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“Hong”! !

The huge amount of kinetic energy seems to wrap a layer of windbreaker on Punk. Under the impetus of such a large amount of kinetic energy, the whole person of Punk blasted towards Blood Claw. In order to be able to catch up with Blood Claw, Punk could not even keep up with Golem II ignored.

Blood Claw, who was running ahead, was still confident at this time. He walked lightly over the blocking rocks and nodded gently from a blade of grass.

Blood Claw is too confident about his speed, especially after the secret law is activated. Although the side effects of the two secret law explosions need at least 2 years to recover, the speed increase brought by the secret law is enough to make Blood Claw despised most Formal Level Rangers and Stalkers.

From Blood Claw’s point of view, as long as he continues to maintain this speed for a few minutes, the Punk that follows will be far away, although when the time comes Punk will definitely go back to Sunset City and take the “Doklena Man-Eating Tree” there. However, according to Blood Claw, as long as the “Black Eagle Ring” known as “Warlock Supreme Treasure” is obtained, the loss of trifling Doklena Man-Eating Tree is completely not worth mentioning.

“Now that guy should have given up chasing”!

Blood Claw, who ran a few kilometers in just 5 6 seconds, thought so.

But … when Blood Claw habitually turned back after running at the fastest speed for 5-6 seconds, he was almost scared to fall down.

What did he see! I saw a person wrapped in purple brilliance who was wearing a thick spell shield and followed closely behind him. He violently smashed all the stones along the road, crushed all the flowers and grass where he passed, and the burst shock wave almost turned into a substantial propulsion of the other party.

There is no doubt that it is overtaking Punk, who is in a state of anger. Although the speed of Punk is basically the same as that of Blood Claw at this time, the distance between the two people is also maintained in a state that neither expands nor decreases, but Blood Claw is still afraid of himself.

Punk ’s face wrapped in purple energy, Blood Claw, could n’t see clearly, but he could see the cold killing intent in the blue pupil, and the Blood Claw involuntarily locked in by the killing intent had a chill, intuition was in his A loud warning in the bottom of my heart:

“Run, run, run, if you are caught up, you will die very miserably …”

“Damn it, is he a lunatic?”

Blood Claw tolerates fear and scolds in his heart-he has to admit that Punk has caught up, his plan to escape in a short time has been completely ruined, and now he is facing a crisis of life and death, because single The probability of dumping Punk at a speed is almost non-existent.

“Damn, damn, damn, what to do next, what to do next, what to do next!”

Blood Claw was sweating anxiously, his speed has been increased to the limit, impossible is further accelerated, turning around to attack to block Punk is nonsense. It is still a little self-knowledge of his attack ability Blood Claw ………

“Then … you can only compete and consume”.

A dozen methods flashed through my mind instantly, but Blood Claw found that the only viable method among all the methods was the most stupid method of “fighting consumption”. The fundamental reason was that the strength difference between him and Punk was too large. The attack at this time was also temporarily unprepared. He originally thought it was his big opportunity. Didn’t expect has now become his own destiny.

“Try to spend as much as you can. I still have more than a dozen” Doklena Man-Eating Fruit “, which may not consume more than a Level 14 Wizard.”

Yes, in theory, Blood Claw impossible has consumed Level 14 Punk. The speed of his use of mysterious acceleration is definitely greater than the speed of Punk accelerated by spell. The dozen or so “Doklena Man-Eating Fruit” are his The only reliance in the competition.

Blood Claw smiled bitterly and took out a small “Doklena Man-Eating Fruit” into his mouth, ten times the sweetness of honey burst at the tip of the tongue, and a large amount of life force suddenly poured into every cell of the body, instantly replenishing Blood Claw’s total consumption.

However, Blood Claw, which is full of life energy, has no joy at all. Doklena Man-Eating Fruit has always been an important material that needs to be added to refining Master Level potion. Direct eating like Blood Claw is the lowest and most silly way to use Moreover, Blood Claw has only accumulated a dozen trifling “Doklena Man-Eating Fruit” in the past 100 years. The time he can support is no more than half an hour.

At this point, Blood Claw also wanted to pay some price to convince Punk:

“Mr. Black Robe, this” Black Eagle Ring “is a jewel belonging to Warlock. It is of no use to you, but it can help me” breaking shackles “. I sent both the feather pen and the” Doklena Man-Eating Tree ” Here you are, how about a write-off! “

The compensation proposed by Blood Claw is not sincere. Doklena Man-Eating Tree and “Feather Pen” are almost the only 2 Master Level Equipment of great value in Blood Claw. Now, in order to save life, Blood Claw is really nothing.

However, Punk was indifferent to the Blood Claw transaction. When Blood Claw was opened by a “Kinetic Energy Cone”, he would not take those spoils of war too. Now, Blood Claw is carried out with the property that has theoretically belonged to Punk. The transaction clearly fooled him as a fool.

The more angry Punk stared coldly at Blood Claw, which was constantly changing its direction and fleeing like a black cat hunting a squirrel. The kinetic energy adjusted by the system was also constantly revised, and no matter how Blood Claw chaosed, he could not get rid of Punk ’s pursuit. .

Seeing that Punk was completely unmoved, Blood Claw had to grind his teeth to eat the second Doklena Man-Eating Fruit. Even if Doklena Man-Eating Fruit is not as valuable as his own little life, but it is now placed in front of Blood Claw. The intuitive problem is-the guy who chased after him hasn’t slowed down at all!

“Damn, isn’t this guy’s magic power outrageously endless, how can the spell with so many powers be used so many times in a row?

Over time, after a few minutes, Blood Claw was more shocked and more frightened. In these few minutes of chase, Blood Claw has eaten 3 “Doklena Man-Eating Fruit” intermittently. “But, the magic power fluctuation of Punk who has been chasing behind him has not only not languished, but has become more prosperous.

“Damn it, where is this monster, and the magic power capacity of Master Level is also absolutely this!”

Blood Claw is almost irresistible doubting whether his decision to “spend consumption” or to decide “black to eat black” is wrong. He thought that he had mastered enough information in the 2 battles of Punk, but now he sees from I am afraid that I have only seen the tip of the iceberg.

“No wonder they all say that Wizard is a countless monster of trump card, how many means does this guy have to use out!”

Blood Claw bit his blood out of his teeth to barely stop his fear of the chilling reaction. He did n’t know what trump card Punk used, but he knew that if he went on like this … he was dead.

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