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“Damn, do all people die in the hands of these animals today?”

Standing on the city wall of the town, Baron covered with blood made an angry roar.

Sheepman’s attack has always been fast as lightning. Of the 3 attacked towns, 2 towns were generally easily broken by crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Although the bloodthirsty Sheepman did not have good equipment and weapons It is also only stones and wooden sticks, but their strength is far more than the ordinary person category. A group of Sheepman with a height of more than 2 meters and a general height of 2 3 meters is not a remote town in the desert.

Now, the remaining troops of the three towns will gather in the last hazelnut town, and the hard-working townspeople have burned out the hazelnut forest oasis that the generations rely on to survive, relying on the burning fire This last town barely delayed Sheepman’s attack.

But … the flame will not burn forever. When the woods of an oasis are burned out, it will extinguish as quickly as it burns.

The hazelnut forest is just a battle forest that surrounds the town. In fact, after only one afternoon, the burning fire devouring the wealth of the townspeople and the fire that stopped Sheepman’s attack gradually extinguished.

At this moment, although the embers of the forest still have a little fire star, the brave Sheepmans rushed towards the town without fear, and in the eyes of the townspeople of shiver coldly, these were covered with all kinds of pigments Battle Mark Sheepman is no different from the evil spirits rushing out of Hell. The rolling heat waves from the ash of the fire did not hinder them. The fire star’s diffuse air inspired their rage instead.

“What can I do, what can I do”!

Seeing that Sheepman had killed half of the militia and rushed to the city wall, Baron’s blood dripping from his heart couldn’t help but his eyes were full of blood.

But it doesn’t make sense to be anxious on the battlefield. An anxious heart will only bring danger to Warrior.


While Baron’s heart was burning, a Sheepman did not know when he climbed the city wall. Now the Sheepman Warrior, who is at least 2 meters tall, is bursting into a terrifying roar while smashing at the bone in Baron fiercely’s handle. Down.

In a hurry, Baron could only instinctively raise the long sword in his hand to try to resist, but, in front of the blood-stained bone stick, a small long sword looked so small and ridiculous, when the big stick fell down, Baron And his long sword will be smashed into pieces by this Sheepman, and the power of a Sheepman is totally unstoppable by ordinary humans.

“It’s over, it’s dying”!

Seeing that the bone rod bigger than his head was getting closer and closer, there was only a dull thought left in Baron’s heart at this time.

If nothing goes wrong, the Fief Baron of these three towns will die on this blood-stained city wall, and then, the entire town will not follow Baron’s footsteps-Sheepman’s looting is never left alive. Yes, they always like to smash “prey” into meat and then bring it back to the tribe.

However, just like the sudden misfortune, the advent of luck is often unexpected.

Just when Baron had closed his eyes and was waiting to die, his expected attack was delayed.

Baron, trembling in fear, hugged the last open eyes of fantasy, and then he vowed that he had never had such tears in a girl’s eyes.

“As a nobility, you have to keep your eyes open to deal with death, even closing your eyes will only make you look more like a coward, nothing more.”

Accompanying the crisp cry was a string of fluttering blood flowers. In front of Baron, Sheepman suddenly widened his incredible eyes, and his head was slipping off his head a little bit. The poor wool was so fragile at this time. They even carried the Sheepman’s bones, blood vessels, and muscles with a knife. The cut wound was so neat that Sheepman’s head could stay on the neck for a while.

Turning his head almost mechanically, the stunned Baron looked towards the girl who stood next to the dagger and wiped the dagger. At this time, the girl with wheat-colored skin was like an elf under the moon night-the figure was smart and elegant.

Obviously, the people who are here now are naturally Aisha who followed Owakin to save people.

“Don’t thank me, my 2 sons are nothing at all, there is a more powerful one below that is your true savior.”

With a kind smile, Aisha reaps at least 3 Sheepman’s lives while talking to Baron. Aisha shuttles in the shadow like a butterfly dancing in the flowers, even in the dark night, that kind of light The posture, clean technique, and slaughter without muddy water are still interpreted by the girl forcibly as a dance beauty.

“But that’s just not enough. Although Sheepman’s Novice Level Warrior and the town’s Novice Level Ranger perish together, for a time those ordinary Sheepman may not have a Stalker to come and go, but … the number of Sheepman is too much By the way, the efficiency of the two Novice Level Class Holder slaveters may not be able to kill Sheepman before the Sheepmans enter the town and massacre it. “

Thinking of the amazing number of Sheepman and Charge, Baron’s eyes dimmed again. The support of 2 Class Holders can protect himself and a small number of townspeople, but most of the townspeople still cannot survive, and the town will also After being destroyed, all the wealth of your own family will disappear … unless the girl said that the “more powerful savior” is so powerful that one person slaughtered the entire Sheepman army level.

“How is this possible? To achieve that level requires at least the strength of Formal Level, how can such a great figure come to such a remote town”.

With the last glimmer of hope and the last bit of despair, Baron probed and looked under the city wall.

In the next second, Baron, who was still sullen, opened his eyes instantly.

He saw a scene that he could not dream of!

I saw those three towns scared witless, and the slaughtered militia squad is like a chicken and a dog. Sheepman is now being slaughtered!

Yes, it is slaughter. In Baron’s opinion, such a battle can only be called slaughter!

I saw a black-haired teenager raging all the way in Sheepman’s army. All the places he passed by, the sand and dust were accompanied by Sheepman’s blood into blood mist, and the broken limbs and wreckage flew into the air together, due to the slaughter and the marching The speed is too fast. In Baron’s opinion, this teenager and even incarnation became a bloody storm. All Sheepman involved in it shattered like he was stuffed into meat grinder one after another, even if those crazy Sheepman who did not know how to fear The tornado that hit the Slaughter, the super-efficient slaughter whirlwind also showed no signs of stopping.

“This this……”

Baron grabbed the speechless side of the city wall with both hands, and I have to say that the ups and downs he received during this time were really … too exciting!

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