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the ebbing of time is always unprepared quickly, the change of the six seasons seems arrive slowly but it makes people feel rushed. When unconsciously, the cold winter of Faerun World has quietly come, even if it is still at this time. There are many farmers who have not harvested the remaining crops, even if the newborn calf has not grown cold-resistant fat, even if the poor in the street have not enough Silver Coin to buy winter cotton clothes … But the footsteps of the cold winter girl will not Slowed down by anyone ’s prayer.

When she arrived with ice and snow, the temperature of the entire Faerun World suddenly dropped overnight. Pieces of snowflakes paved the ground with a dazzling silver costume in just one night, and the white snowflakes on the ground were gently lightened by sunlight Brushed, the luster of golden-bright and dazzling makes the field and the city look magnificent.

However, this magnificent is only relative to the nobility and occupation that have the leisure to enjoy the beautiful scenery. For the poor who are overwhelming most of the home, the cold winter is destined to be the most difficult season.

As the saying goes, there is no worst but only worse. If the previous cold winter was just “difficult”, then for the poor of Maple Leaf Kingdom, this winter is undoubtedly the difficulty of the death of still deaths and still alive.

There is no way, Maple Leaf Kingdom, or Gioni Zodas, has never had an “advanced” concept such as “winter is not suitable for moving troops”. Even if the cold of winter has made all the lakes and rivers in the Hoss Mountains area frozen 3 feet, but in In Gioni’s eyes, these only represent the convenience of marching.

As for the soldiers who were conscripted from the old, weak, sick and poor, and the poor who were hungry and cold and wandering on the streets, will they die from freezing and starvation? Gioni’s righteous words and expressions-as long as there is the glory of keeping the heart, the trifling cold will inevitably disappear in the flame of courage!

Well, this statement is really Magic, no matter what others believe or not, anyway, the entire Zodas Family believe it.

In the huge Maple Leaf Kingdom, Gioni ’s decision is authority, truth, and supremacy. No matter how ridiculous, no one dares to resist his decision … except for a certain, this Master Level Paladin ’s “Outsider”.

“Buddy Saian, Gioni, this religious idiot is crazy, don’t we really persuade this guy? If Maple Leaf Kingdom collapses, it will only make Owakin happy” …

In the hotel where the warm fire was shining, Brachel looked at each and everyone outside the window and knelt down to pray for the poor people and children who entered the house to show a dynamic expression. Soon, some unsatisfied Brachel began to complain loudly to Punk.

It ’s been a week since the last conversation between Punk and Brachel. During this period, Gioni seems to have been busy preparing for the “Dragon Slaying”, and Punk has been carefully running “Ash Bone” in 4 places. “Virus original liquid”, it was not until yesterday that he ensured that a large amount of Ash Bone Virus had fully reproduced in the streams of Maple Leaf Kingdom.

However, when Punk finally sighed in relief and returned to the hotel, he saw Brachel who was chattering more and more:

“Gioni is really a lunatic. He deceived Truth’s Thinking and his own family must be destroyed. But now it looks like he is clearly irrespective of whether his country can continue to survive ……… This is 10000000 million people in a kingdom. In Gioni’s eyes, it is not as important as his so-called glory and revenge. The most incredible thing is that Gioni is still a real Lawful Good Alignment-this shows that he has always insisted that his behavior is correct, kind and good. Lawful! Seriously, Buddy Saian, I think this kind of madman whose values ​​are twisted is more dangerous than Owakin … “.

“………… Mr Nokan, when did you become so nosy, if you want to help those boring ants so much, I would suggest you torch them to burn them up and see how they look outside How painful it is to send them to be relieved sooner than you are here to complain? “

Tired of hearing Brachel’s complaints, Punk rubbed his brows helplessly and then tirelessly said his “good way”.

“By the way, please be assured that at least Maple Leaf Kingdom will not be rioted until Owakin dies. If there are any long-eyed ants that pop out at this time to make a revolution … I don’t mind helping Gioni to suppress it! So you are big You can relax to eat duck meat, or that sentence, when the time comes, you only need to be responsible for putting the Fireball in the back of the battle, can you please close your mouth now? “

Punk’s call was extremely polite, because he is not in a good mood right now. He is a very nasty Spellcaster, and the poor people outside the hotel begging constantly have made Punk tired.

“… Punk Saian, are you serious?”

Hearing Punk’s “extinct humanity” words, Brachel’s complaint came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, the fat old man looked towards Punk’s expression was extremely serious, and his eyes were even filled with indiscriminate anger and … horror!

“I have always been very serious, Mr Brachel Nokan”.

Hearing Brachel’s intonation, Punk put down a book in his hand, lifts the head.

In his deep pupils, the icy magic light slowly began to rotate, and the eyes under the shadow of the hood were as deep as the deep lake.

However, at this time, Brachel did not make a concession by playing a haha ​​as before. He also looked at Punk with face doesn’t change, and a faint wave of fire element began to appear next to the bloated body.

Seeing the two Master Level powerhouses faintly showing signs of starting to fight, the Novice Level Wizard standing next to them was all terrified and trembling-the destructive power of the two Master Level powerhouses is called humanoid nuclear bombs. These two big shots are really fighting here ……… Thinking of this, the young waiter felt like he was about to faint.

Fortunately, Punk and Brachel did not start in Maple Leaf Kingdom after all.

Because … outside the door of the hotel, Oaks’s respectful voice sounded in time:

“Two Sirs, General Gioni invited two to the Royal Palace to discuss the dispatch of the Dragon Roar Kingdom. Do you have any questions about the two Sirs?”

“No more”.

Originally, I didn’t want to start Punk, but I returned to Oaks, and at the same time, taking this opportunity, he also turned around casually and left the hotel’s living room.

Punk didn’t want to really start with Brachel at this time. In his view, a Level 17 Evocation Wizard is an important battle strength and an enemy not to be trifled with.

Watching Punk leave the inn wearing the black robe and the robe, Brachel had to give up the confrontation while talking to himself.

“… Well, it’s been a long time since I lived in Wizard. I have forgotten what a bad old fogey I am. Maybe I was crazy before leaving Wizard Tower and I didn’t necessarily say … who knows?”

Helpless Brachel silently said to himself, and then he followed Punk out of the hotel.

Punk mysterious plan, Gioni’s arrogant plan … These things are very important, Brachel has not forgotten that he has come to the Hoss Mountains in 1000 miles, so so on

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