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In the icy World of Legend ’s isolated island, few people may understand the feelings between Mimibezi and Oxis. After all, the torrent of time is always too vast and great, even Ganatika is deeply impressed by Pandora. Your love will gradually drift away in front of the waves of time. How much weight can the so-called affection between sisters and brothers have?

What’s more, the devil is an Evil Alignment’s Magic race. For the sake of benefit, not recognizing one’s family is the main tone in their society. The case of fraternal disability is staged almost every day in those upper devil families, even parents and children. What can be done for relatives who grew up with each other for the sake of interests and rights?

But in fact, looking at the entire Multiverse, “Candy Merchant” and Oxis are really the two most frankly met Legendary Powerhouse. The former Oxis gave up Patriarch status in exchange for resources in order to help his elder sister. Even though Mimibezi once advanced to Legend, he never forgot that his younger brother’s selfless help turned to support each other. They nestled all the way to today. Absolute trust is almost synonymous with their relationship.

Perhaps in many cases, whether it is the melancholic devil or the lively little businessman, they sincerely think that the two of them are one, for example, they never exclude others from calling them “Legend Gemini”, or they have been Hell never separated after he was banished, so the emotions contained in the hundreds of thousands really make people feel emotional, and the sincerity between Legend’s twins is indeed true.

But what does a cruel old saying say?

All good things come to an end.

Although the lifespan of Legend Class Holder is endless in theory, although the long-lasting family love lasts for 10000 years, when a silence that is unique to disaster arrives, the tragedy’s release still inevitably appears extremely ruthless.

For example, at this moment, Mimi Beizi in the ruins of Radiant Moon Magic Tower has witnessed the “tragedy” most unacceptable to her, because as the poor little businessman punched through the last piece of metal that blocked the sun Block, she not at all wished to see her seriously injured younger brother staring at herself with an optimistic smile as before, she only saw a boot of Crimson stepping on her palm and 2 strands of Crimson wandering in the flow of energy Ponytail …

Ignoring the pain of a broken finger bone, slowly lifts the head. The “Candy Merchant”, who has collected a lot of information about God, knows the girl who is now overlooking her with a domineering gaze. She knows that this person is a name. The god named “Smile”, and now from the undisguised breath of the other party, she is still a true Intermediate God!

Shouldn’t you have thought about it already? This kind of thing is not difficult to guess, isn’t it? Ganatika ’s actions were impossible, no one instructed him, and the “treasure house” he left behind after destroying the Magic Tower was also impossible. No one was looting. The 10000 shrine powerhouse must be on the border of the Hatak plain. Glare like a tiger watching his prey, due to the explosion The two ordinary Legend Warlock who were seriously injured had no chance to escape alive.

In fact, from the moment the Radiant Moon tower dimmed, the Legendary Twins who lost their last shelter were destined to embrace their tragic fate.

Yes, the fate of death, the ending of the fall.

Suddenly left in place, at this moment, a pair of blue waves like Mimi Beizi trembling pupils undoubtedly left only a single thought, that is:

“It’s over, it’s all over”!


“Tsk tsk tsk, why? Are you confused by the beauty of this mistress? Cute Little Brat.”

The “God of Slaughter”, who stomped on the palms of his feet arrogantly until he stepped on the fingers of Mimibezi ’s fingers, turned his gaze to the frightened face of the “Candy Merchant”.

There is no doubt that in this confrontation with Magic Tower, “Smile” won, and the girl God who is the winner is of course qualified to do anything with the devil’s siblings who have no resistance, considering the current “Smile” How much is also a Mid Divine Power deity of Evil Alignment, she must also have an extraordinary interest in certain cruel and bloody moves, if there is an opportunity, if you want to come to this cruel “God of Slaughter” definitely do n’t mind Playing with her enemies like a cat that caught a mouse is why she chose to talk to Mimi Bezi.

But obviously, “Smile” is still very important. She knows that it is not the right time for fun. A terrifying Spellcaster may return to Hatak Plains at any time. She must take advantage of the owner of Radiant Moon Tower as soon as possible. Dismantle and move everything she can carry, the time is pressing for her like a stopwatch ticking on the bomb timer.

So even looking at the exquisite face of the little businessman’s playfulness, but the cold-eyed girl God still casually said casually while taking out a bloody thing from the back:

“Is it really a day full of accidents, isn’t it? This mistress just discovered that the Radiant Moon Magic Tower of Saian’s guy was actually just a look. The internal system except the outer armor is all Morningstar level creations. This mistress was actually wasted. “Extraordinary divine ability bomb”? The guy in Ganatika committed suicide without saying a word, so it’s really hard to say whether the result of this operation was a loss or a profit, but catching 2 little mouses is also a little unexpected harvest it “.

Carrying the object still dripping with blood in his hands, the head of the girl, God’s attitude is like a nobility girl discussing banquet snacks do as one pleases.

However, for Mimi Bezi, who lost half of her body and crawled on the ground, when she saw the bloody object in the hands of her enemies, her entire world collapsed in an instant.

Because the object worn on the ordinary iron sign is nothing else, it is the head of Oxis!

That ’s right, Archduke Devil is dead. It was torn apart by the god God. His only “corpse remains” were bloody placed in front of the “Candy Merchant” as a mockery, which might be seen by a smile. Is the sad expression of an elder sister who has lost the younger brother a funny thing?

But for poor Mimibez …

“Aaahhhh, no! Damn god, I will kill you, I will tear your flesh into pieces, I will tear your soul into the fire and burn, I will crush your skeleton, I will cut Cut your nerves, I want … “



The splendid glory gradually dissipated in the beautiful pupils. With the light wave of the Sharp Edge dagger, all unnecessary noises were over.

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