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“I really want to be free, but there is no free lunch on the World. If you really have that legendary” Filth Bird “feather in your hands, what price should I pay to get it.”

He gazed at the deity in front of him, and said his decision without much thought.

Admittedly, destroying the contract you once signed is tantamount to a betrayal of “Whisper of Destruction”, without thinking and knowing that the powerful Spellcaster will certainly not give up.

But even so? Today ’s young avengers no longer care about the fear of death. If they can break away from the status quo and submit to the prison of sin, if they can be redeemed as a “criminal minion” … even if it is the redemption of death, he will not mind the silence at all. The end of the eternal sleep is summarized in his own plan.

“Just atonement for the fall of Ibeefir.”

Thinking so quietly, the dim-eyed Warrior asked the exchange condition of “Filth Bird Feather” without much hesitation, and at the same time he also as it should be by rights prepared to bear the price.

No matter what the cost is, this nightmare that lasted 300,000 years is the time to end!

“It seems that you are willing to help the 10000 shrines to complete a betrayal that belongs to the justice alone? Very wise ideas, right choices, originally this mistress thought about many reasons to convince you, it seems that they do not need to appear now “”.

Hearing Warrior’s firm answer in front of him, the “God of Slaughter” who raised his eyebrows slightly did not seem to think that the negotiation could proceed so smoothly.

Speak frankly, the smile originally thought it would be very difficult to persuade a rigid “big boy” to make a betrayal. After all, those guys who claim to be just are just so tangled and contradictory, they want to assign them to do “bad things” It is often necessary to add a layer of shiny armor to the so-called “reason”.

But for now … Punk, a powerful Wizard, is indeed not a qualified leader. His subordinates are really loyal to him, as long as they have the opportunity to break away from his control, Legend Warrior like Ganatika Not even death.

Of course, this is a good thing for a smile. The decision of the young avenger is very conducive to her next action, so after confirming that Ganatika ’s words and thoughts are true, a girl with a faint smile God continued to say seriously:

“We all have to pay for our ambitions, even gods like this mistress are no exception. If you, a normal Legend Class Holder with little strength, want to get a precious Film Bird feather as the key to open the cage, then You have to help the 10000 shrines, or more plainly, do a little trouble for me! “

“whats the matter”?

“Blow up the tower and destroy the Radiant Moon Magic Tower of” Whisper of Destruction “!”


Maintaining an expression of indifference and majesty, she said her own words. Although her smile did not change, her tone of voice was much more serious than the calm attitude just now.

“The Radiant Moon Magic Tower of a Radiant Moon powerhouse is really too tricky. Even the 5 or 6 powerful existence at the Radiant Moon level is full of siege, and even the great Divine Power gods will feel trouble when they come in person. Stay in Radiant The Spellcaster in Moon Magic Tower is naturally invincible, because even in the face of opponents without magic power, he can use Magic Tower to win enough time to calmly evacuate, if Punk has always owned the Magic Tower , This mistress Not to mention defeating him, even the experimental research that interfered with him could not be done ………… This is an unacceptable thing, so in order to have the opportunity to defeat the powerful Wizard and destroy his Magic Tower It is the first essential step-if you want to be its only “subordinate”, you have the right to step inside the tower without being attacked, Ganatika? “

To bluntly elaborate her ideas, the girl God not at all means to cover up more. In fact, she does not need to cover up the truth. After all, today ’s Ganatika has no capital and reason for repentance.

Of course, if you think about her plan carefully, it is still very bold and has certain feasibility. After all, Spellcaster impossible with limited funds has too many defenses installed in the Magic Tower. In order to use every resource in this “Legend Island” era On the blade, even the Magic creations built by Punk must have a short board of “strong external defense and weak internal defense”, which is a completely inevitable objective factor.

What ’s more, “Smile” did n’t even know that “Whisper of Destruction” now lives in Magic Tower. In fact, even the external defense is only “looking strong”. Punk had already run out of funds after he advanced to Radiant Moon …………

Of course, because she did n’t know the true economic situation of her enemy, the girl God still had a heart palpitations at the amazing Magic building in the imposing manner. Now, in order to get out of the embarrassing situation of the difficult situation as soon as possible, she has already used a precious Filth Bird feathers were destroyed in exchange for a strong Archmage property.

“This is a very precious opportunity, Ganatika, according to the exact news that this mistress bought from certain crazy Knights, it can be known that Punk has left Magic Tower for a long time now, at least for a short time. He will not come back, so his Magic Tower interior is equivalent to being in an awkward state without defense, and as the only creature in the Multiverse who has the opportunity to actively enter the tower without being attacked, you must make good use of this time 10000 Time, destroying Punk’s strongest refuge “!

Wording out this amazing plan, unconsciously, the girl God ’s crimson eyes burst out again with a shadow of evil charm, and under the dim firelight, her smile gradually became more cruel and It was cold.

“I fooled Golem, the housekeeper in Magic Tower, on the pretext of avoiding danger. This mistress will put a powerful explosion in your soul that will never be detected by the Radiant Moon level Magic device. All you need to do is to explode. It ’s enough to drop the tower ’s Rule reaction facility or main energy circuit, or even just blast an opening in front of the gate. Next, this mistress will take care of everything else … how? How simple is this? Yeah, you do n’t even need to participate in any battles, as long as you are willing to participate in this easy action and sign an Eye of the Judgement contract, you can get the feathers of the Filth Bird and get your yearn for something even in dreams … redemption ! “

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