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Desert sand, camel bells.

The vast desert, the dead sea of ​​sand, it is majestic, quiet, and always has a face. The world composed of yellow sand always gives you a monotonous color, yellow, yellow, always yellow. It seems that nature has frozen the turbulent waves and emptied waves here in an instant, making it permanently still. The undulating sand dunes are fixed in various places in the desert. Whenever the wind on the desert rolls This desolate World will be flying sand, murky heavens dark earth.

This is the World of Sand. There is no place for you to stand. This is the World of Yellow Sand. The ocean of yellow sand. The stretch of yellow sand is connected to the sky. I can’t imagine where the end of the sand is.

On a small sand dune in this endless sand sea, a slightly thin silhouette is staggering up the towering sand dunes.

This is a teenager wearing a thin and gorgeous robe. Although the teenager is covered with dust and looks dirty, his face still looks quite handsome. A thin black short hair dances in the wind. Although the tough figure looks Weak, but the calm back is still as firm as he can carry a mountain.

This is the raging sand sea in the southern Hoss Mountains. As a huge desert, this yellow sand world is always deserted. At this time, it will be alone without any supplies. There is no doubt that it is here. There is only one person, or a dragon-Owakin.

That’s right, this young boy with short black hair is the Owakin Acidmaw who escaped alive, and now the human form is the effect of an “Improved Shapeshifting” on the Owakin necklace. This was originally designed to facilitate Owakin’s manipulation of precision Alchemy instruments. Magic item has now become Dragon’s life-saving amulet.

Although this kind of human appearance makes Owakin, who is a Dragon, very uncomfortable, the human body is much weaker than Dragon, he ca n’t fly without wings, and the throat structure with a completely different structure ca n’t release breath. The recovery ability is almost ten times diminished. Above, losing the protection of the solid dragon scales makes Owakin feel as uncomfortable as if he has been stripped off.

But now Owakin has to do this.

His injuries were too serious. The “Sleeping Dragon Volcano” eruption left Owakin’s soul almost on the verge of collapse. Even if he survived under the protection of the automatic activation of Legendary Equipment, now Owakin has been in a dying stage. The extremely unstable soul made the Black Dragon as Level 19 Spellcaster even the simplest spell model unable to complete the construction. At this time, the Dragon ’s body was supported by courting death.

After all, although this vast desert looks deserted, but the powerhouses who live here are not to be trifled with, Owakin can be sure-as long as it dares to release a little bit of it here, it will know strong in appearance but weak in reality Dragon’s Might, there will immediately be a large group of Master Level powerhouse rushing over to “Eliminate the evil dragon”!

not to mention…………

By releasing Soul Mark on Punk and sensing the enemy’s position, Owakin couldn’t help showing a bitter grin.

Just as he can feel the general location of Punk through the “Soul Mark” released by Punk, Punk can also perceive his location through the “Soul Mark” released by him. The specific positioning may be very vague, but the perception of the general direction is not It will go wrong, and now, Owakin can be sure that Punk is chasing him down as quickly as possible.

“This is really over. Although the injury is expected to be serious, didn’t expect it to be so serious. The first injury was not done before and I was more injured. When I was already dying Also overdrawn the soul to escape quickly … Now, I Owakin can’t even release an Apprentice Level spell ……… And when it is the most intolerable, such a thing will continue for at least a month or two … “.

After licking dry lips and helplessly taking the head, Owakin felt a bit of pain in the depth of one’s soul again. This is the soul of 1000 sores and 100 holes reminding him-Owakin, you have been Are on the verge of life and death!

There is no clear destination for the current Black Dragon. He is not familiar with the desert behind this Hoss Mountains. Black Dragon insists on moving forward simply in the opposite direction to Punk, even if he has reached the end of the mountain, Owakin It was totally unacceptable that he died in Punk’s hands. When he thought of the mad Wizard with cold eyes, Owakin could feel a kind of rage and gave himself power again.

But … anger cannot replace resources. Even Master Level powerhouse, before reaching Legend, it is necessary to eat and drink at least once a month, and giant magical creatures like Dragon must have a large amount of drinking water every day.

But at this time Owakin looked out, only the air in the boundless desert exudes a scorching heat wave under the scorching sunlight. In the dry air, a large number of Earth Elemental particles almost completely squeeze the position of the Water Element, even if Dragon is strong No sense of smell can find any trace of water.

This is about to make Owakin unbearable. If you rely on Black Dragon to dissolve all the stomach acid, you can swallow the yellow sand to hunger, but there is no water … This is unbearable for anyone, especially Owakin. Unable to use the Divination spell to find an oasis or town, this embarrassing situation makes Black Dragon desperate.

Now that the escape is in progress, Owakin has no strength. Even Dragon, who has reached Master Level, is impossible, insisting on a drop of water cannot advance for a week, but now Owakin has not received any moisture for 5 days.

Although Legendary Equipment is still working overtime to repair his soul, the injury of this soul will take at least several years to complete the repair even with the help of Legendary Equipment. Owakin expects to recover a little arcane magic after a month or two Ability is the best prediction.

But … How could the spell one month later save the current Owakin?

In this brief moment, Dragon, who has always claimed himself as a wise Wizard, regrets for the first time that he did not specifically get a storage ring filled with ordinary drinking water and a Divination spell scroll. Even if there is an Apprentice Level Divination spell available, Owakin will not be like this now. despair.

“No water, no water at all, my dillified Hoss Mountains ruler-Owakin Acidmaw’s final ending is actually thirsty to die in the desert? A Dragon that is about to step into Legend falls to this end … I’m afraid Chromatic Dragon Mother Tiamat will be unable to bear to laugh. “

While whispering to himself, Owakin tried to lift his heavy legs. Even though it might not make sense to continue walking, the determined Black Dragon was still reluctant to give up.

As the noon came slowly, the desert sunshine that had just entered the tender season showed its scorching. Under the injection of high-temperature fire Element, even the last trace of water in the air completely disappeared and transformed, watching still looking Not reaching the end of the desert, feeling the Sharp Pain in his soul as if it was tucked into a soldering iron, Owakin’s vision slowly blurred.

In the end, I did n’t know where I went, Black Dragon ’s consciousness completely fell into darkness …

However, not long after the mighty Owakin closed his eyes and fell into a coma. After a piece of sand passed away with the wind, a caravan of camels appeared on the horizon in the distance.

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