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When Punk and Brachel one after the other walked into the Royal Palace of Maple Leaf Kingdom, a large-scale dynasty meeting of Maple Leaf Kingdom had begun for a long time, and now there are more than 100 real power nobility, including the aging King, all following Gioni to wait for Punk and The arrival of Brachel.

Perhaps it was too early for Gioni to hold the dynasty, when Punk walked into this luxurious palace, he saw a group of gloomy and silent nobility and … a look filled with the words “expectation” Gioni Zodas.

“Welcome 2 people ……… so that everyone will be here, then I think the last meeting before this expedition can finally start”!

………… It seems that Gioni is still thinking about what happened in the city gate building, even if he saw Punk and Brachel walking all the way to himself, he just mentioned a little lightly, and then began the beginning of each minding their own business This is an uncoordinated expedition meeting.

However, Punk didn’t care about Gioni’s attitude. He also wanted to see what kind of “expedition” Gioni Zodas would make, so Punk didn’t say much, he just stepped back expressionlessly.

“Okay, under the protection of God of Justice Tyr, under the watch of His Majesty the King, and under the watch of all the ancestors who had expended sweat and blood to open this country, I, the Great General Gioni Zodas Formal , Maple Leaf Kingdom 400th 20 7th “Dragon Slaying” battle ………… beginning!

Gioni’s voice is powerful, and every tone is as unquestionable as a nail. These declarative words forcibly have a lot of inspiring power under Gioni’s passionate tone. I believe that many young people will definitely boil blood and raise their arms after listening. call…………

But … in this Royal Palace, after Gioni’s passionate declaration of war, there was no cheering and blood to greet him, only … dead silence.

The nobles sitting on the chairs did not act like sculptures. They all watched Gioni Zodas indifferently as if they were singing a unicorn. Even if the glass on the dome of the Royal Palace where Gioni ’s loud declaration of war shook trembling, they sat There was still no one on the top 100 nobles in the hall.

For a time, the scene of the entire war meeting was extremely quiet, and only the same breathing sound of the old King’s bellows sounded conspicuous and ironic.

“Everyone, this is the beginning of another battle of glory, don’t the” Lord “sitting here have anything to say?”

In the face of such silence and silence, Gioni also looked a little embarrassed and … angry?

“Okay, great! Since no one has any opinions, then I will continue to state my arrangement.”

Seeing that the silence had not been broken, Gioni’s eyes began to radiate a little chill. He swept over the few great nobility sitting in the front row with stern eyes, and at the same time, he did not stop to continue to speak himself. “Great” “war plan”.

“Before 300 years, our country was occupied by an evil Black Dragon, and our subjects have since been plunged into the waters of the evil country called” Dragon Roar “. I have to admit that Dragon Roar Kingdom ‘S enemies are very powerful, but … we carrying the glory of the country will never succumb, and now the horn of war is sounded again, the torch of revenge is ignited again, in the name of protecting the Great General, I order-all The nobility must send all non-disabled persons over the age of 80 to under the age of 3 to join the army. All nobility must donate free armor and weapons sufficient to arm the Kingdom ’s army. After XNUMX days, all nobility must personally take troops to the battlefield, we The glorious battle of this time will begin in the Moweike Valley, when … “

Facing the sun, Gioni raised high his own heavy sword:

“… We will defeat the Evil Army of Dragon Roar Kingdom and kill the evil Black Dragon Owakin Acidmaw. We will wash our humiliation with blood, and we will regain that glorious glory”!

Gioni’s words are full of emotions. Under the ray of sunlight, the unpretentious but sturdy and thick heavy sword is coated with a layer of golden light. Gioni standing in the pillar of light is really as majestic and intolerable as a glorious hero Be suspicious.

But against this background like a brave warrior, nobles as an audience did not match Gioni’s ideas.

Maybe the glory repeatedly mentioned by Gioni finally stimulated some nobility, maybe nobles have already negotiated privately … Anyway, after Gioni said such a Concay passionate speech, there is a maintenance in the first three rows of nobility. A good but pale and weak hand raised tremblingly:

“Sir Gioni, I … I have an objection”!

Although this sound is abrupt, in the quiet Royal Palace hall, it seems to be as obvious as broken glass. Extraordinarily … the sound is thrown.

“Lord Pons, what are you talking about!”

Gioni, standing in the sun, slowly lowered the high-heavy heavy sword. He sharply looked towards the Lord Pons who raised his hand against it. A breath full of killing intent began to rise slowly in Gioni.

“Pons, do you know what you are talking about, according to the laws of the kingdom, disturbing the soldiers before the expedition-kill, do you really … think about it?”

The heated speech did not usher in the expected blood boiling, but only got a silent silence. The most unbearable thing is that this ironic scene also happened in front of 2 external powerhouses. Gioni was already a little embarrassed. After the embarrassing speech like a one-man show, there was an eye-opening objection …

Thinking of this, the killing intent in Gioni looked towards Pons’ eyes is getting stronger and stronger. This glory war has invested too much effort and expectation of Gioni. He will never allow anyone to interfere with his revenge at this time.

Master Level powerhouse’s angry power is extremely terrifying. In the face of Gioni killing intent, the Lord named Pons is almost shaking like a sieve. Although he is still standing tremblingly in place, in fact this guy’s The pants are soaked.

For a while, the atmosphere in the Royal Palace hall began to distill, and all nobles and even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe. If you look at the previous situation, at this time, Gioni may have prepared to “execute” the people who disrupted the military.

In fact, Gioni is indeed ready to start, the heavy Earth Element God-given battle energy has begun to wrap around Gioni’s blade, if there is no accident, according to the previous script-Gioni will without the slightest hesitation in the next second ‘S sword cut off the head of the nobility that dared to “disturbance the military’s heart”, then the other nobility would be deterred by Gioni fiercely, and finally, the process of the war of glory would be put back on track ………

But this time, the development of things is beyond Gioni’s expectations.

I saw that the 100 nobles on the seat did not ask for obedience as before. In the face of angry Gioni, these nobles glanced at each other’s “companion”, and then they unexpectedly slowly raised their right hand:

“I also have objections …”




After a few seconds, the 100 36 nobility in the Royal Palace raised a total of 100 36 hands, one old or pale hand was raised high above the head-silence, and finally was broken!

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