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“Smile” destroyed Radiant Moon Magic Tower as she wished, she also killed 2 Legend members of Alliance of the Silencers, but this does not mean that the vigilant girl God has the courage to not take her enemies seriously. After all, even “God of Slaughter” is very clear that the combat results she has achieved so far are based on the key “Punk has not returned”. Once the outgoing Spellcaster returns in time and blocks herself in the Hatak Plains , The result will be a little will not fun.

After all, after several successive defeats in war, today’s 10000 shrines have also fallen into the embarrassing situation of being unavailable and unavailable. Even “Smile” can’t find a helper to help him act as a cannon fodder to launch “Whisper of Destruction’s plan and actions, so in order to ensure the safety of life, the “God of Slaughter” at this moment is just like a robber rushing to search the Magic Tower of Spellcaster.

There is no way to destroy a “false Radiant Moon tower” with a “superior divine ability bomb”. If you can’t find some finance in this Magic Tower to stop loss, after returning to the 10000 temple, “Smile” doesn’t know how to explain his “smart plan” at the meeting of the gods.

Blasted the enemy’s facility worth 1000 yuan with a bomb worth 100 yuan?

This is no longer a question of telling people a joke or not, this is obviously a major mistake that cannot be tolerated!

So now the more and more you are constantly smashing the walls in the empty rooms of the Magic Tower looking for hidden doors, the more worried God the girl feels her mouth is secretly bitter.

Ten days! It’s been ten days. It’s been ten days since this Magic Tower was abandoned by the attack of Ganatika!

In the ten days of sleepless girl God, almost every hand broke every inch of the wall inside the tower, and identified every runes on the energy circuit. She was frantically trying to find the precious wealth hidden by Punk. Exhausted means tried to get back to their own bomb expenditures.

Yes, it doesn’t matter whether you make money or not, and today’s “God of Slaughter” only seeks back!

But the sad reality is cruel. Although the hard-working “Smile” did find the Spellcaster’s treasure trove and laboratory, she did search for something more or less, but the “treasure” she really looked forward to was completely out of sight. To the trace.

There is nothing in the treasure trove except for some valuable soul magic crystals, so let ’s not talk about it. Even the laboratory has only a few pieces of Alchemy tools-Punk, but there are 7 on ten fingers. Spellcaster of the storage ring, he will carry a little more expensive tools with him, “Smile” can get very little in the laboratory.

Even at the end, a girl with a majestic expression, God deep in one’s heart, was a little crying without tears.

She used to think that a powerful Spellcaster like Punk shouted poor just pretended to be poor, and loved adventure only because of greed that’s all.

But now “Smile” realizes that he is wrong! I really “have the belly of a gentleman in the heart of a villain”, and the honest and open Saian does not mean to pretend to be poor at all. He is really poor!

Not only does this empty storage room make people “hear the sad and hear the tears,” even this “famous” Radiant Moon Magic Tower is actually a fake! Poor smiles now do not even make sense to dismantle the Magic Tower, because except for the outer layer of the Magic Tower, the internal structure of the Magic Tower is all very pure Morningstar material. How can these things pay the value of a Brilliant Sun level bomb?

The great Divine Power is not the wind, right?

“Damn Saian! You must be so pitted when you disappear! Too hate, so hate, so hate.”

“Hong long”!

He kicked on a loose piece of metal and opened a large hole directly in the wall in the middle of the Magic Tower. The smile came out with a sullen face.

At this moment, her mood is undoubtedly very irritable. After all, how can it be happy to make a loss transaction? What ’s more, the tower that has lost Magic ’s energy is like an iron can, which seriously shields the Soul Perception of the girl God. The feeling of narrow vision that seems to be locked in the iron can is definitely a worse “robbery experience”. So with the ebbing of time, the “God of Slaughter” which was originally not as good as a day because of the Divine Portfolio’s invasion of patience is even more impossible to bear.

It ’s been a waste of ten days and I have n’t found the treasure. It seems that it ’s really gone, so in order to recover the loss as much as possible. The current god of bad luck is planning to dismantle the Magic Tower in Punk. It takes only a decent shell to bring it back, and it is also somewhat valuable.

After feeling that the “shell armor” from a certain direction suddenly showed a little different Magic fluctuations, the angry girl God even started without the slightest hesitation.

“Are there any treasures here? Drink”!


The deafening roar burst with the strong Divine Power wind, and the deck that was hit by “Smile” was free from the surrounding metal plates without accident.

The magic material without energy supply is just the magic material. Even the magic material at the Radiant Moon level is impossible. The material itself directly fights against the power of the Radiant Moon Class Holder, so it ’s okay for the girl God ’s strength to hit a “metal plate” of.

In fact, according to the power that “Smile” now shows, the blow she just flooded Divine Power should have blown out the metal plate directly. After all, the Alchemy structure of this “plate structure” was not very suitable for withstanding. Power from within.

But in fact …

This piece of metal plate that “hiddenly reveals the fluctuation of magic power” was not at all rushed directly into the air like a beer stopper. On the contrary, it was almost completely motionless and stopped in the fractured and twisted Alchemy structure. The cracks have been covered with every inch of the body of the metal structure, but it is obvious that at the same time when the girl God took the shot, a force appeared on the outside of the metal plate to withstand the impact of the armor. It is the interweaving of 2 strengths that makes today The metal quietly reached the broken edge.

And this unexpected “foreign force” … actually has a somewhat self-evident taste.

“It’s … too surprising. When I came back from a trip, my home was gone”!

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