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As a sage said, if you have already prepared, the so-called “emergency” will not exist. In other words, the reason why “emergency” can be called “emergency” is precisely because when it comes Neither the people present nor those who are not present are not prepared for anything.

Now, Punk has successfully killed the leading Formal Level Warrior, seeing that he is only one step away from his goal, but at this most critical moment, “emergency” happened so without warning.

In a position that is almost completely in the blind corner of Punk’s vision, a blood glow that is almost imperceptible suddenly reveals the silhouette. I saw that the blood glow stretched the body instantly, and the sharp head easily pierced the gorgeous carriage, and then The whole blood glow was drilled into the fist sized hole.

From that moment to the sudden appearance of blood glow until it penetrated into the carriage, the whole process took place in an instant, and everything can be said to happen under Punk’s eyelids.

But all this happened too quickly, too suddenly, so silently, Punk did n’t know why a blood glow of at least 50 times the speed of sound could penetrate the air without a trace of sound, and pierce the board, but he only knew that The speed of blood glow has reached its own reaction limit. Even with the help of system, Punk can only activate the “Mantle of Chaos” on his body.

When I saw the blood glow passing by myself, Punk’s first reaction was to turn around and run, because the speed of the other party’s outburst has definitely reached Master Level level.

Just when Punk was almost instinctively ready to manipulate “Improved Swiftness” to retreat backwards, his thinking had re-reacted.

“It’s not right, if that blood glow has Master Level power, then he has no reason to avoid me a Level 14 Formal Level Spellcaster? And ……… how does this blood glow look so familiar?”

Formal Level powerhouse’s thinking ability is so powerful, almost at the same time that the question appears, Punk has analyzed his answer:

“The enemy deliberately avoided himself to attack the carriage only because the opponent’s method of greatly increasing the speed and concealment ability had the side effect of reducing the attack power and defensive power. The magnitude of this reduction made the opponent completely unsure of breaking through “Improved Mage Armor” and “Position Deflection” blessed at any time

As for why this red glow is so familiar …

“Damn it! Isn’t this the talent spell that Blood Claw used to rescue Trelinka?”

Punk suddenly remembered the origin of this red glow. The last time he saw it was actually 2 days ago. At that time, Blood Claw took Trelinka directly from Sword Saint Vik in this way. Now this guy is actually in his own hands. I played this hand in front of me, but this time the princess was replaced by a ring, and Sword Saint Vik was replaced by Punk himself.

“Blood Claw! You are courting death”!

With a scream, the magic power wave around Punk set off one after another storm torn the solid ground.

At this time, Punk was really angry. Patience followed Cullen, a pampered young master, to such a wilderness far away from Greenvine City, and struggling to kill the Formal Level Warrior. Is he trying to do it? Is that silver-plated armor that is useless except for good looks? Not for the ring in Cullen’s hand!

But now I see that the spoils of war is about to come, and suddenly a Blood Claw pops up and I can’t help but talk about it. If Punk is willing to agree, then he is not the Spellcaster of the highest interest.

“You bastard want to take me as used as a tool, and don’t weigh your own weight.”

The horror magic power in Punk’s eyes burned like firelight, he didn’t even care about using spell, he grabbed the wooden wall of the carriage, and then pulled off half of the luxury with gold and silver with the infusion of magic power car.

At the same time, a sharp cry also came out from the car.

“No, you can’t catch me, nobody caught me”!

I saw that in the 4 pieces of broken wood chips, a vague blood shadow wrapped a quaint ring and half drilled out of the car in the opposite direction of Punk, leaving a broken corpse that could not be seen by the broken meat. .

The moment I saw the ring, Punk recognized it, and that was the core goal of his trip. It seemed that Blood Claw shattered the whole Cullen in just a few seconds and searched out the ring, while Punk ’s The movement was slower by half a beat.

Seeing that the blood shadow walked a few times, I ran to the nearby jungle, Punk’s angry coldly snorted:

“No one can catch you? Don’t be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue”!

Admittedly, this time the incident really did not meet Punk’s expectations. He didn’t expect that someone would come out to rob his Hu, and in order to prevent the Formal Level Warrior who was led by the team from discovering, Punk blessed himself at any time along the way. ” “Breath mask” spell, under the effect of breath mask, although Punk’s own breath is well hidden, but his ability to perceive others’ breath is inevitably greatly weakened, plus Blood Claw this guy The hiding ability and escape ability are also true, and the action of Punk this time is completely disturbed by Blood Claw.


“Do you really think I can’t catch up with you as a Wizard? Dreaming!”

Punk stared at Blood Claw who ran out first with extremely cold eyes, and then without the slightest hesitation slapped the newly prepared spell fiercely on himself.

“Formal Level Conjuration Spell-Kinetic Energy Ejection”: Attach huge kinetic energy to any object and let this object eject in any direction.

“Super Magic Skill-Magic Power Compression”!

That ’s right, Blood Claw ’s speed is indeed very fast. His making of seizing food from the tiger ’s mouth is by no means an impulse. It must have been calculated through delicate planning. After the secret law broke out, Blood Claw itself is fragile, but only speed It’s ridiculously fast. At his speed at this time, I am afraid that the Ranger of the same level will only have the ash. In theory, as long as he is desperate to escape, throwing away a Spellcaster who has not advanced to the Master Level is definitely more than enough.

But Blood Claw made his first mistake, that is-he didn’t know the specific information of Punk at all, the template he set was just the “ordinary” Spellcaster, and Punk was obviously not “ordinary” Spellcaster.

Blood Claw knows that Punk is a relatively high-level Spellcaster, and he also knows that Punk has some very difficult to deal with a trump card.

But he only saw that Punk had run out of the attached “Anywhere Door” three times on the equipment, and Master Level Equipment was fully charged in a short time. So Blood Claw took it for granted that Punk is temporarily ~ there is no way to use it.

He didn’t know that Punk was very good at “kinetic” spells, and he didn’t know that Punk was a Level 14 Spellcaster that was able to instantaneously “Super Magic Skill-Magic Power Compression”.

The most important thing is that Blood Claw may not even think that there will be Wizard without the slightest hesitation that attaches hugely destructive kinetic energy to his body to increase speed.

Now, Punk does not hesitate to do so.

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