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Punk did n’t know if anyone else had studied the spell “Evil Worm” or the species “Evil Worm” before him. If anything, he did n’t know if those people were pitted as sadly as himself. But at least for now, Punk feels that he must be in the ranks of bad luck eggs!

Generally speaking, this sudden accident in the experiment is undoubtedly catastrophic, especially because of some reasons that the research difficulty suddenly increased, it is easier to make all the previous investment a dead loss, and now, Punk is undoubtedly Encountered such trouble.

If you switch to other Spellcasters and suddenly find that your research projects and plans are totally unrecognizable, at this time they may have to abandon this research while scolding their mothers. luck.

But Punk will not do this!

On the one hand, Punk is not a person who likes to give up!

On the other hand … he also spent a lot of trade points to buy Evil Worm, so he gave up in vain ……… Even if Punk is now “home big business”, it will inevitably feel meat pain!

Of course, Punk will not be as desperate as a semi-mad Wizard like Southend to waste time on an insoluble or insignificant problem. If it turns out that this path will not work, Punk will definitely not waste time by acknowledging death, but now, Punk I feel that the “soul eater worm” spell improvement is still far from the “unreachable” level.

What’s more, Punk’s research on improving spell is not to get a powerful tool. To say a powerful spell, he has not yet learned 1% of the spell he has obtained from the memory of Great Arcanist Vedrasia!

The purpose of Punk’s research on spell is to increase his understanding of Magic knowledge in practice, and to strengthen his accuracy in building the spell model. For him, the process of studying spell is far more important than creating a powerful trump card. Retreat when it’s a bit difficult … How can I exercise my ability to use knowledge?

As a result, Punk, who calmed down, was not thinking about dealing with the Evil Worm. He took out a top grade coffee (Brachel’s) from the storage ring as quietly as possible and drank it. At the same time, in Punk’s mind, Vedrasia’s knowledge of spell research has also begun to surface.

Vedrasia is undoubtedly a typical “scholar” who is addicted to knowing the Sea of ​​Consciousness. His “Far-Space Scholar” title is not nothing serious.

As a scholar, Vedrasia not only dabbles with spells of various factions, but also carefully studies the development history of spell with the idea of ​​”taking history as a mirror”!

History is undoubtedly a very useful witness, it is not just an interesting story or cultural heritage, it is a Teacher that can inspire and warn people, and it can also give Spellcaster important inspiration. From this point of view, those The old scholars who study history are also worthy of respect, because they study history, but they are alert, but the future!

Now that Punk wants to study Conjuration spell, the history of the development of Conjuration spell is very worth knowing.

Of course, understanding the lost history is rare, and only an opportunity-rich Master Level Spellcaster like Punk can taste the success and failure of the ancient Spellcaster.

Like several other factions, Conjuration spell has also sprouted in very old times.

Due to the sparse nature of Ancient Era spell, the Spellcasters at that time had once entered the astray of “one method 10000 uses”. They always tried to invent a method that could solve all problems with one spell, and the most comprehensive Conjuration spell was once extremely prosperous.

The ancient times arcane magic system is still far from being perfected and popularized today. Under the prevalence of “one method for 10000 uses”, Wizards is almost desperately studying a lot of ridiculous and even ridiculous “multifunctional” spell models.

For this reason, the crazy ancient Spellcasters ignored the stability of the spell structure, ignored the magic power consumption that was so large that the overwhelming majority Wizard would vomit blood and fell to the ground, and ignored the increasingly long spell preparation time …………

Especially in the research and development of Conjuration spell, ancient Summoning Wizards always wanted to move all the capabilities of a magic beast into their own spell model. Even for a period of time, Wizards had arrogantly tried to develop a “perfect” Summoning spell “, and then use Summoning spell to create a” perfect monster “!

They hope that this “perfect monster” has all the advantages of all magical creatures in the world, and eliminates all the disadvantages of all magical creatures …

these all are foolish and crazy ideas? Maybe the “one method of 10000 uses” that people dream of really exists, but how can the incredible level be a few Legendary Wizards who have never seen the world to be qualified to delusion?

As it should be by rights, with the advancement of history, the end of the ignorance era, especially with the establishment of the great Spellcaster civilization-Netheril, those silly arrogant thoughts of ancient times were finally swept into the garbage dump of history .

The new spell idea was established quickly. With the proof of countless facts, the sober Spellcasters quickly understood what is the right path:

The stability of the spell model is the most important-because the unstable spell model blows into the hand … The injury problem is put aside first, our Wizard ca n’t afford to lose that person first!

The magic power consumption of spell should meet the best price-performance ratio-because the Wizard that is exhausted by releasing a spell cannot survive on the battlefield!

The effect of spell is okay even if it is one after another point-because Spellcaster can learn a lot of magic, and the flexible use of spell with the effect of “one plus one is greater than 2” is the basic skill of Wizard.

The preparation time of spell must be as short as possible-because your enemies will not be stupid enough to watch you ready for a big move without stopping!


The summary of these experiences is the essence of countless Wizards thoughts, no matter how long time passes, these sparks of thinking can illuminate the way forward for future generations!

Now, after careful reading of history, Punk’s slightly restless heart is quickly quieted, because … Vedrasia’s knowledge and experience once again give Punk an important inspiration.

“Single effect, single effect ……… Why should I cling to a pile of 7-8 bad Attached Spell, maybe remove all the useless things, grab a single effect and enlarge it as much as possible. Correct research direction. “

Thinking of this, Punk gently touched his chin while talking to himself, and in his pupils, the bright magic power radiance became more blue.

“Ga ga? Boss, what are you saying? Quack!”

Hearing Punk’s words to himself, he was still teasing Evil Worm’s Vector for a moment.

However, Punk didn’t pay attention to Vector, thinking of many inspired Punk has started to put the body organs of Evil Worm in order!

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