared to the point of shivering as poor Noodore, the twisted smile on Samoan’s face could not be sustained.

I saw that he turned around without the slightest hesitation and picked up the divine spell hanging on his waist. The short battle was about to release the divine spell. At this moment of life and death, Morningstar Priest even had no time to take care of the interrupted memorial service. .

“Hurry, hurry, hurry, finish the construction! Hurry!”

It ’s the first time since Morningstar Priest Legend, who stood at Nooduo and watched Noodore at 4 speeds, built the divine spell model at full speed for the first time, such a thrill of adrenaline soaring. The feeling not only made his body sweat cold, but also made his soul faintly discernible.

Seeing the divine spell energy in the midair, engraving the movement, staring at each and everyone divine spell rune changed into starlight and transformed into the form of the gate, for a moment Samoan realized that he had realized a higher level of divine The mystery of spell, his Class Level, which has been dead for more than 20 years and 10000 years, gradually shows signs of rising.

It is said that there is a great horror and great opportunity between life and death. Many Class Holders believe that only through the grinding of the river of death can they enhance their strength and will. Although this statement seems to be both adventurous and too absolute, but the truth It’s more or less a bit.

In the most critical Life and Death Trial head, life can always force the soul to find the only way out at the crucial moment.

For example, the current Samoan seems to see his Transmission Gate completed. He has even heard the space opposite the gate whispering to himself vaguely, widening the eyes of his pupils, and ready to go. The Morningstar Priest did not think much, and he was mentally prepared for a leap. Until this time, he always believed that he could successfully escape.



The crisp blast exploded on the turbulent sea surface, and the solid shock wave tore a solid seabed. The cracks in the sky extended all the way to the sapphire-clear water surface with the infusion of energy beam The cracked morning light also refracted the 7-color cold glow.

Obviously, in front of Morningstar Priest, the terrifying existence presented in the structure of the glorious semifinished product divine spell Transmission Gate is not the warm and free World in his fantasy, but a huge “Mage Hand”.

That is the majestic palm built with uncompromising solid Radiant Moon level magic power!

“Where do you want to go? Sad insects”!

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