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The entire body structure of Evil Worm is a little special, because it is simply not an arthropod in nature!

To be more precise, although this kind of gadget looks like a big insect, in fact Evil Worm should belong to the category of cold-blooded animals ……… After the Dissection Punk can be determined-this large creature in the form of an insect actually has an internal skeleton, in In the middle of its body, a spine that is stronger than steel and hundreds of thin and flexible ribs form Evil Worm’s “skeleton”. What kind of coincidence is really unimaginable to allow nature to evolve such a strange species.

Of course, Evil Worm’s body structure is not worthy of Punk’s surprise, what really shocks is still behind.

After cutting off the developed vocal organs on Evil Worm’s throat, accompanied by the hoarse whimper of this large meat insect, Punk continued to carefully remove each and everyone or the organs of different colors, large or small, from the worm’s within the body.

At the same time, he did not forget to release “Formal Level Evocation spell ——Life Bloom” to Evil Worm, who is about to be cleaned, to keep the experiment ’s body alive. Evil Worm, a creature that is not locally available, is not cheap at all, Punk Don’t want to waste trade points in vain!

Perhaps the contraction of the muscle inside this big insect is too intense. Even with the shackles of array, Evil Worm within the body a lot of dark green blood is still sputtered everywhere. It has n’t been a few minutes, and the experiment was just clean. The stage immediately became messy.

Magic Crow on Punk’s shoulder glanced disgustedly at Evil Worm, who was still energetic and struggling under the influence of spell, and then Vector flew to the experimental table to reach out and paw and touched the unknown mass that Punk just took out. The organ says:

“Ga ga, why do you want to study such a disgusting meat insect, what kind of junk goods can be studied, I originally thought that the Boss Southend Dissection Demon is enough to be disgusting, but these big meat insects once again subverted my perception , A little! Meatworms and giblets, these two things I do n’t like the most are now all together! Quack. “

“You only see the surface of things, Vector, these ancient worms contain far more secrets than you think.”

While absent-mindedly answering Vector’s questions, Punk put a small piece of skeleton under the sun.

“Master Level Alchemy spell-Stronger Microscopic Vision”!

With the glory of Magic forming a patch on Punk’s retina, Punk was also able to easily see the deepest part of Evil Worm skeleton-see the series of tiny runes engraved on DNA.


Frowned, after letting go of the small piece of skeleton, Punk raised some unpredictable feelings in his heart and put his eyes on Evil Worm, who had been distracted.

After a preliminary inspection, Punk discovered that the creature Evil Worm is really stupid, and his soul does not have any arcane magic ability!

But in the face of predators, these worms that seem harmless to humans and animals, even a little stupid, do have 3 Innate Spells available. It is this contradictory feature that makes Evil Worm and many magic beasts very good. Different!

But now, after a careful observation, the mystery of Evil Worm’s arcane magic is finally uncovered!

As Punk guessed, Evil Worm simply does not use souls for the release of spells. Their low-level souls, even at Class Level, are also impossible and have the ability to accommodate spell models. When looking at the DNA of this worm At the time, Punk was not surprised to find out-these big worms’ “Innate Spell” is actually not an Innate Spell at all, this is clearly a “spell-like” ability!

Innate Spell and spell-like are two different arcane magic systems that are completely different. In metaphorical terms, Innate Spell is more similar to the spell model built by Wizard in the soul, speaking from a certain perspective, “Innate Spell” is already part of the soul spell model.

But the “spell-like” is completely different. The spell-like spell also has the spell model necessary for arcane magic, but its spell model is “attached” in the form of an array on the body and even genes of the spellcaster or arcane magic item. This attached The method is basically the same as the Magic Item Attached Spell.

In fact, Punk had a lot of doubts when he saw the spell model of “Soul Eater Worm”, for example … He didn’t understand why the inventor of the spell of “Soul Eater Worm” wanted to imprint a large array of rune on the body of Summoned Creature , This way of forcibly presenting “Innate Spell” as “Attached Spell” is both complicated and consumes magic power. It is such a wonderful construction of spell that makes the consumption of spell magic power of “soul eater worm” and the ability of spell model not change out of thin air. Very ridiculous.

Attach a large amount of Magic rune construction to a Conjuration spell model-while greatly affecting the stability of the spell model structure, this is equivalent to releasing a Conjuration spell and then stacking several layers of Enchantment Spell for your Summoned Creature, In this way, if the magic power consumption is not large, if the spell model structure is stable, it will be damn!

But now, seeing the DNA inside Evil Worm, Punk quickly understood the pain of the inventor of the spell.

Presumably, the “arcane magic ability” of Evil Worm’s ancestor “Ekney Worm” is also the same-this thing simply does not have Innate Spell, if you want to reproduce its arcane magic ability to Summoned Creature, the only person who invented spell is 2 Options:

First: either rely on yourself to forcibly cram a few spell models in this worm’s complete soul template.

Second: Seriously imitate the appearance of others’ natural evolution and attach the spell model to Summoned Creature!

Undoubtedly, the inventor of “Soul Eater Worm” made the second choice for the purpose of “greedy gorgeous effect” or “saving pictures”, he directly copied the entire Ekney Worm’s wonderful body structure into a spell model , And then left the “soul eater worm” this structure is unstable, has a lot of spell effects that can not be kept, and then the spell consumption is particularly amazing and ruined Magic!

The inventor of “Soul Eater Worm” was a no-brainer, but the current Punk has been pitted.

Just ask you! How to change this kind of stuff?

Get rid of those Attached Spell effects that are messy? In that case, does the magic beast summoned from the “soul eater worm” become a whiteboard made with light and shadow effects?

How many more Attached Spell? Don’t be funny, just a few “extra” Attached Spell rune will let an entire spell model on the verge of collapse, plus a few more fear that it will not blow out before it is released!

Frowning, Punk silently looked towards an unremarkable corner of the laboratory.

Where, a lot of Magic cages that had just been delivered yesterday were filled with probably thirty-forty Evil Worm. These stupid guys did n’t even care what kind of torture was being suffered by their “sibs” on their lab bench. At this time, these groups of Evil Worm are either enjoying fresh beef, or they are curled up into a hu hu sleep, and the 100 boring Magic Crow Vector is using feathers to fiddle the worm vents.

“This is tricky, are these meat insects going to be wasted?”

Punk’s heart was irritated with the unpleasant sound of “gu gu lu lu” made by a large group of Evil Worm.

Seriously, so many Evil Worm purchases cost Punk a lot of money, and Truth’s Thinking… but there is no such thing as a return!

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