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“It’s not true, tell me it’s not true, right, everything … it’s all fake, as long as you wake up and lifts the head, everything won’t happen …”

The sunset has gradually submerged below the horizon, leaving only a faintly discernible dim sunlight like a ribbon at the place where the sky is connected to the ground, but only a little of the rays of light are also covered by trees in the verdant forest It became dim and dark. By this time, the light spots through the gaps of the leaves were almost invisible.

Standing in the already dim woods, Anya sobbed like a lost child, covering the deep red blood stains of the big beach on an open space not far from Anya. Undoubtedly, those blood stains represented Anya The death of the most important person …

Master Level powerhouse is not a Formal Level Class Holder that can be positively resisted, not to mention Punk, a Level 18 Spellcaster, even in the Master Level Wizard level, it can be regarded as a well-know figure. The fall of Micahka has no suspense. And the little pitiful time he earned for Anya at the expense of his life was only enough for the panicked girl to run out of 20-30 meters.

Compared to Punk’s supersonic speeds, the distance of 20-30 meters is too short and too short. Before Micahka’s body fell to the ground, Punk’s figure was already in front of his Anya.

But at this moment, everything became irrelevant to Anya. From the moment Micahka ’s blood reflected on Anya ’s retina, the strong girl named Anya had died with it. For a girl in love, the man she loves is everything, a precious existence that cannot be lost anyway.

And now, Micahka is dead, and Anya has no incentive to live. In the emptiness of the girl ’s inner space, the boundless darkness and despair once again turned into a wave, and this time … Anya has no resistance .

In the engulfment of darkness, the girl ’s remaining consciousness also transformed into a scarlet haze into the darkness after a short hesitation. By this time, Anya ’s soul has completely become another kind of transformed twisted thing. And there is only one thought remaining in the soul of the girl, that is-destruction!

Standing on the ground destroys the ground, breathing the air destroys the air, surrounding trees destroy the trees, enemies in front destroy the enemies, destroy everything, destroy all visible or invisible things, and know that even you are destroyed in the end stop!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill”!

After the breath of the entire space was briefly stagnation, the girl who was crying helplessly for the last second burst out of despair, accompanied by the roar like a wounded beast, located in Anya ’s left eye The weird eyes suddenly opened wide.

In the activated state, the strange eyeball that only knows to cooperate with the environment to spill negative emotions once again begins to release the strange energy that intends to transform the soul of the creature. Without the resistance of the “host”, this soul transformation has a negative eyeball It was extremely smooth.

It took almost a second, and the Heaven and Earth turning upside down of Anya ’s soul changed. This terrifying change even reflected on her external body.

I saw a chaotic pattern of red and blue intertwined on the girl’s skin. A large number of gritty bone spurs emerged from Anya’s body. The muscles of her hands were quickly dissimilated into terrifying tentacles, almost breathing in just one breath In the time, the girl who was still beautiful and beautiful just now became a monster.

“Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill die, die, die, die die, die, die, die ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh ah”.

Anya, who turned into a monster, roared upward in the sky, and in the deafening roar, the trees and rocks in this area were shattered by the shock.

However, in the face of Anya who has no human form at all, Punk’s face still has no slight emotional changes. Even if the next moment monster Anya has struck him with alienated tentacle arms, Punk’s eyes are still as calm and cold as before.

“Sure enough, this weird eyeball is more tricky than imagined. It is a very correct choice to release Mental Power without yourself. It is a right choice to see its indiscriminate ability to transform creatures ……… and estimate which Legendary Wizard is” mass production ” Magical creature army “product of the plan”.

Gently backed away from Anya ’s unruly swing, Punk did not rush to stop the violent girl, this is a rare opportunity to get strange eye information, and … Anya ’s strange energy is obviously provided by the strange eyeball Yes, this energy is now consumed more, which means that Punk ’s future research is safer. Based on this judgment, Punk decided to let Anya dance for a while.

A few seconds passed quickly, and Anya ’s strength seemed to be elevated to a Peak by a strange eyeball. Now every attack of Anya can set off a shock wave that changes the terrain in the woods, but from start to finish, Punk hides easily Opened Anya’s straight attack every time. Such an attack is too low-level and too slow. With this method, I am afraid that Anya at this time can not beat an experienced Formal Level Wizard in battle.

Feeling the girl’s attack that could barely shake the space, Punk couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed:

“Well, it seems that this is just a failed work. Although this strange energy transformation can make a small Level 3 Apprentice immediately have the power of Level 15 Master Level powerhouse, but … For Legendary Powerhouse, This kind of wisdom is not a bit, and it is only rateless in the Master Level powerhouse. It can only survive for a short time. I am afraid that it is a complete waste. Maybe after transforming the Legend Level powerhouse, you will get some unexpected surprises, but … “

Gently release a “Kinetic Energy Blast” to blow up the Monster Anya, who is completely unprepared and unaware of evasion, Punk speechlessly the head:

“The brokenness of this wisdom has been wiped out even instinctively. Fight with this” soldier “that is not as good as the lower-level Golem … No wonder there is only one eyeball left by others.”

Punk, who has the memory of Great Arcanist, made a fair assessment. Now this strange eyeball, which is not too complicated, has been explored by Punk. Only when the energy in the eyeball is consumed by the anyway of the runaway Anya … Punk can be harvested There is no Rule reference without danger.

With the ebbing of time, Mira and Chicasa have completely fallen into the horizon, and the silent night has once again fallen silently. In this forest covered by night, I have got the Punk I want information. There was no patience to continue with Anya. This time, when the girl took another step towards Punk, she was greeted by her no longer as a result of being blown away, and she had not waited for the strange tentacles to be lifted again. From then on, Anya’s head was easily torn by Punk with Mage Hand.

“Okay, my second Apprentice, thank you very much for helping you” purify “this eyeball, but … you are too small, I’m afraid I don’t have time to remember you, this is a matter of effort, isn’t it?” ?

I dug out the right eye of the dead and hollow, and took away the “new robe” he gave to Anya. At a moderate pace, I collected the blood-stained robe and the weird eyeball together in the storage ring. Finally, I finished it. All this Punk watched Anya’s twisted deformed corpse and Micahka’s corpse burned by Magic fire.

Now, the recovery of the weird eyeball is successfully completed, and there is only one thing left for Punk. Of course, this last thing is undoubtedly the most troublesome thing.

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