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The situation of war is always changing in 10000 moments, and no one can predict where the balance of victory will fall in the next second until the result is completely divided, especially in this world where powerhouse is respected, a sudden arrival powerhouse, A breakthrough Class Holder, a piece of advanced magic equipment, these things can instantly subvert the balance of war.

Now, Owakin is undoubtedly subverting a war, a war that Sheepman should have won.

You know, there are not many Class Holders in Sheepman’s team now. The only Novice Level leader has been with the Novice Level Ranger perish enshrined in the town. In contrast to Owakin at the moment-although seriously injured, Owakin is still a Black Dragon Even if the arcane magic ability is temporarily lost, even if it becomes a human form, Owakin, who is essentially a young Black Dragon, still has the power and speed not inferior to Formal Level Warrior.

This result brought a one-sided slaughter. In front of Owakin’s power, trifling a few 100 Sheepman is nothing. Maybe these tall and barbaric Sheepman Warrior can easily defeat the number of ordinary person militia 3 times, But when they met a true powerhouse, the bloody winds of the slaughter would make even the most violent Sheepman shudder.

Holding an Enchantment short blade covered with blood, Owakin with no difficulty splits all the enemies in front of him into two halves. Although he was killed in this way, the spectators on the city wall were full of blood, but for Owakin who was slaughtering, he came Say, he doesn’t think there is anything interesting about this slaughter.

Watching these Sheepman’s fierce and unafraid of death screaming with bloody eyes rushing up, Owakin almost sighed with a deep sigh, and these violent Sheepman reminded the Black Dragon of the once-proliferating Half-Dragonborn in Hoss Mountains .

As the old fogey in Owakin ’s memories said, these poor races are the product of Wizard ’s failed Bloodline experiment. Their rage was created. Bloodline ’s shackles, like chains of thorns, tortured every wanderer. soul.

The saddest thing is that Owakin once worked out a method to suppress Bloodline ’s rage, but the results still in the experiment were turned into fly ash with the destruction of the Hoss Mountains. Now I see Sheepman and Owakin ’s general Feeling empty and uncomfortable.

“Maybe I am too sentimental.”

Thinking this way, Owakin smashed the last Sheepman alive.

At this time, although Owakin himself was still suffering from the vortex middle grade in his heart, the shiver coldly militia on the city wall, Baron who could not move his head with his eyes wide open, and even cleaning up several Aisha of Sheepman who climbed the city wall. It’s almost froze.

Fighting, no, the slaughtering is going on now, only 2 3 minutes have passed since Owakin entered the battlefield. Those terrifying Sheepman have become a terrifying sheep all over the battlefield. Around the town, people can still smell the lingering bloody smell in the air even when standing in a high place.

“This … this is the power of the Formal Level powerhouse, I mean, this power is really shocking.”

Baron held the knife handle with both hands and swallowed hard. Although he had heard how terrifying the Formal Level powerhouses offered by the Earl family and the city Lord, he heard that he was not as good as he could see. Among them, people can truly understand what power represents!

Looking at Baron’s amazed look, Aisha smiled and said the head without saying anything. She easily told Baron that in front of him was a Master Level powerhouse, and Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse of the kingdom was at the level. This was just the battle strength when someone was seriously injured. Even if this Class Holder simply is not a Warrior, his battles are simply overwhelmed by the power and speed of absolute superiority.

“Okay, my Sir Baron, we should go down to clean up the battlefield, and, I think you better get some of the supplies from your private warehouse as soon as possible. We still have some businessmen who are in urgent need of supplies”?

After smiling and asking Baron, Aisha jumped off the city wall with a slight jump. Although it was said to be a free rescue, after all, he stayed with a group of businessmen for so long. Does n’t it look natural?

Lightly avoiding the broken limbs that were still creeping on the ground, Aisha ran to Owakin in a few steps like an elegant kitten.

“Respected Powerhouse, I have to say that you are too powerful. These Sheepman have no resistance at all. Now you are so handsome with blood all over you. I feel like I am about to fall in love with you!”

With a joke in his mouth, Aisha jumps around like a cheerful little girl beside Owakin. If you are familiar with desert culture, you will know that the girl ’s pace is actually a kind of super-soul soothing Mind ’s war dance. Only when the girl greets the hero will she perform.

But regardless of whether Owakin knew that the girl in front of him was celebrating himself with the courtesy to greet the hero, his face did not show the slightest joy.

“What’s wrong, don’t worry if it’s a matter of food and water, I found this Baron warehouse has a lot of supplies. Just a part of it is enough to support the caravan to reach the next city.”

Sensing Owakin’s more dignified expression, Aisha stopped the dance and questioned anxiously.

“Can the food here support this caravan to rush to Wangdu”?

No reason, Owakin suddenly raised such a question that was a little bit headless.

Seeing that the teenager was not joking at all, Aisha suddenly had an ominous hunch in her heart, and she quickly lowered her voice cautiously and replied:

“If you rush to Wangdu quickly, the supplies will be a little tight, but … it is not impossible. You can also talk to the leader in charge of changing the itinerary. I think if it is your request, the leader will definitely Promised “.

“Well, then set off as soon as possible, no, it’s set off now, we must go to your king capital with the fastest speed, if it is late … it will be too late”!

Showing an unquestionable appearance, Owakin told Aisha his decision almost imperatively.

At this moment, the Black Dragon who has just experienced a battle has no joy at all, because in his Soul Perception, a person who represents danger, hatred, and destruction has quickly approached in this direction, and his battle has started. Too many slaveters, in front of “Master Level Divination spell-death perception”, such a large-scale slaveter has nothing to hide.

The best choice for the current Black Dragon is actually to escape alone into the boundless Desert, but Owakin knows the character of the madman he faces. Once this caravan is caught up, then I am afraid that these merchants who have saved their lives have not The law survived, so without much entanglement, Owakin decided to lead these merchants to non-stop to Wangdu, where there is the Master Level Kingdom Guardian Powerhouse oversee of the Kingdom of Waibion, even Punk should not be too unscrupulous.

As for this small town … Even Owakin can only pray for the townspeople who have just escaped from Sheepman.

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