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“Where do you want to go? Sad insects”!

“Radiant Moon Level Conjuration Spell-” Majestic Magic Hand “!

Directly use the strongest attacking branch of the Mage Hand series spell in the “Tower Demon Hand” to pierce the divine spell Transmission Gate that Samoan is about to complete. The Radiant Moon Spellcaster with a cold eye in the blink of an eye has already passed the “super long distance effect” The Rule wormhole built by the teleportation technique enters the undefended listener Plane.

Facts have proved that the smile judgment is not at all alarmist. Under the “Whisper of Destruction” rapid action, Morningstar Priest, who has little or no precautions, is destined to ask for more blessings, because his imaginary escape plan is compared to The speed of a Radiant Moon Class Holder is more like a not worth mentioning joke. Perhaps from the moment he failed to evacuate from the “criminal scene” in time, it was almost impossible to hide from avoiding death. impossible was avoided.

In fact, I have n’t waited until the glorious fragments scattered by magic power splashed into the rolling Endless Sea, and even a divine spell was not released. Samoan was caught in the hands of Punk ’s magic giant. For a Radiant Moon powerhouse, using powerful combat to control a Morningstar Class Holder with a spell is as simple as Sir picking up a child.

And in the “Whisper of Destruction” raging magic power surge process, I couldn’t allow the Morningstar Priest who was caught in midair to struggle. The 7 8-Layer divine spell shield on his body has already begun in front of the huge Rule pressure The creaks all over the cracks.

“It looks like I’m late? My subordinates are dead? Very good, very good. In this way … An annoying rescue operation can become a happy revenge mission, don’t you think you are What’s your mood? You act recklessly garbage. “


There is no need to say anything or justify. The cold-eyed Punk directly controls the “Majestic Demon Hand” to crush the 4-Layer divine spell shield on Samoan. A large number of Divine Power fragments are flowing in the gap of the giant hand illusory shadow Splashing, and the miserable priest who was still struggling with energy frantically in the last second, and in the blink of an eye, he became bleeding and depressed.

With only one simple attack, a Morningstar powerhouse loses all its resistance in Punk ’s hands. The current “Whisper of Destruction” can be regarded as a superpowerhouse at the top, even if it is a general one. The Radiant Moon Wizard is not an opponent at all in front of him, let alone Samoan is just a mediocre Morningstar Class Holder?

In fact, as long as it is necessary, the Radiant Moon Wizard, who has captured the “absent to escape” enemy, can retaliate against the “garbage” in his hands at any time. He has not killed Samoan for the time being and is just trying to interrogate some information. .

Although such remedial actions cannot conceal the judgment mistakes made by a “temporary reviewer” in the strategic layout, Spellcaster can at least ensure that the zealots of the 10000 temples are impossible, and they can easily leave after killing their men. The other party can rely on intelligence The superiority of “stealing homes and springs”, wouldn’t he Punk still draw bottle gourd?

Or think about it … This kind of behavior of exchanging the lives of your teammates for the lives of the enemies is not a loss?

And can you use 2 ordinary Legends to replace each other with a weak Divine Power and a Morningstar powerhouse?

Of course, speaking from a certain perspective, “Whisper of Destruction” must also be admitted, no matter whether it is a loss or not, although the delay of a smile may not be a perfect harvest, her battle is definitely effective.

For example, now Punk can be sure that his actions are fast enough, but he did n’t expect 1000 and 10000 to catch up, and he still did n’t have time to rescue Ogre Wizard and the newcomer of bad luck.

In fact, after stepping into this piece of water with more than 9% of the area composed of the ocean, Element Plane’s impeccably ability “Whisper of Destruction” has already noticed 2 corpses of Legend Class Holder that he is familiar with.

There is no doubt that both Ba Peng and the “bonfire moth” have fallen. Even if no excuses are needed to change the account, it is an undeniable fact that the rescue action of the Radiant Moon Wizard has failed, which is fundamental Indisputable …

“The feeling of failure is disgusting, the irritability of losing property is even more intolerable. Act recklessly little Priest, I can guarantee that today I am absolutely the most angry me since I upgraded to Legend,” If you still want to get a little alive Opportunity, then I suggest you better hurry up and say everything you know about the 10000 temples. “

The tone of Sen Han threatened to bleed his nose and nose, and the bad luck Samoan built a “destroyed cone” in his hand. Punk had pointed the star head of Morningstar Priest with the dimly shining vertebral apex.

And in order to improve the efficiency of the interrogation, “Whisper of Destruction” has not forgotten to activate the Radiant Moon Level spell attached to the pupil of Dark Gold, and “thrilling solidification” directly looks at the soul of the enemy.

Death from power, fear from Magic, pain from his own body ……… Multiple Wia combined into one, I believe that most Class Holders with insufficient willpower will lose their resistance to resist at this moment?

After all, the longer you live, the more you are afraid of dying is not just nothing serious. In fact, most Legendary Powerhouses with eternal lifespan are far more afraid of dying than ordinary mortals who will die one day sooner or later. When the threat of death comes, More than 9% of Class Holder will try every means to seize every chance of surviving. Punk has reason to think that the Evil Alignment Priest, which is exuding dark Rule fluctuations in front of him, is no exception.

However, it turned out that … this time “Whisper of Destruction” was wrong again.

Religious lunatics have always been unreasonable, they always regard themselves as slaves of sad beliefs, regard absurd deities as the masters of Supreme, and regard the canonical scriptures that are like ridiculous language as the absolute beliefs of the creed. , Even death will not be seen by believers.

Probably most Legend Priest and God they believe in are profitable partnerships, but perhaps because of indescribable coincidence, or because of the intentional arrangement of the 10000 shrines, this time Satsuma was hired to participate in the war Anbian is just one of the very few Morningstar priests who believe in true piety!

So after Radiant Moon Wizard finished his eerie threats, the Morningstar Priest, who was caught in the “Tower of the Devil Hand” and unable to move even a little bit, not only failed to collapse his mind in fear as Punk envisioned, but the opposite What’s more, he pretended to laugh like a crazy heartily.

Along with the raucous laughter of the madman resounding in the sky, the violent Divine Power fluctuations also seem to occur as the atomic energy of the fission reaction generally begins to expand violently in the narrow space of Mage Hand:

“Hehe, hehehe, I heard about your name, Mr. Saian, are you threatening me now? Good terrifying good terrifying, I’m really scared! But I’m a child of the night, a believer of Ms. Night, Dark Divine Court ’s Archbishop! I do n’t allow myself to accept any threats, even death threats, so give up, you ca n’t get anything from me, you ca n’t get anything, hahahaha! ”

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