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“Ga ga, do you really want to betray Mr. Saian? You really decided to betray a powerful Radiant Moon Spellcaster”?

As the smile turned and left, the paused time gradually resumed its flow. Those wine glasses and liquid still in the air have begun to traverse the one after another track again. Presumably not much time will be used, they will return to normal time. Operation, the whole Modifac Plane will not be noticed what just happened here.

Legendary Powerhouse has nothing to do with ordinary mortals, does it? The battlefield of Legendary World and Legendary Powerhouse in the isolated island era is almost no intersection. No matter what decision a powerful Class Holder makes, he will not get comfort and advice from anyone. All the results can only be made by them. The decision is responsible, as if the lone squirrel chose to hibernate or store food in winter.

However, beside Ganatika, there was a listless crow who did not ignore the mood of a young man like the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Now that the girl God has left, he has been hiding in the robe of the young avenger An “Alchemy creature” walked onto the table with an unclear attitude.

Several 100,000 years have passed, and many changes have taken place in Vector, which has experienced many things. It lost its liveliness and became indifferent. It also broke away from the weak emotion of deep in one’s heart to a certain extent.

So although Magic Crow, standing in front of Ganatika, still seems to be terrified of his decision as the fourth owner, it does not at all have any objections in his heart.

Yeah, being able to break away from the control of a terrifying Spellcaster, being able to atone for what you do, and being able to gain “freedom” even for a minute and a second, even if it is death, what are you afraid of?

What’s more, isn’t Punk now staying in Magic Tower? This meticulously planned operation may not result in casualties …

“It’s okay, Ganatika, you are my 4th host and the best host for me. I will follow your orders to act. If you are not afraid of death, we will be with” Smile “Miss Blow up the “Whisper of Destruction” Magic Tower, whether it is thrown away as a pawn after being used as a pawn or encountering a more terrifying end, it does not matter, although the incredible “monster” is too scary to think about. “

Almost in a trembling tone, he agreed with his thoughts. Vector, whose feathers were trembling slightly, was a rare courage.

It knows that its battle strength is only slightly higher than that of Master Level Class Holder’s Alchemy Creation. Even though it has undergone a transformation and is impossible to use in the battle of Legend, it does not think that the young avengers and some look more majestic. The deity may defeat a powerful enemy called “monster”, but it does not want to crack down on the will that Ganatika finally established, nor does it want to keep silent about pretending to be unconsciously to the outside world.

Although in theory Magic Crow was sent by Punk to monitor the sentimental teenage avengers, it is clear that Vector is more willing to be a poor “big boy” who has accompanied himself for 300,000 years than to face a cold-blooded horror Spellcaster. “go through fire and water.

No logic, no interest, just emotion.


“No, Vector, this is my own deal, and it is my own will. Everything should have a decision. I will cooperate with the” God of Slaughter “plan to destroy the Magic Tower and face it directly.” Mr. Whisper of Destruction ”, the anger of Mr. Whisper of Destruction, and the price I paid for what I did, and you …… You should now go to find your new life, find your new companion, anyway, what you know about” Whisper of Destruction ” “The” secret “is no longer a secret. I want to come to a busy Punk and I won’t have the leisure to chase you down, so … you are free”!

Gently push the Magic Crow standing on the wooden table to the opposite side, Ganatika’s expression looks like a ascetic who seems to be dead and is calm and composed, and he hasn’t even waited until the vector is a little stunned. Say nothing more, no The young hegemon who hesitated again directly signed the Eye of the Judgement contract with “Smile” left by his firm Mental Power swing.

At this point, the dust is settled, and the next decision of Ganatika only needs to take this new Eye of the Judgement contract to find the Divine Kingdom of “Smile” in exchange for the feather of the Bird of Bird, and he It is also destined to undertake the most dangerous tasks and become a part of the 10000 temple plan.

Yes, as he himself said, the entanglement that lasted 300,000 years should be over, and all the grudges should be broken!

“Freedom? Ganatika! You are my companion, freedom and so on … I am a poor construct, how can I have no master? This ………”

Listening to what the teenager said to himself, “Vector” must admit that it is really a bit stunned.

free? Magic Crow never thought of freedom. After all, it was born as a lifeform to serve the “master”. The three masters he met before did not mention the so-called freedom with it.

And now, what new life and new companion does Ganatika actually want it to find?

In fact, there was no joy in Vector ’s heart. Although the words of the young avengers were easily spoken, it felt for a time that there was a vague crack in his in the depth of one ’s soul. Natica, who has always been very satisfied with the host, is still hard to accept the reality.

You know that in the last second, it has just made a decision to be born and die with its “master”, but at this moment it has gained unprecedented … freedom.

Vector’s deep in one’s heart is filled with unfitness and sadness in an instant-it is not suitable for the result of freedom, and it is also saddened by the ending of Ganatika.

Because it is easy to see from the expression of the teenager, this time went to the Radiant Moon tower of “Whisper of Destruction”, the empty-eyed “Avenger” really does not plan to come back again, it may be listening By the time “Smile” was proposed, Ganatika had already decided to use his death to pay for the fall of Ibeefir and what he had done …

“Forget it, forget it, goodbye, Ganatika, goodbye …”

There is nothing more to say and nothing to say, Vector respects the decision of his master, no matter what time it is, even if the gentle teenager is on the road to death, it will only silently bless Ganati Card can get his final salvation.

In fact, as early as the next second when the lamp oil burned out, the teenager who didn’t respond much had already disappeared silently in this gloomy shadow.


“Huh? That handsome guest, why is there a beautiful crow here!”

The flow of time quickly recovered completely, and I did n’t even notice that the little maid Aina, who was talking between Legendary Powerhouse, did n’t know what was happening in front of her. During this short trance, she only felt that gaze. The deep Sir Class Holder is like disappearing from the sky and suddenly disappearing, and the empty wine table is only left with a very lonely black crow.

Yes, even if it is just a crow, but its lonely emotion at this moment is too obvious …

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